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Posts posted by Balloonknot725

  1. I guess you're right. I just needed some reassurance. It's not like I can bitch about my hairline in real life haha.


    But, I don't think they were as bad as you interpreted that. They told me they are still waiting for more results for pictures and would specifically save some for my type of hair, and be in contact with me. They could see my concerns and didnt want to rush me into it. I can respect that. He didnt say, oh you doubted me now I'm going to raise the price, it's just this was the week with the robot where the artas specialists were helping them learn, so there was a good discount cuz it's brand new machinery. Ill have to pay like everyone else after this week is done. But in the grand scheme of things I suppose you are correct, and you made me feel better. Gotta start saving up everything and see Rahal. Gonna have to discipline myself to save and be patient. But once again, thank you

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  2. I was also told a lot of people don't want to be in before and after photos, and that was why they didn't have much to show as well. The fact that they called me back and put it off how's that they are an ethical company. The techs been with the surgeon for 9 years. They were doin one of the techs husbands hairline today. I can't help feel I missed out, I was so excited to finally do this and now it seems light years away if ever from happening. I cant afford a trip to another country, or to pay $8 per graft. I most likely would have needed another 1000 grafts after the first 1400 but that would have been ok , I would still have gotten the same price a year from now. Sorry for ranting, I'm just feeling bummed. I really don't want to shave my head.

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  3. I still can't help but think I passed on a golden opportunity. When I called the office with my concerns about their website not showing much results, they told me that they weren't allowed to take any of the pics with them from the old company when they branched off on their own. But I was old they could definitely show me some of their on portfolios more in depth, and that also the robot had been doing great and was well worth it. I told them cool, ill come check out his work more in depth and make a final decision on that. Well, I got a call back a little bit after that and they told me they would not proceed with me having the doubts I did. Now I feel like I'm going to go check out more of his work and it's going to be great, and I will regret not getting it done. I was going to get a steal for the price but now if I decide to use this doctor it will be $8 per graft for the robot. Almost triple what I would have paid this week. In the meanwhile no improvements with my hairline anytime in the near future. Ahhhh, it's like I would have been worrisome if I did it but now that I didn't I'm just as regretful :/

    • Confused 1
  4. thank yourself for making the right decision, and read this entire thread if you ever have doubts about changing your mind. you made the right decision of not going forward.




    Wow. Yea, this kid seemed pretty arrogant, but I do still bad for him as he is younger and hasn't had the time to mature. I emphasize with him for wanting to get it done when he is younger. It's something that someone who doesn't start balding until later in life would not understand. But I see the importance of being extremely selective in choosing a surgeon, and knowing what kind of work they do. I honestly am super impressed by Dr. Rahals hairline work, which is my main concern on my own head. I've maintained my other hair with finasteride since I started taking that. I started going bald at 17, so if I hadn't jumped on tht 6 or 7 years ago I'm pretty sure I'd have no hair at all by now haha. I think I will try to save up and eventually get the right amount of grafts done by Rahal, if I ever do get a transplant. Thank you everybody once again for giving me a piece of mind and putting things in perspective.

  5. Well thank you, hair there. Honestly, it's still a hard decision because the "what if it works out and you got the best deal ever" devil still sits on my shoulder. but i know at this point canceling and doing my due diligence in research is the wise decision. With such overwhelming respond from everybody here, who has had experience with actual transplants and the research that goes along with it, I'd be asking for a disaster to neglect all of your advice. You guys are a great community! Honestly, and I will stick around to do research, look at different results from different doctors, or just to kick it with the fellow bald man haha!

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  6. Thank you so much to everybody for talking this through with me. Ill be canceling my appointment I had for this Friday. I think this summer ill shave my head (while continuing to take finasteride) while still researching the possibilities of a procedure with a reputable doctor. Ill see how I like the shaved head look, and I figure it makes more sense to try that first anyways! Maybe start saving money that can be out forth to an outstanding surgeon. Dr. Holt may just be a great surgeon, but as someone pointed out he doesn't have many results to show. I do not want to go into this type of surgery not knowing what kind of outcome to expect. To everyone, thanks again!

    • Confused 1
  7. I do see that one doctor that has credibility is Dr. Rahal. He is based out of Toronto? That is not too far from me, I am in Michigan. I do agree with everybody here that I only want the best possible surgeon to do something so permanent. Plus it looks like he is great with hairlines, which is exactly what I am looking for. Does anybody have a clue on price per graft that Rahal charges? I'm just wondering if it is in my reach or if I should just forget about it, shave my head, and look like a bad ass, haha.

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  8. Sir, I really do respect and especially appreciate everybody's input! If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can in a short time period. I honestly don't see myself following through with it this week as I have so many doubts, and rightfully so, from information you guys have given me. I would never go into something as serious and permanent as a HT having so many doubts...it would eat me alive

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  9. Thank you John Casper, I did read your story. My doctor has n? been deceptive at all, we talked about what to expect and he even said he'd extend my discounted price in the future if I decided I wanted more grafts. His before and after pictures seem legit. But everyone on here seems to think if they haven't heard of a doctor than the doctor is no good, to me that sounds a little crazy. But I also respect everyone's opinions on the subject and I understand the seriousness of the issue. I'm just at a stand still I guess , and nobody will ultimately make the decision but me.

