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Posts posted by zealander

  1. Hey PlzRespond, 

                                      All feed back is welcome,  it's a bit like  going to a Restaurant and having a yummy crayfish mornay meal and then you go a few blocks down the road  the next night and have exactly the same meal, except a different Chef has prepared it, one you going to scream from the roof tops as an analogy, the other you won't even spread the news.   Leanne's Rejuvenator speaks for it's self, if something benefits people then word of mouth travels to the masses quickly when they find value, it is is obvious with thousands and thousands of testimonials received globally that Leanne must know her science and in actuality there are reports on the affective use of red light and near infrared light for people, even many Doctors among us hair in relation to hair recommend after an operation to use red light on your scalp/ hair for aiding in healing etc, let alone stimulation of hair growth.

    To each their own my friend. I myself intend on purchasing one because I believe Leanne is onto something and so do thousands of others in her private community.

    please refer to this report below


    PS Just as a sideline to the affects of how important the right wave lengths of light and PEMF is to our body, you might find this article very interesting too.



    So my conclusion is when we were running around in our early days at school we were bare feet and grounded to the earth, these days we run around in shoes and socks, so time for me to leave here now and go bare feet.

    For those whom are interested in exploring further, please click this site below and read just a brief overview of testimonials from those thus far having used Leanne's Light therapy Rejuvenation.


    Once again thanks for your feedback

  2. Hi Global friends

    Please listen to this video,  once you have heard Leanne you will see why it is light years ahead of any other light therapy red/near infrared devices out there on the market today, because it is way more than just a light therapy unit, Leanne with her knowledge and expertise has programmed into the unit special coded energy benefit so it works on the energy body and the physical body which no other unit on the market today has this special programmable technology incorporated in it.

     Also if you want to speak on a free pro bono conversation with Leanne via Zoom then let me know and I will supply you with her calendar and personal zoom room access, already thousands of people globally, medical professionals and just peoples looking for health benefits, you will enjoy listening to Leanne, she is full of energy and if she resonates with you then you will be drawn to hearing about her Rejuvenator Light and energy health aid and the Universal one is her recommendation as that incorporates everything.  especially for your hair/pain, health challenges in general, please listen to what she shares on the testimonials coming to her from peoples around the world.




  3. Hey there Melvin,

                                    Actually since those very early 1980's since the restorations were done. I really have not been in that financial position to pursue any further work, we have Doctors here in NZ, but very expensive per graft, as I've notice here not even one doctor from my side of the world is even recommended so that does not in-still a lot of confidence in me for starters going down that route even if I had the finances to tackle it within my own country.

    So far my 3 operations consisted of the following back in the early 80's, having said all this I had an extremely ethical and integrity based Man in the late Dr Bruce Fox whom was an exceptional Plastic Surgeon, though the technology just was not available in those early days of grafting, he even at the time was one of the first to try laser in regards to hair transplantation, but was not happy with the results at that time of development.

    I underwent 3 actual operations over the space of a year and a half, but very few grafts were used in those days, If I recall not even 1st75, 2nd150 3rd 250 grafts were utilised during those 3 procedures, he created the hairline based the premise as I aged.

    I actually wanted it lower in my early 20's and he said no way, he would not do that, as I mature he said it will look out of place and we have to conserve your donor area, so despite my wants at that time he would not proceed, that is what I mean by very ethical and caring of his patients. A very nice Doctor with pleasant manner too.

    Many thanks for your feedback

  4. At least you have a good sense of humour Spaceman as I do ?

    But on a more serious side, just imagine for a moment, many people are having their hair restoration procedures and Fue/Fut sometimes brings about pain in others that others may not experience as much, swelling etc, will Scenar Therapy kills pain in its tracks, also I believe it will help aid in the regrowth as your body will be streaming with Neuropeptides which we lose the ability to flood our bodies with as we get on in years.

    Check it out you will be amazed at the Russian studies that have been carried out on this let alone the western world ones now.

    Myself I always research the research these days before I dive in and I m going to start using one in the next month or two.

    PS: If you really want to get the full benefit of this Device then I would recommend get the training and Denas Pain Relief Store will offer you that inclusive in the price of the unit, attachments etc, if however you feel you can learn it yourself without training then go that route and save on the price of the equipment.

  5. Hi there Whyevenbother I feel your emotions here, it is not easy when you feel unhappy with the outcome of taking such a big step when it comes to having hair restoration.  I have been there, like us all and still there actually, I lost my hair in my early 20's and it most certainly erodes a way at your self-esteem and even worse when people stair and tell you again and again your head looks like a cabbage doll effect or planted sparse planted forest, to name a few of the comments and it pretty much destroys your inner well-being, but as the years move on and you get older you come to accept it until one day you get the chance to right it.

