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Posts posted by neverbbald

  1. bismarck, there is no perfect but definitely Dr.Feriduni is in the top list, despite all pains caused me a chronic insomnia like crazy or almost I can't risk go to any other doctor makes his experiments on my head, my first op in Turkey made me much more decisive sticking with a skilled doctor. I'd also tell you that he is an honest person not like many others trying playing circus infront of you to convince you that they are the best, he works more than talks just trying to get the best results with no magics. I just wish that he pays more attention to finalize the job he ought not to leave pending job for long time!

    About my fotos am going to post right now some from my latest operations this year.

  2. Hello everyone ,

    it's been a bit long time without updating due to a problem with my internet. My 4 operations scheduled this year are already done, I've undergone the last one last wednesday 17 sep -+500 beard ht and an earlier op of -+450 beard ht, everything went smoothly, the only thing hurts me really the low numbers of FUs extracted which add to my pain originally generated by the slow process as I explained in a former posts this exactly makes my suffering, I wonder really if someone else in the world suffers because of his hair as I do. My life has stopped at once. Since I've been at Feriduni's clinic the first time I feel that I'm set to kinda standby mode, lot of hopes, pains, thoughts and emotions, well expressed to the doctor in every opportunity.

    That to say that last two months I started to feel better with more confidance....

    That to say also, that I'd never regret on day that I came to Dr Feriduni, In the day of the op of 13 aug he just confirmed his generousity shown at the first visit. I appreciate everything except the too long process!!!

  3. Hi everyone,

    now everything back to normal and going as it was planned so no need to contact anybody for the moment, Dr.Feriduni is doing his job, we reached to a compromise last time, he explained the cause of disorder he arranged another date which was last thursday 17/7, now I'm going to download my photos from the beginning.


    Photos...consultation of 10/2011 and first op 10/1/2012




  4. Hello, I'm back with update; 28 may was the date of my BHT, I arrived at 8:30 everything was well prepared I met the doctor, we talked, he explained that the abolition of the date of 9th july due to some personal commitments with the family. We talked about the whole issue in full downright! He was gentle and nice as he used to be and he said that he didn't respond while he was busy trying to find another alternative date which will be the 17th july.

    He placed 606 FUs from beard, everything went smoothly intra-op and post-op, healing was almost perfect! I'll pose new photos as soon as I get it from the doctor.

    The doctor will try to extract a bigger number of hairs next time, I'm looking forward to my next op.

  5. Hi neverbald,


    I think the reason why you are not getting much advice here is because your thread's name is misleading,it says" hope after desperation" but sadly after reading your story it appears to be disappointment after hope.

    Also (no offence intended) I found it difficult to fully understand what you wrote.


    Anyway,my suggestion to you is to ask one of the moderators here to contact Feriduni's clinic on your behalf and inform them that you are un-happy with the way you are being treated.

    There is also a representative of Feriduni clinic here named SPEX.I think he is the UK representative but he should also be able to help you.


    If what you are saying is true: cancelling a surgery date permanently,avoiding patient's emails and phone calls,not letting patient talk to his doctor,and stating they are not responsible for your case..these are serious concerns and if true the clinic must explain the reason why they are treating their patient this way.


    Good luck.


    Thanks Ragnar and sorry if you couldn't understand what am stating here, I'm not a native English, but I tried to make every think quite understandable!

    Hope after desperation.. because i wrote it in 2012 after the first operation done at his clinic, I'd have to say that i was quite convinced that I'll find the end of my desperation on his hands. I was feeling desperate after my first unsuccessful operation in Turkey, and the snakeoils poured on my head over a decade in vain. He was very generous with me he listened to me carefully, we pointed out my first op and what to be following, I was impressed with his ethics as human and a doctor, I made my decision right after leaving his office. I can't say am desperate now but rather disappointed simply felt am unwelcome as I was at the beginning. i always tried to be flexible and available, I told him that he can call me just the day before if he find a slot for the operation and I'll be there as I live in Belgium. He is performing small sessions of BHT. His schedule is busy as it seems, last September I asked him to fix me the earliest dates possible for the following ops according to the capacity (+600 BH fus/day) I asked him 6 dates, I've estimated, he suggested 4 before re-estimating any further ones, the earliest available date were end of may 2014, July, august and sep. to wait one year for the operation to be cancelled is killing.

  6. This is very out of character of both Dr Feriduni and Cristian. Maybe one of the moderators on here could make them aware that one of their patient's is trying to contact them?


    On the other hand, I love Feriduni's suture work, very clean and tight much like Dr Bisanga's. I'm not a fan of some other surgeon's suture work in where they use a big bite(suture insertion points are not close the the strip incision). Your scar from your previous surgery in Turkey also looked pretty good, certainly not a bad scar.


    if anyone can help he is welcome, just want to finish this deal I estimated 6-7 BHT (650 fus each) would make me happy and really feel grateful for him.

