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Posts posted by apamin

  1. Thanks for the reply! I gotta admit that I am not sure what to do now. I had a consult that recommended 2000 with ARTAS and another that said 1500 with SAFE. I think I need to take my time and determine the very best option. For the ones that you named above, who is logistically easier to go with in terms of consults, travel, availibility, etc. I really do want to go to the best of the best but at the same time I do not want to have to jump through hoops just trying to get a hold of them. I appreciate all the reponses, everyone has been very helpful. I am attaching a few pics of my head so that you can see what I am working with.




  2. Thanks for the reply's! The more I read the more confused I get. I am 35 years old and want to do it right the first time rather than wish I had after the fact. Are the surgeons in Europe really that much better than ones in the US? Wasn't the FUE procedure invented by Feller (US). Just trying to see if the difference is that big by going to SMG vs Fuller vs Europe, etc. Thanks!

  3. I am from Phoenix, AZ and have been doing a lot of research and am narrowing down my list. I am wondering if you were in Phoenix who would you choose out of the three for FUE and why? Alexander is local, Keene is a 2 hour drive and SMG would require travel. Thanks in advance! I really appreciate this site and what it has done for the community!

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