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Posts posted by alberto

  1. Looking very promising at just 5 months..goodluck! .I have similar pattern as yours and am also considering Dr Erdogan for a procedure....did you have 4.8k grafts extracted over a continuous 2 day period? Also do you have any stats from your surgery like individual grafts count, hair caliber, donor density etc?


    I heard that the techs do the extraction and implanting, Dr Koray does only incisions? Is that true and how did you feel about the experience.?


    Sorry for the barrage of qs :) trying to get more info..



    Yes, had 2600 on day 1 with the rest on day 2. The clinic gave me stats, before and after photos, density in key areas. The average hair was 2.21 hairs per graft, I had a 7000 grafts available. The graft distribution was 1600 at the front, 2400 mid scalp and 850 in the crown. Dr Erdogan, himself, did the crown work and he put in 1000 grafts which was an extra 150 for free.


    It was a very professional service, always felt in good hands. Can't remember the name of the ladies who did most of the extracting/implanting etc but they both introduced themselves as Doctors, I think. Dr Erdogan did the incisions and he has this aura which makes you feel that you have made the right selection.

  2. Hi alberto, thank you for sharing pictures. I think you have nice growth for 5 months. I was wondering did you use PRP option during HT? I am asking because I am considering Dr Erdogan for HT and don't know are there any benefits of PRP treatment.


    Thanks all for positive comments. I did have PRP on the advice of Dr Erdogan, my approach was that he was the expert and I trusted in him and any advice that was offered, I accepted; this included the hairline, graft distribution etc.


    I know the evidence for PRP is anecdotal, but based on what I know/experienced, I would

    recommend it for healing etc

  3. So, I consulted both. Hakan answered promptly, but Erdogan have not answered yet? I have read on this board that Erdogan ignores patients he does not find suited for operation. It is strange as Hakan accept and Erdogan has not responded yet (e-mailed him 5 days ago). I have consulted a lot of other surgeon and everyone answered promptly and none has yet found me unsuited for surgery. Just wondering if any fellows have had similar experiences or am I just being borderline inpatient here? :D


    I had a faster response from Dr Doganay, think it was within a couple of hours. Initial reply from Dr Erdogan took a few days, but subsequent replies to my emails was quick. I am booked in with Dr Erdogan for July, so just getting myself organised now :-)

  4. You were quoted the exact same number of grafts by 8 surgeons/clinics?


    I was quoted ranges, the ranges were + or - 5% of a certain number of grafts i.e between 4500 and 5000. One Dr quoted 5500, but not Dr Erdogan

  5. Well 11 day from my query to Koray Erdogan to why so many grafts comparatively and all i received was the exact same message with the graft count changed to 4000.


    With no explanation of the thought process 5000 vs other surgeons it just confirms it was just an inflated count in my mind.


    I any case i choose not to use Dr.Koray Erdogan on his communication alone.


    Just double checked all my correspondence from those Dr's or their representatives who I spoke to. Total graft estimates correspond with the estimate provided by Dr Erdogan; these included Dr Basinga, Dr Doganay, Dr Shamalak, Dr Feriundi, Dr Zeiring, Dr Lorenzo, Da Vinci clinic and the Private Clinic.

  6. Well 11 day from my query to Koray Erdogan to why so many grafts comparatively and all i received was the exact same message with the graft count changed to 4000.


    With no explanation of the thought process 5000 vs other surgeons it just confirms it was just an inflated count in my mind.


    I any case i choose not to use Dr.Koray Erdogan on his communication alone.


    Interesting, I was quoted the same numbers (total) by all the surgeons I saw or communicated with; the only difference was that most of the others said they couldn't do such a large graft count on the same period, thus their proposal was to to half in the near future and the other half around 8 months later.

  7. Good luck with that, keep us posted!

    One is three times more costly than the other. But then the travel costs are much more. Can turn it into a little holiday though! As for their ability you've done your home work. How many grafts they're aiming for?


    It's a big job, 4000 grafts plus

  8. Who did you narrow it down to Alberto? Erdogan is in my shortlist - just curious who was in yours and why.


    I researched opinions, recommendations etc via this site. I also went to see surgeons or their representatives for opinion, without really considering cost. From that I listed 5, these were:-


    Dr Erdogan

    Dr Doganay

    Dr Bisanga

    Dr Feriundi

    Dr Lorenzo


    At this point, affordability and availability was considered such that I could filter down to 2. I probably spent about a month researching, but that involved about 2/3 hours a day. After, a revisit on my filtering process I changed my selections.


    My 'inner voice' was telling me Dr Erdogan was the right man; I had a discussion with a person who was very knowledgable in this area, who confirmed all the attributes of Dr Erdogan, without me having to prompt him.


    I'm booked in for July, so I'm just gonna go through the mill and hope everything comes out ok - I'm confident it will!!

  9. Feel a bit of reilief, have finally made my mind up and have booked Dr Erdogan for my FUE surgery. Visited a number of companies offering FUE, but Dr Erdogan ticked all my boxes and not just some of them.


    A bit nervous about it all, but I'm sure that is very normal!

  10. Hi


    Great website this is.....


    I've filtered down to 2 surgeons to perform my Norwood 5 hair transplant, via the FUE method. The surgeons are Dr Doganay and Dr Bisanaga.


    I don't want to be influenced by price too much but Dr Bisanga's fees would be approximately 50% more expensive; however he uses the manual technique and is located much more closely to the UK, which is beneficial in terms of post transplant care.


    On the other hand, Dr Doganay has an equally impressive record it seems; additionally, Dr Doganay can do a 4500 graft in 2 days, whereas Dr Bisanga would only do 3000 max.


    I've researched the use of a Choi Pen, which Dr Doganay uses, and the conclusion seems to be that the Choi pen is fine as long as the right person is using it.


    Any advice to help me make my final selection is welcomed. Thanks in anticipation

  11. Hi, I've decided my hair loss needs addressing so I've made a decision to have a HT within the next 12 weeks.


    So far I have visited 3 UK based companies, with one advising on a 3000 graft FUT, and the other two offering a 2500 graft FUE. All three prices were very similar.


    All three advised that a follow up procedure would be needed 12 months later, for approximately another 2000 grafts.


    Maybe I was a little naive but I thought it could all be done in one procedure, but they said that 3000 was max for FUT and 2500 for FUE - why is this so? I understand that some people have had up to 5000 grafts in one procedure i.e in Turkey.


    Has anybody on the forum had experience of a circa 5000 graft transplant in Turkey? Thanks in advance

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