    As much as anyone tries to help you here by sharing your hair is looking pretty okay, it is you alone that has to come to terms with how you feel inside and it is plainly obvious at this stage you are not happy and therefore if you are still in a financial situation to do something about it then it will cost you nothing to at least get some seconds opinions from some of the other Doctors out there that maybe in close proximity to where you live.

    I don't usually do this but for you I m going to attach a current photo of how my hair still looks to this day after having in the early days 3 actual operations and trust me I believe with your hair my friend there will be some Doctors out there that will lift your spirits especially if you still have grafts left to perform these operations.  

    All the best to you and hope you find happiness up the track.

    PS: I m actually going to begin using Scenar therapy on my scalp because I have heard many reports of people receiving wonderful benefits of even growing their eyebrows back, so I believe it might very well assist with any further hair loss at least and as for growth that will be an added bonus in the mix.

    Photo on 7-02-14 at 11.43 am #3.jpg

  6. Hi Global friends out there,

                                                      I m interested in knowing if any of you have heard of SCENAR stands for Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator. The device applies electric impulses through the skin like a TENS device (Transcutaneous. Electric Nerve Stimulator).

    Please read an Interview I discovered in my extensive researching of this Micro Electro therapy above.


    Excerpts from an Interview with Alexander Karosev, the founder of the Scenar Device, from the BBC WORLD SERVICE TRANSMISSION – 9.30am 9th November 1999:

    How does it work?

    The SCENAR works by making the body’s own Immune system operate more efficiently. Technically it is a very complicated device which sends electronic impulses via the skin to the brain – but it was designed to be used by anybody without any special medical training. You just hold it over the affected area or organ and it sends an amplified signal of pain to the brain. This causes the brain to trigger the body’s immune system. and presto after only a few minutes of treatment, the patient starts feeling much better.

    We have been using the SCENAR for 20 years now and have had numerous miraculous recoveries. If a patient comes in on crutches, he just forgets about their existence, leaving them behind in the doctor’s surgery as if he never had them.

    How did the device come to be developed?

    It all began when the whole of our family got food poisoning. It was an awful time and I lost my sister. But one thing I realised was that Conventional medicine – all those modern pills and potions – did not help. I had in fact studied reflexology and acupuncture for many years but these didn’t seem to work either – so I realised that there was a need for something else. Of course we weren’t the first who thought about sending electronic signals to the brain but we managed to refine the technique; to make the signal similar to that carried in a body’s nerve tissue – after distortion caused by the skin, fat and such like.

    Who was involved? Where were you based?

    I worked for many years on the medical program at the Cosmonaut Training Center and they were doing something similar there. But I’d started working on the device even before that in my home town – Taganrog. I only demonstrated it to the space program scientists once I’d made the first operating version and had achieved successful results.

    So was it used in space?

    The space program was controlled by the military and they ordered something slightly different. I didn’t think the device they wanted worked quite so well but I did my best anyway. They were planning to use the SCENAR in later space projects – like Buran for example – but then the Soviet Union fell apart. Recently various cosmonauts have wanted to take it up into space and test it outside the official medical program, but this hasn’t quite worked out yet.

    What proof have you got that it actually works?

    If I had to prove it to you it would probably take me about 10 minutes. I can demonstrate it on anything – even the – wrinkles on the skin, Rejuvenation. If you compare the treated and non-treated parts of the face, for instance, you can see the difference clearly. Or if you have a bruise somewhere – it’ll take 10-15 minutes to demonstrate initial effect. I have introduced the SCENAR to maternity hospitals and it heals all the bruises and traumas in newly born babies within a few minutes.

    It even works on such difficult-to-cure diseases as psoriasis. People who have suffered for 15 years, can forget about their skin traumas and their asthma after only about ten sessions.

    The important thing to remember is that the device is not in itself a cure. It merely stimulates your own immune system – uses your body’s own potential. In fact the less you are poisoned by chemical drugs and hormonal medicines, the more response we can get using the SCENAR and the greater the chance of recovery.

    Have you benefited at all in medical terms?

    I myself have not used any drugs for 15 years. I do not remember what tablets you use for a headache. I always use the SCENAR. When my children were little, the teachers in the kindergarten were really annoyed with me because my children would still be at school when all the other kids were down with flu. They said, “Can’t you keep them at home like everyone else.” Basically, they wanted to go home themselves and the only reason they had to be at school was to look after my children.

    How about the financial rewards, have you profited from the invention?

