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Posts posted by AHSsucks

  1. I reiterate the comments of OP and others in this thread. Advanced Hair Studio takes the money of young men and in return supplies cheap wigs, crudely cut and then glue them to your head.


    In Australia, the prices are exorbitant. I was charged 5000 Australian Dollars for a set of 4 wigs. That's right, over 1200 AUD per wig.


    I will provide my experience at a later date in great detail. I am so incredibly angry about this company's practices that I want to reach as many people as I can about my story.


    Before "AdvancedHairStudio" or "Chris Attrill" reply claiming that I am a competitor or other such nonsense, I assure you I am not. I am actually shocked at the sloppy, unprofessional responses Chris Attrill and other Advanced Hair Studio employees have posted here and other forums. For someone that is employed to be a Client Relations Officer, his confrontational and accusatory attitude is appalling, and is typical of the unprofessional behavior I experienced at Advanced Hair Studio.


    For a company that is supposedly a market leader, they sure do spend a lot of time accusing others of defaming them.


    More to come :-) For the record AHS, being spoken to by your studio manager as if your very presence is an annoyance is NOT good business practice.

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