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Posts posted by HTRegret

  1. I am sure it will look good because it will give an illusion of fullness with the 3D effect still being there with the sparse transplanted hair. On the cost you also have to factor travel & accommodation to the cities where they have good smp clinics unless you are lucky enough to have a good one in your area.

  2. I did my HT at Washington Medical Hair Clinic in Rockville MD. They planted 1200 grafts but the growth is pretty sparse and calls more attention to my forehead. I consulted with Dr William Lindsey this week and he said it is a pretty long scar for harvesting just 1200 grafts. He still recommended doing FUT and placing about 2500 grafts on the front and be able to grow the hair to cover the scar. Honestly I don't want my skin cut out again. I am already going with the buzz look but would love to cover up this damn scar. I don't want to go through touch ups every year. And the price on smp is too high to be doing touch ups every year. his quoted me $2400 for 3 sessions and if I wanted to do front it has to be full head which is $4800. I am pretty sure touch ups will be about $1000 every year which is pretty insane.

  3. I am also researching SMP. I mainly want to cover up a scar from a regretful hair transplant. It is very hard to find enough information on SMP. I have researched and got quotes from good look inc, his hair clinic, & scalp aesthetics. The reviews on this companies are all over the map and they only guarantee their work for a year. That is ok i guess considering my hair transplant didn't guarantee anything except leaving me scared however what I don't get is how they determine the number of sessions you require because each one gave me different number of sessions. I wanted to do the front of my head too but I am worried just like you on what it would look like long term. I haven't even seen pictures of people over a year let alone 5 years. oh I am so frustrated I wish I can go back in time to undo my worst decision.

  4. I would love to keep the front short and dark but the problem is you see the ridges between the plant and original hair. Also the way they plant it some of the hair is all together and some by their own looking like dark patches here and there. I haven't decided weather to go for a corrective FUE with a better surgeon or see if SMP would be a better option. Even though short and dark is the style I prefer, but I am ok going with the buzzed look.


    I wonder if anyone here has experience with good look inc?

  5. Thank you guys for your suggestions. I like the suggestion by spanker. The scar is not actually as wide as the once I saw online.


    Who are the best HT surgeons and SMP techs close to DC area?


    Swester point well taken I am usually the kind of person who does all kind of research and over thinking before I do anything but I don't know what came over me when it came to this. Oh well...lesson learned the hard way.

  6. In February 2013 I had decided to get a hair transplant because I heard a commercial by Washington Medical Hair Clinic offering half off HT. Next day I went in for a consultation and the counselor recommended 1300 grafts. The counselor had told me he did the procedure himself and the strip method has the best possible results. He mentioned you get a scar but it would be unnoticeable and overtime hair would grow on it as he showed me his which was completely undetectable. Over a year and half later now I have a big scar on the back of my head and the HT has minimal sparse growth. I can't keep my hair long because the transplanted area looks so weird grown and obviously you see the emptiness at the back where the scar is. I am now forced to go with the buzz look but I am so ashamed about the scar I mostly wear hat everywhere I go.

    I am now looking in to SMP but worried that it is another waste of money because none can confidently say they can camouflage it to an acceptable level. I feel so hopeless with this I don't know what to do.



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