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Posts posted by terp10

  1. The grafts were indeed placed over different areas. The hairline was rebuilt, the temple areas were bolstered on each side, and grafts were added throughout the central area from the hairline back to the crown. I will see if I can get some immediate post-op photos to show the exact location of the grafts though.


    I am taking propecia but did not start until a few months ago, I got the prescription back when I had the procedure done but it took me a while to work up the nerve to get started as I was nervous about side effects. So far I have not had any problems.


    I did in fact discuss a second procedure with Dr. Vogel and I meant to mention that in the initial review. We discussed that possibility in general terms back at the time of my initial consultation and in more detail at the time of my follow up last week. This procedure would entail 1200 grafts and would mostly supplement the frontal area and would also bolster the top portion of the vertex. At this point I have not yet decided whether I will undergo that procedure though as I am happy with the current results and I am unsure whether I think it is necessary. Dr. Vogel did state that he was pleased with the results of this initial procedure.

  2. Last week I went to Dr. Vogel's office for my 8 month follow up (probably was more like 8 1/2 months as I had the procedure last Memorial Day weekend) and thought I would now register and take the time to share my experience here in order to help others in the same boat I was in.


    Even though I did not register initially, I read a number of the threads and discussions with interest and used this site as a valuable resource. I felt like my initial questions were answered here and the comments and information were enough to direct me to Dr. Vogel's site. I found it informative as well and at that point scheduled an initial consultation. From that point forward, I would say that everything about Dr. Vogel's office was extremely professional and comfortable, from the staff and the office itself to Dr. Vogel himself.


    In my initial consultation last May, Dr. Vogel and I discussed my options for surgically improving my hairline. I had already familiarized myself with the FUE and strip methods of transplanting, but we discussed those further and he laid out a plan for what could be accomplished and how he would go about doing so. He estimated that I would need approximately 2000 grafts, which is what turned out to be the case (2100 all told) I received an estimate for both the strip method and FUE but there was no pressure or hard sell to commit to anything at that time.


    After thinking about it over a weekend, I decided to schedule a FUE procedure for Dr. Vogel on the Friday before last Memorial Day. Again, my interaction with his office was comfortable and easy as I received all of the information I needed as well as answers to the questions I had.


    I arrived early on the day of the procedure and it lasted until early evening. Once again, I was extremely comfortable with Dr. Vogel and his staff throughout the day and they helped me feel at ease throughout a relatively long day of surgery. I'd be happy to share more specific details about the surgery itself to anyone who wants that information. That evening, I got a call from Dr. Vogel after I got home which was certainly welcome and comforting.


    In the weeks and months that followed, my progress was similar to what I had hoped for and now at the 8 month mark, I am very happy with the results. In looking back at the "before" photos, I'm actually a little surprised at how different my hairline looked as I guess it's easy to forget (I think that's a good thing). I would absolutely recommend Dr. Vogel's office to anyone in the Baltimore/DC area, or really any area for that matter and would be happy to answer any questions anyone might have, either in this thread or via personal message.


    I have attached photos from before the procedure and from last week's 8 month checkup.





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