  10. Yea shacked, I saw those pics on the Internet actually, which did lead me to believe that I could be happy with 1400 grafts. I visited the doctor again this morning. His new consultant was there and had work done by dr holt. This guy was very bald before though, and had a lot of ground to cover, thus his hair was not very dense. But his hairline looked good, and the pics I saw of other patients this doc had done looked good too. And i paybattention to detail, i can always tell if someone has a receding hairline or not, even if others cant.Also, dr seemed confident the artas robot will do a great job at getting good grafts, and even if one graft is transcended...it is not lost. Seems legit to me , and now I'm just wondering about the people on here that are so against the robot and how much they actually know about it.

    • Wow 1
  11. Thank you for your kind words and help Pauly. I was actually going to pay for this procedure with credit care, Id have two years to pay it off, no interest. It's my understanding with credit care, the more you spend, the more time you have to pay it off with no interest. So I guess if another recommended doctor used credit care, I could pay a higher price but have longer to pay it off. An FUT procedure can't do 3000 grafts in one session correct? Would I have to do half and half a year apart?

    • Wow 1
  12. Hsrp...you hit it on the money, I think I've been trying to talk myself into it. Ive had a bad receding hairline ever since I was 17, and I feel like I'm a good looking dude but I just got robbed of being able to have my peak best physical appearance. It's kind of like a now or never thing, shave or transplant. I want to be able to enjoy swimming and being on a boat or whatever, without being paranoid about my hair. The thought of it actually being feasible has never been so close in my reach in all the years I've been obsessed about my hairline. But I knew that it's not something to be taken lightly, and that's exactly why I came here. I think the overwhelming advice is to not go forward at this point, and I think it'd be foolish if I didn't listen. I just don't see myself wanting to do this procedure when I'm older, I want it while I'm still young, and could, should be in my prime. Do you have even in the ballpark somewhere, how much you think I would have to spend on a good transplant with a reputable doctor on the graphs I would need? I just wanna know if it's something worth me aspiring for or to just say screw it, and shave my head.

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  13. Well roots I think you're scaring me out of it haha...and that does make me feel like maybe I'm rushing it. I didn't go into this looking for the cheapest route or even looking for a deal at all, this was just the only hair restoration place I've ever lived near or visited (I moved to Grand Rapids a few months ago). I went in to check out the possibility of a procedure and it happened he was about to have this robot, and having the artas experts there with him. So I'd have best of both worlds there with me...the artas expert and the transplant doctor...I don't know it just seemed like good timing and luck for me to get a deal like that. But I see everybody's valid points and I'm getting scared out of it.

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  14. Again, I thank anybody and everybody for taking the time to respond to my concerns at all. I will be juggling these bills yes, but will have it paid off within two years max. That is by paying the least amount every month, but I intend to pay off more as I get quarterly bonuses throughout the year, so after the year I should be able to afford more, I just don't know if I want to put forth all of that money on a second procedure. And I probably won't have that discounted price down the line.


    I do not believe he did his own head, and it was quite some time ago. His looked decent enough, but was also done quite some time ago. He assured me the techniques he does nowadays would be better than what he has had done, which I didn't realize he had anything done until he told me, it just looked a little thin up front to me.


    I'm just trying to figure out what to expect from 1400 grafts. He drew a line on my head about what he would do. He would lower my hairline a little bit, and fill in the temples, giving a mature hairline. Again, I really, truly appreciate everybody's input as I go through every angle in my head! I've always been indecisive, but man, this is tough!

  15. Thanks Jotronic, I appreciate your reply. When I meant "have the hang of it by then" was that they would have a full week experience using the artas robot, all with the artas robot specialists there the whole week guiding them The artas specialists will also be there during my whole procedure as well.. I know he already has the hang of transplanting grafts onto peoples' heads. I have seen his picture book, and the results looked pretty good. Trust me, I do pay alot of attention to detail in all aspects of life, especially something as permanent as this. I know that 1400 grafts would not be enough to give me the density that I would most likely need, and that is something I already discussed with this doctor. Most likely, I would have to schedule another transplant to thicken it out after it healed. I would be fine waiting it out after the first transplant because, either way, my hair would look better than it does now. I pretty much put it down and it covers up the receding hairline. I could still be doing that, and the transplant would only help that out. But, the whole point of me doing this is so that I can do other hairstyles. I would rather be able to shave my head than have a messed up transplant where I can still only do the comb forward look for the rest of my life. I just want to know if any of you have been impressed with doctors who are not recommended on here, or doctors you never heard of...Also, with the density of my hair as it is now, do you think 1400 grafts, even if he did a good job, would look goofy and weird? Would I not be able to cut my hair shorter and put it up with gel?

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  16. I actually don't have the funds to travel to Turkey. I work full time, and could take a few paid days off, but am already juggling many monthly bills at this time and with the discount prices would be living on an even tighter budget. I am not worried about any further hair loss, as I have been taking propecia for over 6 years and my hair loss has been stabilized since that time. I already had the killer receding hairline when I started taking that.

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  17. Thanks for response. The only reviews I've seen online about dr. holt are what hsrp posted, but those are years ago when he was associated with a different company. He has since branches out and formed his own independent company. He has not pressured me into anything, and been resourceful when I had questions and kept coming back to talk to him. He has had a transplant himself, and even let me go through his hair looking at his scar and density, etc. the artas robot experts will be on site the whole time, and after my procedure he will be charging customers more than double for what I'm paying. Also for free, e has had an associate design a hairpiece for the back of my head to cover the donor site, so I won't have to shave my head for the fue. I don't mind being a gunea pig for the hair piece, but I do take the actual surgery very seriously. I don't want to regret it and wish I would have just shaved my head. Everyone here so far seems to say go with an extremely reputable doctor or nobody at all. Have you guys seen great results from doctors you haven't heard of on here?

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