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Posts posted by bluedude

  1. id say your a pattern 6, your hair loss was very similar to mine, I got FUE, the drawbacks are the price, but you can get great results with either procedure, I also wear my hair #1 on the sides and the scars not easily visible.


    I'd get on propecia first if not already. Try buzzing your hair real short for a while, rock the Statham walk, see how that works out, if not get a HT, but don't rush in to it. Don't lower your hairline too low if you do get a HT, go conservative.


    Hey, Thanks for your replies


    @HTsoon, just gone through your thread and seriously its a great HT work done by doctor and a great hairstyle you kept to keep the hard work intact. Really like your Pictures.


    My head is a little big than yours, going only through FUE will not cover my head properly like yours. Dr. Bhatti already estimating around 5000+ grafts to cover my whole of head and i think FUE will not able to make it that much through scalp and Body hair HT still chills me out. I may be not ready mentally for body hair transplantation. Thats why i want to go for FUT first and than remaining part with FUE.


    @Petchski I tried going for buzz look but the problem is my face is round and head is big thus buzz look doesn't suits me properly. Yes, i know i should go for the best option and buzz is the best option i have but it really makes me less confident with less hairs on my head. Thats why i need to go for HT as soon as possible for me with best option. Yes, i will definitely keep your advice for hairline. Thanks for your time. :)

  2. Of course it's always the best to see the doctor so he can really see in person what you've got to work with.


    I think that you should travel to the clinics you are considering for in person consultations, regardless of procedure, because your donor area looks questionable. The majority of the photos show a strong donor zone but I see patches in areas where patches should not exist. For example, the posterior donor area at the nape and higher seems far thinner than it should be. What appears to be the right side of your scalp near your ears also shows a patchy area so you may have a donor that is less consistent than what would be considered optimal. Online consultations are great as long as the photos are very detailed and considerate of angles and lighting but nothing beats a one on one consultation with the doctors you are considering.




    Actually i had personally met Dr. Bhatti for consultation and he said that my donor area is average or max above average.


    @Hair Center,,, actually the area you mentioned is not with a patch but is the lower level of my neck. When i clicked this picture my hairs are totally messy and are little over grown at that area of neck where i usually not keep hairs. Please let me know any specific angle you want me to click for more descriptive picture of my donor are, i will get my self a good hair cut before the click for sure. :D


    Thank you for your time. :)

  3. If your donor is good go for strip do as much as you can to build your hairline and work your way back. You will most likely in my opinion need 2 surgeries you can also fill in here and there later with a small Fue but I would get the bulk part done by strip HT. Don't forget Fue does leave small unpigmented round circles from where they are harvested from those areas don't tan I don't know if I would want that on my face or my body it's something to think about.


    The prevailing thinking for someone with your level of baldness is to begin with one or two megasession FUT procedures. The follow up with FUE if needed. The reasons are very simple:


    First, FUT will give you the most reliable growth yields because the trauma to each graft is far lower than for the equivalent FUE procedure.


    Second, FUE will damage your donor area far more extensively than FUT would for the equivalent number of grafts thereby limiting the supply available for procedures later on


    However you go, best of luck on your procedure and results. Getting your hair back after being bald is one of the greatest feelings.


    Dr. Feller

    Great Neck, NY


    My personal research (and I'm a biomedical researcher by profession) has led me to the conclusion that FUT is simply the more consistent procedure. Reducing the amount of variability and utilizing the more reproducible technique should maximize one's chances at a successful result in the end. This is the way I look at it at least. Thought it may be helpful for you too.


    Thanks for the replies.


    Actually, i was thinking in the same way but the only problem with FUT is with the scar. Thou most probably i will not go bald or go buzz after my HT as i don't like buzz look on me or you can say i dont look good in buzz thus FUT will work for me and then 1-2 sessions of FUE will do the pending job.


    Thats why i need all the views of you people who are experienced and knows better than me. :o

  4. If you need that much do an HT the use of body hair still creeps me out




    But then if i dont go for FUT then i dont think i have many other options than body hair transplantation. The requirement is big and i think my scalp can handle max 3000-4000 grafts.

  5. Hello,


    I will keep it short and simple.


    I want to go for Hair Transplantation but confused :confused: whether to go for FUT or FUE. I had consulted two doctors till now. I am from India so consulted Dr. Bhatti and Dr. Madhu for my condition through online consultation.


    Dr. Bhatti said i am pattern type 5, will take 3500 grafts from scalp and 500 grafts from beard in one session. Further i will need 2000 grafts in future surgery that will be taken from scalp and body hairs as per need. Density will be normal.


    Dr. Madhu said i will need 2300-2600 grafts with which they can develop the frontal bald area with moderate density in one session. Most probably i think i will need more session for covering other areas.


    Now, after seeing both the replies which one you think is better for me.

    What i was thinking is going for 1 FUT surgery of 2500 Grafts and then for covering other areas i will go for FUE method.


