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Posts posted by xchromosome

  1. No but you may have dandruff or another scalp condition. It may be worth asking family or friends to see if your scalp is flaky, or alternatively see a tricologist or dermatologist.


    Thanks. i am so glad it is not the follicle. yes, my scalp is very oily and flaky. I think i need to check it with clinic.

  2. understood man, I was like that my first HT too

    just be gentle and use circular motions only when the hair and scalp is moist, you're past the critical 10 days now so you can't do any harm now and gently removing those crusts will help with the growth to come


    Hi man, did u buy commercial coconut oil shampoo (brand recommendation) or just add coconut oil in your shampoo by yourself ( ratio)? Thanks.

  3. understood man, I was like that my first HT too

    just be gentle and use circular motions only when the hair and scalp is moist, you're past the critical 10 days now so you can't do any harm now and gently removing those crusts will help with the growth to come


    got it. thanks so much.

    yea, there are so many things need to be cared at the 1st time, but i do appreciate there are so many nice people in this forum giving nice suggestions.

  4. Hairline looks decent and relatively clean work

    I am concerned about your crusting as Spanker mentioned, especially at one month post-op and still having it


    Crusts should be off by around 10-14 days after, use something mild (baby shampoo, coconut oil have already been mentioned) and gently massage in a circular motion. There is a thing as being too gentle after 2 weeks, and the remaining crusting and valleys you have seem to indicate not massaging off the crusts in a timely fashion


    thanks for your suggestion. my doc is Dr. Feller in NY.


    I will start to massage the receipt area while taking a shower. I was afraid any force could damage the transplanted hair, so I just put shampoo foam on the receipt area and then rinse it. that may also explain why there are few hair that have fallen out even after 1 month post op. the pic attached with this msg was taken just now.

    thanks again! really appreciate your comments.


  5. Regular washing with a gentle shampoo should do the trick (I think I used baby shampoo for a few weeks). Make sure to read and follow all of your post op instructions.


    Thank you. my scalp is very oily and itchy after i use the normal shampoo for a couple of days, then i need to use the T-gel once or twice to get rid of the itchy feeling. ill call the clinic to see if they have some ways to clean the crusty stuff. Thank you, Spanker.

  6. I don't see anything wrong with the work and it seems like a good plan. You are a little more crusty than I ever was. Did you keep your recipient sprayed to keep it wet? You should probably to the point where you should be working that stuff out in the shower.


    thanks for your suggestions. i just put the shampoo foam on the recipient area when i took the shower. i just worried any force could pull out the hair. how can i get rid of these crusty stuff? thanks

  7. what's with all the secrets? LOL :)

    only half kidding, but I think good or bad since you're posting your results on this open forum people are going to want to know which doctor you went with.


    it helps future patients make an informed decision


    haha, good point. Before i tell u who is my doc, can you give me any comments on my hairline building? I donot wanna any pre conceived notion if you know who my doc is.

  8. I lose a lot of hair every day, no worries. 2 months is probably your low point and you should expect all of your transplanted hair to fall out initially and then regrow. Who was your doc?


    Thanks for your reply! can you give me your email and i can tell you my doc.

  9. Its still early , I think anywhere from 2-8 week is when patients usually experience shockloss or shedding .Or perhaps you may be lucky enough to not have any shedding whatsoever like myself. I wo dered the same thing and was told most do and few don't. I was fortunate enough and at 4 months they still hadnt shed and they were actually growing. Good luck to you




    Thanks for reply! I was told that shock loss could happen 14 days postop, so I am worried a little. Do you have any comment on my pic? Thanks

  10. i had my first HT on May 13th and now it is almost 1 month postop. My transplanted hair has grown longer but I have just seen 2 to 3 hairs fall out. Is the shock loss a must-be step? If my hair does not fall out, does that mean my hair adapt the new site and will never encounter loss shock in the future? Thanks!


    my scalp has been very itchy and oily lately and I used T-gel for 3 days. Is that OK?


    any comments are welcome!


    Thank you all!





  11. That is not an accurate statement. Lorenzo USED to have a 12 month waiting list until he moved to the UK. You could get a procedure with him in less than 3 months now. Bisanga, hakan erdogan also do not have a 12 wait. The only surgeon i am aware of in europe that has a circa 12 month waiting list is Feriduni who is also an excellent surgeon at strip and fue. I will forever remember the kindness and care that he exhibited to me in our 35 minute Skype consult where there was no push for a deposit, date etc. 12 month wait for feriduni is worth it, as it is with lorenzo, erdogan, bisanga, hakan, maras.


    Can you give me the websites of these doctors you recommended? Thank you

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