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Posts posted by John-Anderson

  1. Helo!,

    Here are my videos about my hair transplantation surgery, from day 1 to month 9:


    9 months post surgery



    6 months after surgery:



    3 months after surgery:



    Bleeding Donor area (from day 1 to day 3 post op)



    I will update my video each 3 months.


  2. My hair restoration surgery 6 months later



    Before to take to decision to make the hair surgery, I was really hesitant and very sceptical, I did not believe that getting back my hair (which was an impossible dream during many years) was that simple to reach with such simple hair surgery either FUE or FUT it didn't mutter for me.


    Now I am 6 months after my hair surgery, and I am just starting to appreciate the results even if they are not final yet, but they are still encouraging and positive!


    My front hair line has significantly increased thanks to the surgery and my hair is groomable but not ready to be styled yet. My confidence has grown dramatically and I feel that I am younger and I have back my 17 years look, and people can't believe I am 34y and I'm starting to get praises..


    Day after day, month after month, I am more convinced that I have done the right choice: investing in myself! and believe me there is nothing better to do in life when you take care of yourself and live a healthy life on all aspects of life.


    I have promised you to show you my videos every 3 months, and here we go! here is my new video 6 months later after the surgery.


    Hope you will enjoy it and it would be helpful for the watchers, and if you have any comment or questions, don't hesitate to ask me.


    Cheers :)


    My VIDEO 6 months later: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeASNN5Fyao



    My VIDEO from day 1 to 3 months: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i_smaHztHo


  3. I remember when I started to loose my hair at my early 26 and how self-conscious it made me and stressful as well...now I am 34 and I have decided to make a FUT hair transplant surgery.


    The surgery itself was not painful at all, but I had many doubts if I was taking the right choice or not...cost very high 7000$ just for the front area (I will share with you my pictures and a link to my video after 3 months surgery).


    When I started to take pictures after my hair transplant surgery FUT, it was just for myself to see the progression and how successful or disappointing the results are going to be. I don't know yet for now, but I hope it'll be up to my expectations. This surgery cost me 7000$.


    Yeah! a lot of money but I wanted to do it since so many years. So I made it after a lot of reflection but I am glad I've done it today regardless the results rather than to live the rest of my life regretting of not having done it earlier.


    I had many questions in my entourage and friends who wanted to see the progression in video so I made one (from day1 to 3 months) to show to whom want to do the move but are hesitating, hopefully this would be useful for you or them. [/size][/font]


    Don't forget guys, the most important thing / person in life is yourself! so take care of yourself first, create your own happiness and live your dreams :)


    Link to my post-surgery video before and 3 months after:





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