    I have not benefited yet. I have tended to shy away from publicity – because it is bad for the creative process. In fact, this is my first interview ever. But other people of course have taken advantage of the device. One doctor was treating a large number of senior politicians saying that the device was from Japan. But it doesn’t bother me. My ultimate aim is that the SCEANR should become readily available to families worldwide – so that people could have it there in their first aid boxes and treat themselves. It really is the most reliable thing.

    Brilliant in-depth overview of the Scenar Therapy, best overview I have read yet on the net to date, wanted to share with anyone interested if you are suffering from pain and aliments that need  a helping hand to add a better quality of life to you all.

    There are are a number of various models of Scenar available today, but Denas Scenar is the most cost effective one to the end consumer and it holds the same technology and benefits as the more costly ones out there, you still get what you pay for, just google  Denas Scenar.


    Alexander Karosev, the founder of the Scenar Device

    Reference site below to the above interview click link below please


    Now what I found remarkable about this health aid above was supposedly this condition we are all faced with below 

    Our hair is genetically resistant to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), DHT is the main catalyst for androgenic alopecia (genetic hair loss)

    Lets say for instance if you ran a comb through our hair and it stimulated the active nerve C nerve fibres to send various frequencies to the brain and the brain then released its own Pharmacopia of neruopetides and homeostasis was the result would this not be a marvellous aid in keeping possibly existing hair from falling? and  further be a complementary aid to those who undergo actual hair restoration, a device like this would work similar to what of cold laser therapy would and our bodies are after all functioning on electrical impulses and each organ in our body carries a different frequency, with such a unique bio feedback where our system cannot build up a resistance to the signals received by our brain means it would have to have a very positive affect on bringing about a hormonal balance which directly would work on the DHT aspects?

    This Device does not heal the body, but allows the body to return to Homeostasis.

    I have found many brands in the market place using Scenar from Pain to health in general being restored with various attachments to affect areas of the body via the device.

    Example = Denas Scenar

    Enar Scenar

    Ritm Scenar

    Enart Scenar 

    Avazzia scenar

    Myself I m currently considering the Denas Scenar 

    Any-ways interested to hear your feedback from those of you that may be using this even for aches and pain in your body etc besides what I feel is possible from utilising such technology.

    PS: with the Denas I came across an actual comb device that attaches to the Scenar device and allows you to comb it over your scalp for areas of concern, even facial to allow for the release of collagen to be triggered for release from the brain etc, amazing results as you can read via google on the above devices being achieved, even people suffering from various eye problems, in fact this pretty much a Star trek type device as many say.













    Denas Glasses.png

  7. I was doing a little research via google on the stem cell processes they are using now to help aid some people with hair loss problems that may not be a candidate all the time for surgery or for that matter reluctant to explore the option of surgery to restore their hair.


    This article I found interesting below.




    I also found this interesting from a company in Switzerland, using a highly bio active soft gel capsule formulation.


    </title> <link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.stemcelltherapyplus.com/wp-content/themes/stem%20cell/css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" hr


    Then in my country they are now advertising Stem Cell therapy for certain candidates they may be suitable below.




    My question to anyone that may read this post, have you heard of such success from any of this Stem cell thearpy, whether injected into the scalp or taken internally by the capsule formulations based on highly bio active placental extracts?


    PS: I posted the above here because the stem cell therapy by capsule is not only catering to hair loss but many other ailments people are suffering from and may need an alternative to try out.


    Thank-you for any feedback

  8. Hey there Bronte,

    Though not knowing the full extent of your personal affairs, than what you have briefly shared among us, any Lady whom is worth cherishing and holding onto is one that is able to place herself in the same mindset, should the shoe be on the other foot, where either partner was facing the emotions of hair loss.


    I can assure you if it was your Lovely Lady in your life facing this traumatic experience she would no doubt be beside herself with anxiety and anguish, so I trust she is fully understanding of your decision, for starters it well ultimately make you a happier person inside which in-turn well shed that happiness her way, so it becomes a two fold boomerang affect both your ways.


    However I would never take a trip like that without sharing with her exactly what you must do for yourself in order to feel a better person inside pertaining to happier.


    Also there is the medicinal approach to hair-loss with topical and oral medication or there is the Herbal based alternatives of trial and yet to be proven.


    Myself the other have two many side effects I don't care for, so recently researching in my Country I have come across such a formulation I intend to take for 6 months to see if indeed my crown area at least thickens up and the added bonus naturally should that be the case would be the areas between my older operations of yesterday. Either way it well be interesting days ahead what the following ingredients achieve.


    These are the ingredients I have just started on.

