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Posts posted by odysiuos

  1. Hi Jax,

    Glad to see ur response.

    I've been told that itchy feeling is a good sign of getting better.

    I deal with it by pretending to RINSE. Just make any mouth moves to get the nerves settled.

    Tapping or soft touching is also fine, though.

    And there is definitely no embarrassing here because the people are get used to seeing foreigners being treated in their country.

    The MD adviced me to stay away a.l.a.p. from the sun in order to prevent redness.

    It's still too early for the redness, though.

    Because it's been an unusual HT (neck hair to face side), I've paid €1000 (accommodation excluded).


    Feel free to ask again.

    Have a nice evening.

  2. Good day,

    I did a partial beard transplant two days ago (31 nov 2016) and I'd like to share the post-op progress with you.


    Op. in glance:

    Donor area: front neck !

    Recipient area: right cheek

    Method: FUE - 300 grafts.

    Day 1: the hair transplant

    Day 2: PRP treatment for head hair (just offered additionally and I didn't mind)

    Day 3: cleansing


    Let me now sum up my personal notes about the whole process:



    1- The medical staff seemed very professional to me as the clinic was full of patients from around the world.

    2- Enough pre-op information and explaination provided. I also got the time to discuss "my special case" with Dr. Aygin.

    3- The op. room looked clean and hygienic.

    4- They offered relaxing drugs for anxiety in case you are nervous or uncomfortable.



    I found only one, communication. The staff didn't introduce themselves to me and didn't tell me what they are going to do before every step. I just heard "come with me, please. lay down, please. wait, please". Maybe it's a propar behaivor there in Turkey and not to be seen as a downside.


    I'm looking forward to seeing your comments.






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