  7. Yeah, this is the first time I have heard a patient having a negative experience with Dr F...I have FUE with him in December and will be pretty pissed if he cancels seeing as I am flying from Australia!


    can't say negative so far, but a bit disappointed , yes, I'll make my final conclusion once I meet him, he must clarify everything about our deal.

    Doctor Feriduni is paying more attention for international patient and particularly for FUT FUE more lucrative,, I just was relying on his ethics, I was impressed with his ethics, his care shown before and during my first op even in 2nd and third less care but ok, now I'm not glad. When I called Cristian last time (after lot of no-replied emails) he told me that he is "not responsible for my file anymore" absurd.

  8. I've used BH for my hairline even, the first operation with Feriduni has been followed with for miner ones of BH only, one of them was to correct the hairline design, and the rest for filling in the crown and in the frontal part of head, i can't say it's wow, but now I have better experience and knowledge to better employ them in any future operation. My problem with Dr.Feriduni now that he s not paying much intention, this process of hair Restoration with BH must be continuous, because Dr.Feriduni makes as small BH operations as +600 fus. which is not enough by itself. he cancelled one operation planed in july and not replying, I phoned them but no one gave me an answer... I'll need to go to them without appointment, this is the only way, the deal with him was like this; to start with FUT and then continue with BHT until the full Restoration. He starts to withdraw, my head from the top looks spotty.

  9. Are you on meds? If appears that you have have lost as much as you gained, but your hair may be shorter so it is hard to tell.


    Did they try to reschedule you?


    Hopefully they will remedy the situation soon.


    Yes I'm on Minox %5. I don't know what to tell, but definitely I gained more than I lost, especially after the 3 BHT done last year. I've also concluded but late that the first operation with Dr.Feriduni the FUT I mean was really badly designed and the following BHTs to rectifying this and to add an even thickness (looks spotty now) in the frontal third of my head and to fill the crown, but the doctor with his "killing" deal by fixing dates and cancelling making the process too difficult for me and takes so many years, I explained and requested 6 BHT of the range 650FUs I estimated to have the minimum acceptable thikness, that was last year in september then he fixed 4 and he said we will see if you need more, now he cancelled one which was planned in july. Many times I tried to explain that this really has a big impact to me, because he also cancelled one operation last year basically planned in january as I remember before he reschedule it in september 2013 after many calls, emails and requests from my side, he explained it was because of a shortage in the staff and he promised that it wouldn't happen again, now he cancelled just cancelled without explainations and without even finding another date!!!!! I'm really surprised and disapponted! But will never give up am just tired of thinking of my hair that I'm a heavy insomniac the last few years, I'm really tired!

  10. last year 2013 I had 3 sessions of as small as -+650 BH, this was the deal with the doctor after the first FUT I'll continue with BHT untill full recovery, this year I had 4 dates fixed, the problem now that the doctor is not paying much attention to my case as it was at the beginning, I recieved an email from Cristian/customer service, just mentioning that my HT in July is cancelled xxxx I've emailed both the doctor and Cristian for about 4 times , but no one replies, I phoned the clinic today talked to Cristian, he told me that he is not responsible for my file anymore and he refused to give me the phone of the doctor and he will tell the doctor that I called him! Honestly I don't feel well with this way of dealing! I feel that the doctor Feriduni just back down on his promises! Besides my scare still needs cotrizone treatments to be cured of keloid formed after my last FUT. I'll allow more few days hopefully the doctor will respond

  11. thanks for your wishes, as you see guys I have general thinning, but if you can see it's more obvious on the right side, so the plan with doctor was like that to rectify the previous scar ( the surgery in Turkey 2006) and to use the extract of donor area between stiches and then to continue with BH in smaller operations untill the full recovery, after doing some test of 200-400 BH and see the results. This idea seemed to be great and i accepted this deal. The bad thing was the design of this operation, the hairline was too high so ugly for my face and not even from the sides I'll show you how on the pictures;

    1- Lines in red show that the hairline is flat/bad (rightside) and more rounded/good (leftside)

    2- The rows in black indicate the distance between the hairline and the eyebrows,( bigger in on the rightside)






  12. (I've written this in other forums in Aug.2012)



    it's been 7 months since the day of surgery, set new hope towards a full hair restoration which I dreamed of it over 18 years of the relentless battle against my hair loss.

