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Posts posted by Alliswell

  1. My advice would be to grow it out, wait 12 months and then post photos. You'll need to start growing it out now for your 12 month comparison. You'll also need to realize that you only received 2300 grafts in a large area. I received close to that in my hairline alone, so any expectations of a crazy dense result may have been doomed from the beginning. Grow it out and see where you are at in a few months. That will give a fair comparison.


    Agree..relatively less grafts for the area to e covered. And i am not onto minox, fin etc due to side effects. But extending the same, i wasn't/ain't expecting GREAT results. I am realistic.


    Let me grow it out as you said and see how WELL its gonna turn out in 12 months...3 more months to go

  2. Alliswell,


    I'm very sorry to read that you are so despondent after your hair transplant. This does seem like a small number of grafts give the area covered. But, in comparing your pre-op pics with your 9 month results, I agree that you should have seen more significant growth by now. However, I also agree with the excellent advice Spanker has given you, "grow it out, wait 12 months and then post photos." Though you may not like how it looks, you'll need longer hair in order to make a true comparison. Also, you still have some months of growth and maturation to come. Despite the views of some alarmists, this wait time is not a smokescreen. Patients can see significant improvements up to 18 months post-op.


    As I'm sure anyone that frequents this community knows, Dr. Gabel is not only one of the best hair transplant surgeons practicing today, but he is also very caring and concerned. No I know that he will do whatever he can to ensure your happiness but I recommend that you try and maintain open and positive commutation with the clinic.


    I will contact Dr. Gabel to make him aware of this post and ask him to contact you privately as well as post a response here. I also encourage you to reach out to him via phone. Ultimately, I hope you get the results you deserve.


    Dr. Gabel actually suggested 3500 grafts but as i had cited earlier, i restricted it to below 2500 for economical reasons.


    My plan was to have a second session to cover up for the remaining grafts and additional coverage...probably in a span of 2 years.


    And since i am a slow healer, i ain't even sticking to the thumb rule of 6 months-40%, 7 months-50%. My pt was...had the area been atleast covered i.e hairs have sprouted out, i would have been much much happier. I know it will grow longer and thicker as the days pass by.

  3. Well... Dr. Gabel called me yesterday. I am kind of upset to learn from that he is upset and worried on what i wrote.


    To begin with, i never had/will have the intention of taking him down or hunting his reputation. I know the kind of qualified surgeon he is, his efficiency and caliber. As i stated in my first thread, it took 1.5 yrs for me to conclude that i really need an HT but it took two weeks to figure out that he is the man i need to go. My choice of words or mode of conveying might be wrong but i JUST wanted to express my pain, frustration and sorrow out here....and not, in any means, to raise my voice against him. I am a rare case, as it seems, and trashing a pro like him just because of my case would be a great blunder.



    And yes...he was very careful, very patient and attentive with me till i was there and assured that he will be with me throughout. I was kind of embarrassed when he stated that refund or money is not a big deal for him...shows how much he is devoted to his profession. But this poor soul has no way to burst out anywhere other than here. I am going to wait for 2 years (another 15 months left) as per his words and then take a call.


    No more lamenting on this...if i am to grow well, i will. If otherwise, let it be. As i will be under his care, i do believe that it will only turn out good.

  4. I don't have anymore strength and power to express my pains, worries and sorrows as i have lost all my hope. Its been 9 months and this is what i have got...5% or 7% growth. And i don't think coming months are going to make any difference. May be 1 or 2% improvement at the max i believe. I am not taking Minxoxidil or Fin due to side effects. Regardless of them a 9 month progress shouldn't be this WORSE/SICKENING/UGLY.


    I was told by the doctor not to read forums out on the internet as they mislead me and stressed that it takes 2 full years to get the full result....which i am tired to hear and get convinced of anymore. My life goals (gaining a pleasant appearance, my marriage, my parents' happiness from it, family welfare etc) that i was dreaming to achieve of from this HT are RUINED to the max by the very same HT. Could have been a bit better if i had not opted for it.


    With the current mindset that nothing can convince me to stay positive of the HT progress anymore, i have the below questions


    1. What is the procedure to get my HT fee refunded? Atleast 70% of it

    2. How i can survive for the rest of my life? Live with concealers, wigs....? I don't know how far i can live with them on a daily basis...constantly thinking of hiding it from ppl around every minute

    3. Is there any magic that can make ppl close to me not to realize that i am with a concealer/wig....? Especially even from a wife...? (with a hopless next to impossible hope that someone would even marry me)


    P.S: I was near to the HT clinic till 7 months and moved to a different state then. Called them twice for a skyp appointment which wasn't still reverted with.


    I shaved my hair last month...Month 8

  5. Have to get an appointment with Gabel next week...to see how things are shaping up.


    2 months and 10 days post-up now...


    Just started getting pimples..may be two or three. How do they evolve or what is their lifecycle...?

    Some days back I had something similar...one on top centre and one on the front. Currently its like a dried stuff. Not sure if that was really a pimple as such. And is the no. of pimples is an important factor in deciding the growth...?


    And some 4 or 5 short "new" hairs are felt in some places that seem to be highly thick and rigid compared to the normal hairs around. I could just feel them with a single finger. Hope this is a good sign...:)

  6. if you have an oily scalp then your dandruff is likely seborrheic dermatitis

    usually not a good idea to oil, those such as olive oil can actually make it more itchy and flaky as the yeasts and fungus feed on this, though olive oil is great for literally melting away flakes and scale caused by scalp psoriasis


    some say coconut oil is Ok to use.

