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Posts posted by PROEVO

  1. Hello, I'm not over the moon with the results but the density is better. The results I was promised didn't didn't turn out to want I wanted so wish I'd have gone with someone better.


    I'm unable to have another transplant as I don't have enough donor hair. I have been to HIS hair since and had micro pigmentation which has improved it quite a lot (I still keep my hair a little long). I thought no it would probably look better it would cut my hair shorter to a grade 1 or 2.


    But for my advice on longevity I'd stay away and go with dogs nay or another leading hair transplant doctor. It would be money well spent.


    Hope this helps

  2. Hello truthfu11


    Density meaning I wanted my hair to appear thicker. I was going thin so I wanted it to appear like I had a thicker head of hair so I had hair planted between existing hair. Atlas working with a team could plant more hair in a single operation. I think the other doctors works more on completely bald heads.



    Aktas mainly did the hairline. The nurses took out the hairs and planted in the other areas other than the hairline. Doctor atlas over looked everything including drawing the hairline as my temples were receding.

  3. Hello Truthfu11.


    I told longevita what I wanted which was density and they advised me to have Dr R Aktas as he works with a team so they would be able to transplant more hair in the day while Dr Ali Karadeniz works by himself. I could change doctors if I chose but I did want as much density as possible so stopped with Dr Aktas. I also think Dr Karadeniz is slightly more expensive but not much.



    As I said above Dr Aktas works with a team of 2 nurses. He was there all the time and mainly did the hairline and the nurses filled in the thinning areas.



    I chose Longevita as I saw it advertised in a few places. I did some research on other hair loss forum and asked for detail of previous patients longevita had dealing with. I was happy what I saw and read so booked myself in. Price was a factor too but I did see other clinics offering similar prices too.



    Hope this helps.

  4. Hello kamelmalik. I've lost all the transplanted hairs, as expected so I'm going through the ugly duckling stage. Everything is going as planned just want to get to the 3 month stage as It will go from strength to strength from then. I would be happy to post some pictures but I don't know how as all my pictures are on my iPhone. If you tell me how I'll be happy to post the pictures. Or email them to you.

  5. Hello life is beautiful. So far I'm very pleased with how everything has gone. I do have pictures which are in my iPhone but I don't know how I can post them on here. Regarding longevita everything ran really smoothly. The only thing I had to do was get dates i could flight out and as long as that date was ok with the doctor I booked my seat. After that longevita arranged everything else (except for the taxi to and from the hotel and clinic which only cost a few pounds) I was picked up at the airport and taken straight to the hotel. Next morning I had breakfast and chilled out till 11am, then got the taxi to the clinic. When I got to the clinic isaw the doctor who explained everything after that I went down hadhad my hair shaved ready for the transplant. The transplant took about 8 hours. The op was painless and when I got back to the hotel to have a good look I was really pleased. It's just a matter of waiting now to see the final outcome. Next next day I was picked up from the hotel and taken to the airport for my flight back. As it is at the moment most the hairs have called out so I just want to fast forward to the 3/4 month mark to see the start growing. I booked 3 weeks off work and on my return nobody has said anything other than I've had my hair cut short ( I am using hair fibres thou).


    Any other question just get back to me.

  6. Hi, it's got to the point now where the hairs I've had implanted have started falling out. I do have pictures but I can't post them on this site. If you give me your email I'll email them to you. Or if you can tell me how to post them on this site from my iPhone I'll do it that way.

  7. Hi, I got back from Turkey yesterday after have my transplant with longevita. Everything when smoothly and I'm very pleased with the transplant. My head is still slightly swollen with crusty scabs but that is expected. I can wash my hair tomorrow so I'm hoping in the next few days the scabs will start to disappear.


    I'll post more as the days go by.

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