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Posts posted by hairraisingexperience

  1. I'm in the process of organising a suitable date of surgery with Dr. Demirsoy so I'm particularly interested in how his surgeries work out.


    What did he tell you about post-op shedding and when growth should appear? Just say, for example, that seasonal shedding removes a lot of grafts, does he have a stipulation to restore these or do you have to bear the brunt? I'm particularly curious about post-op hair development and what's expected and what does the surgeon do if something unexpected goes wrong. Given you've had your surgery with Dr. Demirsoy, I'd be interested to know more if you've learned anything.


    Your pics do look great though - you can clearly see development especially in the last two comparative pictures. Hope it continues to grow! :-)

  2. I was just wondering about a few things concerning a HT, mostly prompted from research but haven't as of yet found an answer to these:


    1) What if you go to a great surgeon who, for example, transplants 3,000 grafts. You follow all the safety instruction but for some reason the yield is extremely low. Do surgeons re-do the work or do you have to pay them again to do the same job?


    2) Let's assume the HT went well and you've suddenly found yourself with a new head of hair. Are there any risks of losing this hair to seasonal shedding and essentially progressively destroying all the work that was done?


    3) Are there any other major risks to losing the work that was done?


    Thanks for any responses.

  3. Thanks for that response.


    As I said, I'm only looking for "highly respected surgeons" and would never compromise quality based on price. Although, I am limited financially in the steps I can take. I've got to find a balance between the two.


    At the moment, I've found what appears to be an excellent surgeon by the name of Dr. Demisroy. Looking past through the history of these threads, it appears he does excellent work at an excellent price. I've looked through quite a lot of reviews and overall, he seems to offer what I'm looking for.


    But it's early stages yet and I might not choose him - I have to shop around.

  4. I think the time has arrived that I actually take the plunge and get a hair transplant. My current hair is receding at the temples and become a little more 'hair pluggy' over the past two to three years. On this basis, I'd say I'm a mix between III Vertex and IV.


    I'm looking for a highly respected surgeon located in Europe that offers reasonable prices for the grafts. I'd be looking at 2,000-3,000 grafts initially and I believe I have a good donor area (when compared to others, the area is quite thick).


    I know there are multiple techniques that are regularly mentioned but I'm more concerned about grafts, respected surgeon, results, and cost, rather than the potential for scars. I've also noticed some what appear to me to be dodgy posts where individuals sign up to prop up other surgeons; other posters seem to have noticed this phenomenon too.


    I know there are lists around but I'd like to challenge everyone here to please offer me briefly a respected surgeon who can restore my hairline. I'm not worried about the crown for the moment as my hair on top is quite thick (just becoming more patchy under the light as time progresses). My budget is looking around the 4,000-5,000 mark, so hopefully that is reasonable enough.


    Based on this, I'd really appreciate your responses as I'm becoming very anxious about my hairline/temples and wish to resolve this as soon as possible.


    Thanking you in advance! :)

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