    I actually bought a jar but haven't ever used, seems like it would make your hair greasy all day

    isn't it tough to wash out?


    Usually i apply the oil some hours before bed and yup..it makes like a shining and slippery scalp. Need to wash it nice and hard, to wipe it out completely in the next day shower.


    No wonder they say that the wait is the worst part...!

  7. I wasn't aware Revivogen was still being sold. Not a bad shampoo as far as scent or providing appearance of volume.. I used it for years. But I definitely never felt it had an edge over other volumizing shampoos on the market. As far as dandruff, I personally used to use T-gel / Nizoral / or Head and Shoulders 1-2x a week interchanged with a volumizing shampoo 5x a week. (This is still my regimen).


    Infact i am also using the Revivogen oil (scalp therapy) too on every day. But when i use H&S i could see the dandruff to be considerably much lesser than compared to Revivogen. But since Dr. Gabel prescribed, i am using it regularly. I know its early for me to expect wonders but wanted to be cautious to see if am taking the right route and not mess with stuffs...

  8. Almost 2 months post-up...have to fix a meet with Gabel sometime next week.


    My scalp is actually an oily one..i guess. For a few hours after shower in the morning, it is dry...but when i arrive home and gently rub the scalp, i could see the fingers to be shiny. Yesterday night, i applied oil before bed and after today's shower, the dandruff was considerably lesser. Felt +ve about it and wanted to see if this can be continued at certain frequency without posing any impact to the growth.



    And these days, i wash my hair daily. And hardly one or two hairs fall(be it the sides or from the top) when i comb or in the shower. Is this completely normal though it gives me a great feel...? :)

  9. No hard scaling as such, if you meant that it is about scratching the scalp and making it fall. Mine is like if i comb or use the fingers gently i could see it coming of. Revivogen reduced it to an extent but not completely.


    And i ain't sure if the coconut oil is getting stuck completely but will give a try today. Basically, i am trying to let the scalp not go dry and reduce/eliminate dandruff....both without affecting the growth. I could have the oil applied on a weekly basis


    Any other tips/tricks...?

  10. Actually i do have a bit of dandruff on the recipient area and more on the sides & back (may be due the presence of more hair...?). That said, do i need to use heavy shampoos that i have currently (Head & shoulders, Revivogen) and a mild one on the recipient area... i have Johnson's baby shampoo that Gabel recommended for the 1st three weeks post-op. After that i started using H&S and there was not any dandruff problem.


    Only since the last 10 days or so it came up...i was told that Revivogen increases the thickening and hence was advised to use it all over. But i see to that after applying it on a daily basis, dandruff is reduced. If this is a good sign and if this is NOT going to affect the growth by any means, i could go for it...Basically if dandruff is something that HAS to be take care, i don't want to disregard it either.


    And the reason for my ask on applying oil on the scalp, is to ensure if a dry scalp can affect the growth. I have read a couple of forums somewhere that coconut oil infact can block the layer and hence growth might be delayed. Not sure how authentic or how much of it was proven...

  11. For me the shedding was lasting till week 4. And it is hardly or very few these days. Not sure if got any pimples yet...And some <3-5% of the transplanted hairs started growing write from the HT. It looks like you got some good quantity of the transplanted hairs growing right away..


    Just let one more week elapse and see how it goes. And thumbs-up for the back-back pics. They say let not give a damn care on the hair for 3 months. Well..nobody can afford to do that :)

  12. Dandruff will not ruin your results but harsh shampoos can, so go mild as possible with the medicated shampoos.


    Eucerin was recommended to me by my doctor to try for dry type dandruff, and after trying recently it seems to work well (dermo capillaire calming shampoo).

    Try it on your sides and back hair to see how your scalp reacts to it, if it looks good try 1-2 times in the recipient area until dandruff is gone or becomes softer and less of an issue.


    Cool mate...this looks like a wise move to start. And will applying oil (possibly coconut) pose any impact to the growth? Read somewhere something similar. And not to leave the scalp dry for longer times....if it is not advised

  13. So its been 6 weeks post-up. Used minoxidil from the 4th week and had to stop it due to some side effects. Hence, Dr. Gabel suggested to use Revivogen (Shampoo, Conditioner and the scalp solution). Nothing much i can infer about it in this forum but any proven results/recommendations of using this post-HT?


    Also Gabel pulled out hell a lot of white particles from my head yesterday. It doesn't look like the scabs/crusts but the typical dandruff. It was (is) even in the sides. Is dandruff something serious post-HT such that i hinders the growth? Not sure how much Revivogen helps here.


    I am planning to apply coconut oil (as i always used to before the surgery) to make the scalp not go dry. If it is something that affects the growth, pls let me know....Wanted to doubly ensure that nothing prevents/delays the good from happening


    Now am onto the ugly ducking phase..pretty much back to the stages pre-op.


    Photos below (pre-op & immediate post-up)...


    Hoping to see some traffic here....need all your suggestions/comments/feedback..whatever possible :)


    Hoping to see






  14. Doesn't seem to have any scabs but otherwise do you see them falling during bath or are you (gently) trying to knock them off? May be you can try a gel (aloevera possibly) and see if they are coming off, as hardly anything is visible on the scalp. Ideally they should be off the scalp on Day 10-Day12.


    And one (common) question..when the actual HAIR count matters for the final result, why the stress on no. of GRAFTS are more?

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