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Posts posted by KenEastCoast

  1. Had HT this summer. No shock loss but buzzed by head to even everything out. Now along the hairline-especially in the temple area you can see the lack of hair and the pinkish color of the scalp where the hair is set to grow in within the coming months. Can I do anything to conceal it? Any darkening scalp creams or some way to hide it?


    All suggestions welcomed. Starting work after taking summer off and can't wear a baseball cap anymore in the office!!

  2. Had HT this summer. No shock loss but buzzed by head to even everything out. Now along the hairline-especially in the temple area you can see the lack of hair and the pinkish color of the scalp where the hair is set to grow in within the coming months. Can I do anything to conceal it? Any darkening scalp creams or some way to hide it?


    All suggestions welcomed. Starting work after taking summer off and can't wear a baseball cap anymore in the office!!

  3. yea-def stay away from them. after my HT with a great doc in toronto i had to go t the hospital here in providence usa to get some more pain meds. The doctor that I had told me his best friend had a HT with Bosley and is having all sorts of problems. I've never heard a good thing or seen a good pic from that center. I don't know how they stay in business-unless people just don't complain to the right people about their results.

  4. Well I wasn't bald-just had a thinning hairline. The temple areas were thinning out but I would style it to hide it as best as I could. I don't think it will be a drastic difference, I may look a little different but I don't think people will be able to pinpoint what it is. That is assumming it all grows in where it is supposed to! Fingers crossed.

  5. I am taking propecia and my doc wants me spraying rogaine twice a day for 1 full year-only 11 mor emonths-ha ha. I am planning to complile a full set of pics when my hair grows in-then i'll post before-and afters all at once.


    Sac-to answer your question-and it is a very good one-before the surgery I was told by many people who had HT's that they went right back to work or school and just wore a baseball cap. Fortunately for me I took the summer off from work and was just taking summer courses. Very fortunately my last class which started the week I had my HT was a web course-totally online. I don't know how I could have gone anywhere-school or work after having my HT. Two days post HT as my doc warned me my face totally swelled big time. I was also in alot of pain. My doc only gave me 10 percocets which only lasted me 2 days (I have a very high tolerance to pain meds because of a previous knee ingury). I ended up going ot the hospital to get a perscription. I walked in-they saw the 30 staples in my head and basically wrote what I told them to write-thank god. Once I got that I was fine. Also-my doc told me NOT to wear a baseball cap for 2 weeks-he said the pressure and the risk of pulling out implanted hairs when removing a cap was to risky. So I basically stayed in. I told everybody I was staying at a friends beach house for 2 weeks and wouldn't be around.


    It's not a big or horrible process-in fact-it was easier than I thought but would have been horrible if I had to go sit in an actual class-office or if I wasn't able to get a perscription for more pain meds.

  6. Hey guys-I was just reading my post form the day I got my HT last month. I had it on July 8th and it's now Aug 16th. I can't believe how impatient I am. I ended up buzzing my hair a few weeks back to even it all out. It looked so good cause the implanted hairs were all there where it had previousley been thinned but now they have all shed and my hair is what it was pre-HT and to top it off the buzzing makes it look worse than it ever did. I just have to sit and wait now. I just want to wake up one morning and realize that something is happenning. Unfortunately I have many more months before that happens. No regreats though-just cannot wait!

  7. Was anyone else advised to use Rogaine 2 times a day for 1 year following your HT? I was and have been for the first month but it is really drying my skin out and causing dandruff. I wear a baseball hat so it doesn't matter much now but when growth starts I don't want my hair flakey. Is it really necessarry-especially when I'm on Propecia already? Any one else???

  8. Was anyone else advised to use Rogaine 2 times a day for 1 year following your HT? I was and have been for the first month but it is really drying my skin out and causing dandruff. I wear a baseball hat so it doesn't matter much now but when growth starts I don't want my hair flakey. Is it really necessarry-especially when I'm on Propecia already? Any one else???

  9. I went to Toronto to a Doc wit the initials A.A. but apparantly someone wrote something bad about him on this site and they threatened to sue so if I put his name this post wont appear! I have no complaints thus far-nothing major anyway-I wish they gave me more pain meds cause I came back and had to go to the hospital for a percription and it was expensive. Staples hurt for a good 3 weeks. Just hope it all grows in-I'm looking my worst ever now cause I've shed everything and my hair is the shortest its ever been so you can see how thinned I am. Still pink along the hairline.

