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Posts posted by snortsnortsnort

  1. The Mirror of dreams as a topical you could look into this product...I honestly cannot say one way or the other the true results of these herbal based minoxidil formulations out there, but one thing that is becoming plainly obvious, they are all utilising that even though they claim their product is holistically formulated and they stair way from the orthodox approach.

    Maybe other peoples among us here can share their further knowledge or possible use of this formula below and others very similar.


    baldness ,hairloss,and alopecia, the cure is zx42


    On another note I trust that you are happy with your overall result once your hair fully manifests its results for you, you have to be happy within yourself as you know or it is difficult to live with, thankfully this day n age there are Hair restoration specialists out there that can aid in that area when your time and finances once again allow you to act.


    The very best to you


    **inflammatory comment removed by moderator**

  2. NW3 = you're dead to society. You're walking corpse.


    I'm entering walking corpse territory?


    I need a Dr. Armani pronto. Remember Dr. Armani performing aggressive juvenile hairlines on young men? I need his 2014 equivalent to operate me.


    That's who I need right now.


    Anybody who says otherwise clearly doesn't understand the importance of a good hairline.

  3. Also, stating that being a NW0 is all that matters in life and that your current situation is 'killing you' points to some form of body dysmorphic disorder...


    I would wait until about 26-27 years old and then maybe start looking at option.


    I didn't come here for a psychology analysis Mickey boy. If I wanted a psychological analysis I would schedule with the psychologist down the street.


    I came here to discuss the best bang for the buck surgeons, who would perform on me. Because I will find them and go to them.


    Whether YOU think I'm a good candidate is irrelevant. In fact I'm probably a better candidate than you. Let us remind ourselves that my family history isn't so bad, and the fact that I've been nuking my body with the strongest topical and systematic anti-androgen's since the age of 18 must mean I'm more dedicated than most of this forum.


    Let us also remind ourselves that numerous people on this forum have gone ahead and done surgeries, and don't even use any treatments except for Minoxidil, which doesn't even attack the underlying cause of MPB.


    So what's going on here?


    Didn't the 10 year Propecia studies show 90% were baseline and even better?


    Why am I getting told my hairloss is going to progress, when I'm on DUT?


    Seems like telling kids to "wait until your 30 and past your prime" is the cool thing to do.

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  4. This is not going to go down well... Your signature alone tells me all I need to know... Stating that it is "killing you" and that you WON'T be happy UNTIL you are a NW0 are clear indications against a procedure, especially given your very young age, likeliness of future loss and very high expectations.


    Because I really value my hair and have a specific goal, those are clear indications against a procedure?


    Is that a joke?

  5. I was born with a junk hairline. It's probably like an NW2 now, look:




    It's KILLING me. I won't be happy until I have a straight juvenile NW0. I need those temples filled in, not to mention the temple points as well as mine we're always crap.


    I'm on:


    - 0.5MG DUT M/W/F

    - Nizoral

    - RU58851 50MG a day applied to the temples (this is supposedly the strongest topical anti-androgen)


    Family history:


    - Dad is like an NW2 or maybe 3


    - Maternal grandfather looks like this:




    - My maternal UNCLE is like an NW6. He's the only legit bald one in the family. I think it's because he used performance enhancers.


    So who would perform on me? How much would I need to dish out, $20K? How many grafts? Will I get denied because of my young age?


    Looking forward to the replies.

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