    He shou wu,

    Saw Palmetto Extract

    Ginkgo Biloba Extract

    Panax Ginseng Extract

    Gotu Kola Extract

    Nettle Root Extract


    Bon-voyage and happy times ahead for you with the right Doctor at the helm



  9. Bump... nobody knows?


    Hi Dannyboy,

    Just FYI please also check out the Lasercap via google as that is meant to be the ultimate in Laser Hair Therapy for you if you hair loss is only recent thinning and for Woman it is highly recommended to use it.


    For me I have been told would not make a lot of difference as 30 years has passed since I lost my hair, so Hair Restoration is my best bet, but since you are using a comb, this might be the bee's knees so to speak.


    PS Equally great to hear it is working for you to Cor


    Just briefly below:


    The LaserCap hair treatment program uses 224 laser diodes positioned in a hands-free device worn on the head. The proximity of the LaserCap to the patient’s scalp allows for maximum effectiveness and minimal dispersion of the laser & light energy. Each treatment session is 30 minutes on alternating days of the week. The FDA has certified LLLT laser as a class 1 cosmetic device.

  10. This seems to be quite a common occurrence by the number of people posting here, my understanding was FUE was painless, hence reason patients were opting away from the Fut Strip procedure, it appears might be painless during operation but not after the locals wear off.

    Or does it come down to the expertise of the Surgeon carrying out the procedure, pain is one element that puts a lot of people off, so it well be interesting to hear who is in favour of FUE/FUT ...Of course it is logical and natural that both procedures as the healing takes affect well cause a certain amount of discomfort, but I would have thought FUT would have been the more painful one due to suturing.


    Interesting topic indeed.

  11. TheDude84 speaking from experience, the operation they have performed should for all intents and purposes take as well as any other op as far as healing and expected growth, only fundamental difference well be the end result, it well not have that desired natural look we commonly now witness around here or that undetectable density when going to a hair dresser or seen on close inspection, sole reason being is the sparseness of the grafting, however once a Top Restoration Hair Surgeon is able to evaluate it, at least now in his day n age you can have the desired results when the time is right again and finances permit such work.

    In meantime do what I am doing checking out all the Surgeons to the best of my ability and their work and their qualifications, because like you I neither can financially afford or emotionally afford to make any further errors in selecting a Surgeon to finally rectify my outcome of the 80's


    I would never go near another Surgeon who to this day continues to use the old micro/mini-grafting as it plainly is obvious that it is the older school methodology in this century, my research to date displays it is either FUT or FUE being utilised by everyone bar a minority of current surgeons you could not count on one finger that pertains to the recommended Surgeons here and that speaks volumes.


    The major problem besides what is a noticeable difference is due to the ongoing number of sessions to achieve even an outcome that well never be as good as the modern method, you are looking at that much more expense in the process, at least with these mega sessions this does not mean you have to go back again and again.


    On this forum I m shocked to see that not one New Zealand nor Australian Surgeon is even on the recommendation list around the world, yes I know the cost in NZ/Australia is astronomical but surely one would think there is actually a Top Surgeon among them practicing, yet there is not!!, That is a very sad state of affairs to say the least.


    Peace out to you TheDude84

  12. I feel for you "thedude84", I have the same problem that also needs to be rectified, but difference being my 3 operations were carried out in the early 1980's when unfortunately the beauty of what results you get today was not heard of, out of sight out of mind.


    In this day n age 2014, the people doing that type of surgery should have their licence removed to even practice in this field, I trust you can get that 4500 back so you can use it with a Restoration Hair Specialist with Ethics, integrity and principles.


    The plus side to this is there are Top Hair Surgeons who can rectify it as "Hairthere" shared and bring back your peace of mind.


    All the very best

  13. The Mirror of dreams as a topical you could look into this product...I honestly cannot say one way or the other the true results of these herbal based minoxidil formulations out there, but one thing that is becoming plainly obvious, they are all utilising that even though they claim their product is holistically formulated and they stair way from the orthodox approach.

    Maybe other peoples among us here can share their further knowledge or possible use of this formula below and others very similar.


    **outside link removed by moderator**


    On another note I trust that you are happy with your overall result once your hair fully manifests its results for you, you have to be happy within yourself as you know or it is difficult to live with, thankfully this day n age there are Hair restoration specialists out there that can aid in that area when your time and finances once again allow you to act.


    The very best to you

  14. Hi Traction,

    Even though you want it for overall preventative to hair loss, a Natural Food like Bee Pollen is a complete food and amino acid balance and best of all way more cost effective than Multivitamin/Mineral formulations for overall health and I take it despite my current hair problems just for health in general outside of normal diet.

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