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Posts posted by SET84

  1. If you're willing to fly, but still want to keep it close, I'd include Dr. Konior in Chicago in your search and Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minneapolis. If you're not willing to fly, then in the New York area I'd consider Dr. Carlos Wesley; Drs. True and Dorin; and Dr. Alan Feller. I've also been impressed lately by the work of Dr. Jerry Cooley in Charlotte, NC.


    Keep doing your research and consult with as many surgeons as you can.


    So would you recommend avoiding those who aren't recommended here or are part of this sites network? I looked and only Dr's Dorin and True (who I have heard great things about) came up when I clicked on Massachusetts area, I can look at NY and other close states first. I imagine as these doctors are at the top of their field, their rates per graft are quite high, am I correct on this?


    Also, I'm wondering why I would need to get as many consults as I can. Obviously, one would want a second opinion just to be sure what the proper course is, but beyond that?


    Thank you everyone for your input

  2. When looking to get a consult, should I get it with the doctor who will eventually do the operation? I ask this because there are many advertisements for free consults, but I've read many warnings about the quality of those who advertise. I want to do this but cost is a concern, so I'm curious if anyone has any advice as to the best way to go about the whole process. Thankyou in advance.

  3. Hello, this is my first post here. I'm a 29 year old man living in Boston MA, USA. I first started noticing my hair loss at the age of 24, it has been a steady progression of loss since. I want to get a hair transplant, the hair in the back/sides is ideally thick I think. I have concerns. There are so many doctors out there, it is hard to know where I might end up getting ripped off/stuck with lifelong embarrassing results. Cost is also a concern, but I don't need all my hair replaced now. I still have hair in the back of the top, though it is thinning, but the front half/third of the top is all but gone, my immediate goal is filling in the front, the rest can wait for when it is gone. I'm concerned about quality and cost, but I'm not concerned about invasiveness/short term recovery time, nor am I concerned about whether people can tell if I've had a hair transplant. I just want it to look good. I don't know which method is best, nor do I know how many grafts I would need to fill in the front third/half.


    Looking online at areas in the Boston area, I haven't been convinced of the quality of the operations. Does anyone have any advice as to who I should to see for a consultation/who would be a good doctor(s) to choose for a transplant? I can see someone in the greater boston area or somewhere in the vicinity, I'd say NYC is the farthest away I could go.


    Here is what I'm hoping to find out: Who in this vicinity would you recommend to consult with/choose for an operation? Who should I avoid? Are quality and concerns about cost mutually exclusive?

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