  10. I'm just 1 month post HT and am DYING to see my results. I am naturally an impatient person so this is a killer. Fortunately I've seen no shock loss but I did buzz my head a week ago and it seeing myself with such short hair after shedding the implant hairs makes me realize just how thinning I was. I cannot wait for results. The 4 month mark will be before the holidays so maybe the hair gods will give me growth for christmas.

  11. Post-op is nothing. I had my HT 1 month ago today from one one of the best in the world and it was a walk in the park. You just need to clean it the head correctly. I did not work out until a few days ago but I did get back to getting action 2 weeks post. There was some pain for 3 weeks after but I attribute it to me wearing a baseball hat which irritated the donar area-I was advided not too but did it anyway.

  12. well i'm at a point where form the front it looks like i had nothing done. my hair is short and buzzed and looks so thin cause I'm used to seeing it long and gelled up to hide the thinning. Now it's 1 month post and it's just wait time. Doing Rogain twice a day per doc's orders for 1 year-he said it would speed it up. Also on my propecia as well. Hope I like the hairline-hope it is there!

  13. panic disorder is a major problem and lots of people dont take it seriousley. it runs in my family-i'm 27 but had my first one in the first grade-my hear started to race and i broke out in a sweat-got tuinnel vision and passed out. fell over from desk and then woke up a minute later- minutes later i was totally fine. it is a chemical imbalance in the brain-don't let anyone tell you you are crazy or you can control it if you really wanted to. it is tough to live with but you are not alone. as far as the HT. i'm worried that your doc didn't instruct you to not be on anything prior. this is a sign (to me anyway) that he might not be the best doc. take some time. do some research and when you are ready-get the HT. i'm so glad i did it after thinking about it for 2 years. i hope i like the outcome-just have to wait 8 months now!

  14. 2 weeks post HT here. i went through the 10 percocets my doc gave me by the time i got back from toronto. i was advised by him to take tylonol after that. well i wasn't finding tyonol very helpful and i was in pain! so i went to the hospital and showed them my 35 staples and said give me something now! and they gave me 40 oxycontins which did the trick. now i'm just fine and the pain has passed anyway.

  15. Hey man-I just had my HT 2 weeks ago. I did not read your entire topic-cause I've rushed for time but it sounds like you were having a bad reaction to that medication. My dod told me to not take anything-including over the counter stuff or drink any alchocal for 2 weeks prior. It also sounds like you had a panic attack-which I suffer from as well-very often actually. As far as the numbing needle in teh back of the head-yes that was painful but lasted for 1 minute only. There were many-I'd guess every half ince from ear to ear going across the back. That is all I felt. In fact 2 weeks later my head is still a bit numb. I'm surprised yoru doc didn't warn you about being on other meds pre surgery. He a good doc? Ignore any spelling mistakes-I'm rushing here.

  16. Thanks for eveyone responding. I can' texplain teh hairs that I lost cause I really just thougth they were scabs but now it's like nothing is there now-but it's only mino-nothing major and I have not seen any shock loss thank god. I'm getting my staples out tomorrow or the next day. Ken

  17. Had my HT 2 weeks ago and I could clearly see where work was done on my hairline. It was like a redish map of where the new hair woud be. But now it there are a few slight areas where I see nothing-like nothing was implanted there. Does this mean I lost those hairs? Or is it supposed to happen this way? Basically after teh surgery it looked like I was going to have a full hairline but now it lookes like it's not filled in totally. Is this normal??? Help!

  18. Had my HT 2 weeks ago and I could clearly see where work was done on my hairline. It was like a redish map of where the new hair woud be. But now it there are a few slight areas where I see nothing-like nothing was implanted there. Does this mean I lost those hairs? Or is it supposed to happen this way? Basically after teh surgery it looked like I was going to have a full hairline but now it lookes like it's not filled in totally. Is this normal??? Help!

  19. Hey HairBe There...I'm 2 weeks post HT. I was wondering your thoughts on an issue I'm been thinking about. You look like you keep your hair long but for those who have had strip surgery and usually have our hair buzzed once a month, do you think the scar line will always be visable? Is buzzing no longer an option after a procedure like this? What is your scar (scars) like? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Ken-Providence RI/USA

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