    Finally I found the hand to bring cure!


    in my early stages like everyone panic of his first hairs pulled in the brush, in the towel or left on the pillow, starts to do everything just to stop it! and again like everyone I've started with snakeoils, vitamins.....etc. Sure nothing worked. That time there wasn't the poison/propecia yet in the market to try it at that age!

    At 28 I started with Minoxidil, the first 4 months I was happy, in 6 months I started to lose some of newly grown hairs. But I must say it helped me a bit so I continued with it up to date, I'm 39 now. During this long and sever period of time I continue to run to the pharmacy as soon as I hear/see any ad. of some new product with rubbish before and after pics. I was born and killed every time with every new product! You live the hope over 4 to 6 months sleep with it, wake up with it..... at the end you reach the crash point. The massive emotional impact deepened day by day spoiling my life, resulted in, me hypertensive, addicted on sleeping pills and a lot more. Since my teenage I started to attract tons of chicks, I used to cherish my appearance! All cheers faded and too early, I've poured lot of tears, but all in vain.


    In my 34 I started to look in the surgery solution as a final resort! that time I lived in Kuwait so I started to search and read I've ended with some Doc in Turkey picked his name of one of the forums, I was naive enough to plan a surgery by him, flied to Istanbul get butchered by him the next day, it was the classic strip method with +2500 FUs, flied back to Kuwait with a big pain in the head, but with new hope!.....After 6 months.... nothing, 8,9, 1year, 18 months.... also nothing. I felt it was the end, really I wished to die. Lots of people in some other forums strongly blamed me as I'm a diffuse thinner so a shock loss is more potential in my case, I got some but didn't add much to my sorrow!


    I've started with propecia according to people's advice at the forums. 3 years later low erection and less body hair but no improvement in the scalp, balding continued.

    Shave it? and forget about it, as many people say! I know it doesn't go with my face, however, I did it, but the scar in the back was terrible!

    I did everything possible but nothing!! I'm still not convinced and can't be accept the fact that am bald, I hate look in the mirror, avoid lights, shops mirrors bring lot of sadness and tension, I want to do something but what can I do hairpiece?! it's funny and of course unnatural! spraying my head black... What exactly can I do?! But I must do.


    I lost my job in Kuwait and according to the political and security circumstances in my country (Iraq), I left to Belgium, I Know that many well-reputed HT doctors based in this country. So, I've started to think again of the surgical solution with lot of skepticism due to the fact of non-growth. The high cost also can make it unaffordable. I’ve started my researches over Docs here, I’ve highlighted 3 names ad fixed consultation dates. The Docs were; Devroye, Bisanga, Feriduni.

    The first consultation was with Dr.Devroye, he was not convincing at all, he told me about two cases of his patients with no growth after surgery, honestly I was scared and I have the right to be, I have experience with it! And also I didn’t like the way he dealed with me he had no time to hear and answer all of my questions, so I put an X

    Now I have 2 names. The next consult. was with Dr.Bisanga, I can say he was attentive and he answered all of my questions. However he couldn’t eliminate my fears! And I was scared to read one or two stories of his unhappy patients!

    The 3rd With Dr.Feriduni he was really nice guy and welcoming, we talked about everything and his attitude is very encouraging to talk to him about all of your concerns. I left with comfort, he was confidant of his job and the most what I really liked, I felt he was willing to help.

    I fixed another consult. With him just to be sure before deciding, and as I wished my feelings were confirmed, moreover I felt that he was thinking as it was his problem, offering many options.

    The grand decision;

    With no hesitance, we planned a HT with dr.Feriduni, it was strip to correct the scar and small number of BHT as a test, to find new donor source rather than my exhausted scalp!

    The grafts number extracted were around 1400 + 200 BHT from chest + 20 beard H

    The surgery went smoothly and the post-op following up by the Doc and his staff was also excellent. But I must say that the ladies just all women they like to talk and chat together and for long time it was a bit annoying but it was just wanted them to finish their job.

    The way of healing then the shedding of grafted hair everything went as I was informed, so the early signs were perfect, I had the feeling of growth is coming!

    This surgery was followed by a minor one of 200 FUE scalp + 200 beard.

    In about the 4th month –of the 1st op- I started to detect some result and some hairs coming out, I was glad with every new hair sprouting, I wished that I had more hairs to transplant to cover all of my head, the Doc has reconstructed my hairline and filled in my right temple as it was empty more than the left side. The bad thing was the scar as I developed a hypertrophic scar, it was fine in two weeks post-op but tended to be itching and there was redness and later it started swelling, but I’m not really scared, the doctor is very reliable and promised to solve it out with him, I’m undergoing some treatment in his clinic and things going better.

    He also promised to work together until the full restoration, I really like him, and I’m glad so far with lot of hopes ahead!

    It's been 7 months by now.


    I'll add pictures soon

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