    I am open for all the discussion and arguments. Please feel free in replying. :D:p:)


    Thank You for reading. :o










  6. this does look like a tough situation to be in. I would (probably dont want to hear my opinion) but I would go the shaved look for the next 2-3 years, and wait for the other side to thin out, and then go for the mega HT session, and BHT session and get all done in 2 days with Dr Bhatti, I honestly feel that would give you the best result in the long run. From what he is saying yes he can help but I doubt you'll get the result you're wishing for, he also has said a total of 6500 will be needed, this wont all come from your donor area on your head. There fore I would wait and go for as many from the donor area at once, from front to back with the best hairs for the hair line and what ever is needed after that will then us BHT. all the best seth


    Hey seth,


    Thanks for your valuable input. I really appreciate it. Seth if in future i go for HT when my other side thin out then also i have to give atleast 2 session in which maximum harvesting in one session from my donar area can be around 3000-3500 grafts in FUE. And remaining from my body parts if needed. When u have to go for the same 2 sessions in future then why don't i go for 1 session now for my thin out part and then in a year or so go for second thin part. It will keep be bald for next 1 year or so. Thus as the one part is ready with my transplanted hairs other is ready to for transplantation. And when both get transportation i can grow my hairs without any problem...


    Lol... I know it sound funny n easy but what i am unable to understand is you all are saying that i should wait for my hairs to thin out on all my head... What it makes difference if i go for one session nw n other later? Is it the concern that i may put extra grafts at one side and left with less grafts for the other side? Is it the concern for hairline?


    Thanks again

  7. I do agree that our confident can be knock when losing hair. If you are still planning to go ahead with your HT, I would suggest that you build a strong hairline and get many grafts as you can going back from the hairline.


    Are you going to use your beard hair behind your hairline?


    Hey jay,


    If i go for HT then Dr. Bhatti will take all the grafts right now from my donar area only. He said that my donar area is average and if in second session we need then he will harvest from my body hairs.


    Sorry to ask but will you please clear a little what you mean by strong hairline and going back from the hairline?


    Thanks again

  8. Thanks trojan and jay for your inputs and concern. I really appreciate it. But when my pattern is clear where it gonna develop, how i am gonna lose my next hairs, further Dr. Bhatti n i already know that i will need next HT in coming years and he himself suggest tht going for minimum coverage is a best idea so that we can harvest in future op... So doesn't all these things make me more eligible for HT than my age concern...


    One more thing... I m at the age n society where looks matters n seriously i feel a little less confident at this time with my baldness.. (Its just secondary main concern is HT should be successful)


    Please pour your advices... I m feeling a little nervous and confused now..


    Thank you

  9. First of all sorry friends for not updating n replying from last one month... I was stuck in some unavoidable circumstances. But finally after such a long period met with Dr. Bhatti for consultation.


    I had booked my appointment with Dr. Bhatti in morning n got appointment time of around 3 o clock. After entering in Dr. Bhatti's cabin he first analysis my hairs and give his suggestions on the probable hair line and the area which is best to be covered (pictures attached of the marking he made on my scalp and the drawings). He suggested if i go for only hair line HT then i am looking for somewhat around 2000 grafts (it will cover till the marked area at the back of hair line). But if i choose to go further for left side bald area with hairline then i m looking for somewhat 2500-3000 grafts. He also cleared me that the area which is not bald right now will need HT within next 1-2 years (a 3000-3500 graft job) so if i want than my left portion could be covered later with the second operation.... But the suggestion of covering my left portion will cover my almost whole of the head. For medication he said that i have to take medicine for next 5 months after operation.


    Please provide your suggestions.


    Thank you




  10. @Talukdar

    Thanks for your reply and views. Yes surely i will go for consultantation first with Dr. Bhatti and then only go for HT.



    Thanks for your advice. Actually this medicine is also referred by other member here but i had not listened this medicine before. I will surely talk about it with Dr. Bhatti and will start taking it in future.

  11. Hello Everyone,


    Finally after researching and reading on this forum decided to take HT from Dr. Bhatti. I was little confused whether i should go for Dr. Radha or Dr. Prashant Yadav or Dr. Madhu but didn't find any great reviews on any of these doctors of FUE transplantation thus decided to go Dr. Bhatti finally. He is good in his work as many patients had reviewed. From now on i am going to update on this thread about my HT.



    I had contacted with Dr. Bhatti through email and shared my pictures (attached below) with him. He referred me 2000 grafts for front temple and 500-800 grafts for crown area. He also mentioned that HT will not cover middle area of my head (head marked with read circle - image attached) and it is having more than 50% density and HT in that area will give shock to my existing hairs. Now, i am thinking for getting my HT before 25th next month after finalizing the date with him.


    Hope grafts and area mentioned by Dr. Bhatti is right as i am little concerned that how my midddle head will be covered then or i have to go for 2nd HT in future?


    Waiting for your feedback friends.


    Thanks, fingers crossed










  12. @Rawkerboi

    Fin?? Didnt get you



    Thanks for your reply. Yes i am also looking forward for FUE only.



    Finally i am thinking of going for ht with Dr. Bhatti. What i think that i am not able to get anyother better option than him. Hope i am right? Planning to get ht by 25th next month. Hope everything goes fine. He mentioned that it will take 2000 grafts for front temple and 500-600 grafts for crown. And said that my middle head is not eligible for ht as it is more than 50% dense.

  13. Hello Everyone,


    I am loosing my hair from last 5 years. In early days my hair falls a lot but with passage of time it stops. Now i am facing certain hair baldness pattern (which ofcourse i am not able to recognize properly). Last year i tried minoxidil 5% with logihair (mouth medicine). But doesn't saw any considerable change. Yes, i am not sure but i feel hair got a little bulkiness. Now i am considering hair transplant surgery, but i don't know any good surgeon near my area and any expert who can give a genuine advice for my hairs. So i am here for a genuine help. Hope i will not get disappointed. Attaching some pictures of my hair line. Hope that will help. If you need more images of any specific angel let me know.


    Thank you









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