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Posts posted by Tommytrojan

  1. Thanks Alex. I hope it turns out well. Although I'm not really stressed about it. :-)


    After some back and forth I decided to grow my old hair longer and keep the transplant area shaved for the time being. As the old hair grows and covers my bald spots (like I had it in the past) I'll start growing the new hair that is covered by the old hair, that should be fairly un-noticable. I hope. Anybody has any experience with this? Also, is there any reason not to shave the area? I want to make sure I do everything to the benefit of the new grafts. :-)




  2. Hi,


    I had about 2500 grafts planted in the hairline area. The procedure is about 2.5 months ago. There is still significant redness in the transplant area and I'm trying to cover it up a bit. I figure I have to keep my hair short for another six months or so. Any suggestions on what clipper size so it doesn't show my donor area too much?


    Also, any suggestions on make-up or powders or other stuff I can use to blend in the skin in the donor area a bit better?


    I wanted to mention that the 'demarkation line' is clearly visible and also the individual incisions can be seen and I would like to cover that up. I assume once the hair is growing it would cover the incision scars. Also, would you buzz the transplanted area down or maybe even shave it or better to use the same clipper size as for the rest of the hair?









  3. I'm just past my two week mark and I'm wondering why you would think your density is not sufficient. If you think that what you will end up with is what you see after two weeks I think you are mistaken. For me I had scabs until about two weeks, now they are coming off and are taking most of the hair out with them. So obviously you will only see a limited amount of the follicles that will eventually sprout. I think most folks have an expectation of immediate gratification. The fact it that you won't improve your looks but significantly worsen them for a while. I guess you just have to be prepared for that or expect that, than it is easier to deal with the fact.

    I think if you want over night results a wig is the way to go. lol



  4. Hi Bluedude,


    I just had a HT a few days ago. Pretty happy with it so far (not that I can tell how it's gonna turn out). I had the option to not buzz my head which I chose, after we were done with the procedure it looked just hideous, so I buzzed the untouched (neither donor nor transplant side) off. After a day or so of not recognizing who is looking at me in the mirror I have gotten used to the look and actually enjoy it. I might keep it buzzed for a while until the transplanted grafts get a chance to grow in. My point is, at your age and with your progression of loss I wonder if I would even go for a HT. If I were you I'd just shave it off (you pretty much won't have any hair to speak of for about one year after a possible procedure) and see how you like it. You might get used to the look and never look back and don't have to spend the time/money/emotional distress this can cost you.


    Just my 2c, evaluate all your options. You can always do it in a few years if you think that's the route you want to go.






    B.). I have a vested interest in having my second procedure done with your surgeon myself, and found your case of particular interest to me.








    Hi Mike,


    I think you are referring to Dr. Bhatti with your comment. I'm considering both Dr. Rahal and Dr. Bhatti for my HT. It's not that I want to compare surgeons here but more of a general question on how to chose a fitting Dr.. How did you settle on Dr. Rahal for your first HT and why would you consider Dr. Bhatti for your second?




  6. 8 Weeks post op. What do you think? I think I have shed alot and I am worried to be honest.


    From what I have heard you can't judge the results for almost a year, so after 2 months you still have ways to go. Although I can see that it could be difficult going through a phase where things seemingly get worse and not better. Did you follow up with Dr. Bhatti?


    I'm also considering a HT with him (2800 grafts).


    Keep us posted.




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