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Posts posted by Goldy

  1. Let me brief you little bit about me, I am 30yrs of age started losing my hair at very early age of 23. I had no idea what was the reason. I couldn’t understand if it was hereditary or just a hormone effect. Anyways the fact was I was losing hair aggressively, it vastly affected my confidence at very young age. I am a business man so I have to meet peoples but due to this hair loss my business also effecting due to my less confidence. Tried many things from dermatologist to dandruff medications, minoxidil but stopped all of these after 3 years of use as I didn’t see any positive results. I became completely bald from the front

    But I noticed continuous hair loss and my bald patch increasing month by month and my confidence decreasing month by month. Finally I planned to go for hair transplant. I was searching for good surgeons over internet and many places. Finally over internet I found Dr Pradeep Sethi & Dr Arika Sethi in my hometown. So I visited the clinic, consult with Dr Pradeep Sethi & Dr Arika about my baldness. They suggested to me go for 3000 grafts to cover front and top. After meeting with Dr Pradeep & Dr Arika I had got lot of confidence. Then I fixed the hair transplant surgery with Eugenix on Sep 2013. In one day Dr Pradeep & Dr Arika with the help of his expert team planted 3007 grafts with FUE.

    After 1 one month some hairs started shedding and rest started growing. After 2 months I have got good growth on my head. Day by day my hairs are growing and getting density. After 4 months 90% hairs started growing and I was highly satisfy with the work done by Dr Pradeep, Dr Arika and his team. After 6 months all my transplanted hairs grew. Now I am again confident and looking smart. I am very much thankful to Dr Pradeep Sethi, Dr Arika and his team for this great work on my scalp.

    Attaching my Pre-op and Post-op pictures up to 6 months. Please have a look and advice me about my crown area; that whether I should go for PRP therapy as through net search I found that results of transplant are not good in the crown area. please give your valuable feedback, comments and any questions are welcome.









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