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Posts posted by redandwhites

  1. Hi guys,


    Been losing my hair for roughly a year, mid-20s, mostly on the crown at the moment.


    My scalp isn't visible yet but since my hair is naturally fine, I figured taking a proactive approach would be wise.


    I was wondering if anyone on this forum has ever had (continued) success with 2% Minoxidil?


    Stumbled upon this earlier (Rogaine product description): The 2% showed results in 46% of men. The 5% liquid showed results in 64% of men. The 5% foam showed results in 85% of men.


    I understand that the efficacy of the 2% isn't adequate for some, but my question is if someone is lucky enough to fall in that 46% of people, is there any particular advantage in using the 2% Minoxidil?


    For example, is there less initial shedding with the 2% than the 5%?


    Is there any point at all in me trying the 2% first and only switching to the 5% if I don't see results? Or will I just be wasting my time altogether :confused:


    Planning to purchase my first batch of Minoxidil next week so any input would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Rootz,


    Thanks for the quick reply.


    Your analogy makes complete sense and to be honest, I suppose it's just not worth the risk anyway.


    It truly is a case of 'once you start, you can't stop' then!


    I'll be purchasing my first batch of minoxidil next week and I guess that marks the start of a lifelong journey!

  3. Question for 1978matt, or anyone else who may know the answer -


    I'm thinking of starting with rogaine/minox, mostly on the crown for now but possibly around the temples in the future..


    My question (apologies if it's silly/obvious):


    If I decide to get a hair transplant in approximately 5 years or more, would I need to continue using minox after that? Considering the fact that I would have been using it for 5+ years by then.


    I plan to get a hair transplant only in the areas where I'm applying the minox, so even if I stop and the hairs fall out, the new grafts will render future use of minox unnecessary, am I right? :confused:


    Any clarification would be much appreciated!



  4. Hello everyone,


    I'm new here so please excuse my lack of knowledge on various topics!


    I'm currently in my mid-20's and have been losing hair for roughly 3 years (on and off) but thankfully I still have plenty left, however my scalp visibility (crown) is inevitably on the horizon. Although I don't have a receding hairline, I would say by the end of this year my crown will feature a noticeable bald spot unless I comb over it every time, so I should probably take action soon.


    Naturally, I view lifelong use of Minoxidil as quite a daunting task (especially twice a day) so a HT is more appealing to me in that respect. The only problem is that I feel it's too soon to take drastic measures; my current hair loss situation isn't aggressive and remains manageable.


    So, my question is this:


    If I start using Minoxidil now (for a couple of years), would it be possible to stop and go for a HT in the future and never have to use Minoxidil after that? Or is it literally a case of once you start, you can't stop?


    Am I better off avoiding Minoxidil altogether and just going for a HT straight away? My main concern is the need to apply Minoxidil every day of my life, not very keen on that!




    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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