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Posts posted by Carl-UK

  1. doesn't look too bad to me, based on the photos I would say that it looks easily fixable using Fue. maybe 3000-3500 grafts? it's hard to tell because of the hairline.


    in terms of suitability my opinion based on your photo is that the crown is a no brainer to sort and as long as you stay realistic on the hairline and not look to bring it forward you will be in no worse position that you are now if the hair loss continues.

  2. Great result. You must have favorable hair characteristics! Microns?




    I have no idea on the technical's apart from that my yield is average in terms of 1,2,3 hairs per follicle.


    So, some further information from me, for those that are interested.


    I am not affiliated with anyone at the clinic in anyway and I receive no benefit or incentive to post this information here. I paid full whack for my operation, approx $18,000-20,000 USD at current exchange rates, I will save Mick's blushes on the actual price.


    I am 37 years old and I have had steady hair loss for the past 10 years. I started taking Finasteride around 6 years ago (1 full tablet of Propecia per day) but had to stop due to side affects. I currently take only 1/4 of a tablet per day as this is the maximum my body can handle without making me ill, even 1/2 a tablet per day gives me large sides.


    In terms of other surgeons, I did shop around and did my research with regards to FUE in Belgium and the like and for sure, the other option I considered was Dr. Bisanga however, I really wanted a UK based surgery to carry out the op.


    As per topic the procedure was carried out at Farjo's surgery at Quay Street and the facilities there look very high tech and brand new, very space age. I stayed at the Marriot hotel which is walking distance from the surgery and very nice it is too although, the cost of the hotel is not included in the treatment. You will need to book for 2 nights.


    I worked with Mick to get an estimate together and a short consultation with Dr. Lorenzo to agree objectives and target number of extractions. While I was at the clinic I was able to see and speak with a patient who had just been operated on by the Dr. I was shocked to see the results of the procedure up-close but the smile on the patients face told the story.


    I only spend around 30 minutes in the clinic with Mick and Dr. Lorenzo but it was obvious within the first 5 minutes of meeting them both that this was an easy decision for me.


    After a little thought, I sold my kidney to Albanian black-market organ dealers to pay for the operation and I booked my date with El Artista.


    to be continued....

  3. Hi,


    I 37 and had FUE with Dr. Lorenzo yesterday and today (3003 grafts).


    I will be asking Mick from Farjo to post up the info/pics when he can.


    The clinic is state of the art and the team there have done a wonderful job on my head, you get what you pay for, for the very best it will be re-assuringly expensive.

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