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Posts posted by herroprease

  1. So I measured my head, because I was bored, and found that if I become NW6 like my dad, I will have 320 cm/sq of scalp that needs to be covered (I measured this area out with a conservative proposed hairline). My head circumference measured above the ear is 58.4 cm which is larger than the average 56 cm.


    I have coarse, slightly wavy black hair, and an ISHRS surgeon once told me he could "get 6000 grafts out of the back of my head"


    I'm really leaning towards FUE even though I know FUT produces better results. Reason being, I can live with buzzed hair with a good new hairline, and I know that FUT means I have to keep the hair a certain length.



    Obviously I know that this is no substitute for a consultation, but would like your guys opinions, and any docs on this page:

    is ~6000 grafts of coarse, thick hair enough to provide coverage of 320 sq cm of scalp that needs to be covered?

  2. Bill thanks for the detailed reply!


    One thing I saw in the album was many patients who just had the front half done, which frames the face. But they left a big gaping crown..


    I wonder if its possible to "kill two birds with one stone"-- lets say I have 6000 grafts possible. If I spread 3000 over the frontal third to acheive good density up front. And then I use the remaining 3000 in the latter 2/3 with the emphasis here on coverage (as opposed to density), will this work?



    Im attachign a picture of my head with the light on my head, if that could help give some context.



    Thanks alot for the fast reply -- your website is very helpful to so many.

  3. Hi!


    Im 22 and currently a NW3/NW4 with deep temporal recession. My dad is a NW 6.5 . For a while I thought I might not go that deep down, but recently, I am seeing the beginning of thinning in the deep crown.


    I am fairly certain I am heading down the path to a NW7.


    I recently went to a respected HT surgeon (recommended on this site), who told me that I have some strong factors in my favor. I have thick coarse hair. He said he could probably pull 6000 grafts via FUT.


    My question is whether 6000 grafts FUT will be enough to fill in my head if I was NW7. I have a fairly large forehead.

    Im not bent up on having a low hairline. I just want to be able to have my face framed and also have full coverage.



    One major thing for me is that I never want to take propecia. Even if that means I need multiple HT's , I don't want to take Propecia.

  4. I have NW3 right now, but I know that I will lose the rest of the top of my hair (it has already begun). My doctor was suggesting 1800 grafts to restore my hairline and frontal third.


    For the crown and back, I have heard two options: either A) use meds, which I don't want to or B) come back for another transplant in 2-3 years.


    My question is, can't I just do a bigger procedure (~3500 grafts) to completely do the front again? Even though there is still hair in some places?

  5. Another question, can you have grafts put in places that still have some density left?


    Like when you mentioned the "connecting part between side and top"-- I still have alot of that. But I also know its destined to fall out soon enough. Can I preemptively have grafts put in there, or is it better to wait till it falls out?

  6. Thanks for the response David. What makes it unnatural though? I feel like I know several older men with great hair except a bald patch at the crown.



    Another reason I think its a strong choice is that even the smallest bit of hair up top can change the look. For those who watch Modern Family, look at Jay Pritchett. He is bald, but he has just enough hair up top to frame the face. (Photos below)





  7. Hi,


    I am looking for advice. My hairline has significantly receded, and additionally, my entire top is gradually thinning.


    That being said, my father is a Urologist, and I am really quite certain I don't want to even mess with the chance of Propecia's side-effects. I've seen what can happen, and it is not something I want to test fate with.


    I am wondering if it is possible for me to get a HT to frame the front of my face (i.e. rebuild mature hairline). I am reasonable-- I know I wont get a full head of hair back. Honestly, I don't care about the crown too much.


    I am 22 years old, and while no crown might suck for a few years, by age 30 I believe many others will be the same place. I like short hair on myself, but I dont look good bald.


    My question then, is, how possible is it for me to get grafts at the frontal half of my head, such that it recreates the hairline? I will leave the crown alone. I don't want to have to use Propecia or even Minoxidil (this one out of annoyance) after I get the HT.


    Is this possible?

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