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Posts posted by kuboid

  1. Hi,


    I am on fin since 10 years, along with dutas since one year plus topical fin + minox since 10 years as well. So im basically covered i guess :P


    I know about shock loss and that it usually recovers unless quite minaturized hairs were affected.

    What i want to know is, do the shocked hair come back in thinner than before, or the same thickness?

    I have had semi miniaturized hair in the area, they were a little thinner than my normal hair but they did have length and added to the density. Now it seems they are a little thinner, or maybe i am just imagining things. So would like to know if this could happen.

  2. Hi all,


    Here is a question that my transplant surgeon also does not seem to know.


    I have had FUE done into crown. After 1 month noticed shock loss of native hair around the periphery of the grafted region.

    The native hair were not fully miniaturized, but they were thinner than my other terminal hair.

    Now 12 weeks post op the native hair is slowly recovering, but it appears thinner than they were before.


    The question is, does native hair lost to shock loss come in thinner than before or does it come back in the same thickness as before?

  3. Hey Ernie,


    Thats the thing, I am at 11 weeks post op, but the picture is from 8 weeks post op. I know transplanted grafts do not grow that quick.

    Also as I've read, the transplanted grafts grow in very thin and wispy initially. The ones I have are like thick coarse stubble. Like what you would feel from a shaved head.

    (They are also not graft length which is usually a few mm, these ones are smaller)

    Not sure what to make of it, are they native hair coming through? Do native hair come in thick like this. The thing is their growth is very very slow, I doubt they even are growing because I feel them to be the same length from a few weeks back. But yeah I do feel more of them lately.

  4. Hey all,


    Since 1.5 to 2 months post op, I have noticed tiny stubble in my transplanted region (the crown). These are not grafts, but probably remnants of the grafts, i'm not sure. They are like 1mm in length and are very tiny. When i run my fingers over them, they feel like very small stubble, almost like thick beard hair cut short.

    The thing is now that I am 11 weeks post op, the hairs are still the same length, although i feel quite more of them have cropped up.


    Are these new hairs that have yet to grow? or are they dead grafts, or the remnants of fallen out grafts? Hoping to get an answer because it is worrying me in the sense that I am hoping these hair will grow and not stay the same length.


    Attaching a picture of how it looked 8 weeks post op.


  5. You need to post more info. Norwood level, family history of hairloss, are you taking meds, and post pictures. All of this info will help members of the forum suggest an informed surgical plan. These are all factors your HT surgeon should be talking about, too.


    I have diffuse hairloss in a norwood III pattern probably.

    Yes I am on medications, dutasteride + finasteride + minox since 10 years. Hairloss pretty stable thanks to the meds.

    Just need a small amount of grafts to thicken density in the frontal third and perhaps the crown. Since my doctor said id need around 1200 grafts, i though i may as well get an fue done. Only because i dont want to go through an extended healing period with FUT.

  6. Hi guys,


    So I have had an FUT done a few years ago and thinking of going for another surgery to increase density. My doctor says around 1000 grafts will be sufficient.


    Now I'm in a bit of a dilemma if I should opt for FUE or FUT as my second procedure.


    I know I will need a third surgery down the road; so would a 1000 graft FUE done now in any way affect a future FUT?


    My donor density is a little less than average at 70/sqcm.


    Hoping someone can help me out here

  7. I thought so too, but it seems like she has been doing it for a while and is now getting better at it.

    I think I might just be the first one on this forum to undergo a FUE through her.


    Let's see how it goes. Fingers crossed!

  8. Hi Shera,


    If you read my first post you would know that I am not looking for an assessment of my condition.

    I just need to know if anyone has any information regarding the FUE practice of Dr. Radha, either from someone who has had it done through her or has seen some of her FUE work.

  9. just to update.


    I had a consultation with her.

    She seems quite confident about her FUE. She mentioned that she has now been able to bring down her transection rates to around 10-12%.

    I have yet to see patient results because she says she does this as a final procedure (after strip).


    So what do you guys think? I have had an FUT with her before and had good results. She is an amazing surgeon no doubt but should i take the risk of getting an FUE done?

    Note this is for only a small procedure of around 1200-1500 grafts.


    Would appreciate any feedback.


    Thanks yall!

  10. Hi guys,


    Has anyone here got an FUE by Dr. Radha?

    I've had my first transplant via FUT through her. Looking to go in for my second transplant to fill in some density.

    I see there are no documented results of her FUE procedure on this forum so if anyone has anything to share, it would be very helpful in making the decision.




  11. I have seen only very few of his patients posting their results on this forum, though the doctor himself posted results often. I would trust more the results posted by patients as they are honest and unbiased.

    IMHO, the lack of results posted by his patients should be taken in to account in evaluating his recommendation. Going further, I think the doctor should encourage his patients to post their HT progress here, and come back at a later time after enough results are posted.





    Also, does the doctor have any FUE results to show?

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