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Posts posted by Atomic26

  1. So I had a consultation with Dr True last week. He came across as intelligent, respectable, and competent. There was no hype or crap, just a realistic discussion about what to expect and all questions answered properly. Definitely the best consultation I've had yet and the only one I am taking seriously.

    They classified me as a 3A and offered 1700-2000 grafts on front/temple for 8000-9500 FUT, 13600-16000 FUE. PRP injection option +1500. I guess these were around the prices expected and I am not put off by them. I was pleasantly surprised by how minor the photos of FUT scars were, and would probably go for that.

    Anyone who's had experiences with Dorin and True working on front and temples, whether donor region FUT or FUE, feel free to comment please.


    I think I'll probably go ahead with a HT at some stage but not sure when. Right now I'll opt for a regime of propecia, rogaine, minoxidil and tricomin to see where that takes me.


    Thanks for all the other suggestions guys... Beehner, Konior, Feller, Rahal etc. I will keep them in mind if I get closer to making a decision.

  2. Hey, just kind of chiming in on this late, but I actually just went to Leonard last week for my 2nd procedure. Experience so far is pretty good, but obviously, I'm not even a week in and can't discuss my results yet. Are you still considering?

    Thanks for your feedback a

    tbh, I'm not considering Leonard because they just seem too bombastic. claims of 20,000+ operations and never a failure or disappointment. That kind of talk rings hollow with me. Not being part of the IAHRS is another turn off. And the laser cap they try to sell for 3k doesn't do them any favors in my book.


    I'm thinking of something along the lines of Feller or Konior. Ideally a surgeon who specializes in front hairline work on younger guys.

    I'm looking at doing a procedure in the fall so I can enjoy the summer. That way we won't have to worry about covering up the head post-op when wanting to swim at the beach or whatever. In winter it's easy to wear a beanie most of the time so I think its a more convenient time for a procedure

  3. So I had a consultation with one of Dr Robert Leonard's underlings today. I said I was considering HT to reinforce by hairline and would then use propecia/rogaine to prevent gaps opening up behind the hairline.

    He quoted the HT at roughly 6 to 7k and didn't mention a number of grafts or how the price was determined. He continually emphasized that Leonard had done 21,000 HTs in 27 years, never been sued once, and never failed.

    He also mentioned that Leonard can prescribe Propecia for $250 per 3 months supply and offered to sell a laser cap with a ton of diodes for 3k. Apparently the cap is worn for 30 minutes per day.

    Any comments?

    While I'm probably not considering Dr Leonard, I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had a procedure done with him.


    In other news I said no to Bosley, declined a consultation with Dr Adams, and am on the waitlist for a consultation with Dorin/True at their Boston office.


    at matt1978's suggestion I was also considering reaching out to Konior and Rahal. Both of them seem to have done some great hairline work based on the pics in the databases. But not easy to visit them for a consultation in the short term since it would require flying.

  4. Thanks David, I saw the interactive map yes. the only two that come up for MA (Dorin and True) are actually based in NY, offering only consultations and follow-ups in their Boston office. So if I go with the recommendations of interactive map I would anyway be traveling out of state for the actual HT. I'll look for the best doctor for my case then travel to their clinic, anyway, considering the procedure will likely be 10-15k, who cares about a $200 flight right?


    I'm looking for specialists who's strength is working with younger guys to reinforce and extend the hairline at the front and temples. After the HT I'll likely use a combo of rogaine, propecia, and whatever else works to maintain the area behind the transplanted hairline. Judging by your threads, it looks like both of you guys have some major success in your procedures. Nice!

    If anyone else has recommendations I'd love to hear them.

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm a 30 year old man who's been experiencing a steady receding hairline since I was about 20 (see attached pic).


    My goal is to recover the lost hairline. I know it's not possible with rogaine and propecia, which are only really able to rescue weak/struggling hair and not resurrect lost hair. Therefore I was thinking about a HT.

    I recently moved from outside the US to the Boston area and have been comparing local options. I already had consultations with Bosley and Dr. jafar koupaie (Boston Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery) and was wary of both. I have more consultations coming up with Dr Adams (the Adams center) and Dr Robert Leonard (DrHair).

    Lucky I came to this site today and found out about the hairresorationnetwork's recommended list and of the IAHRS. I've learnt a lot from reading the forums today about which doctors to go for and the fact that's its better to travel to a great doctor rather than go with a local option.

    Based on my photos and situation, do you guys have any recommendations or advice? Can anyone recommend a doctor around Boston or is it better to travel to one of the IAHRS options in New York? I would much appreciate any and all feedback!


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