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Posts posted by Cork

  1. 22 minutes ago, gillenator said:

    Low dose finasteride for ideally 6 months before the procedure and after as well.

    What was the dosage and how long after was it recommended to be used by your surgeon?


    Also I see you are an advocate for two surgeons. Did you have a hair transplant yourself and who did the procedure and follow up consultations?

  2. When I contacted Dr Bisanga about possibly getting 4,000 FUE graphs his representative advised me that for that many graphs FUT would be the better option so I will have to look into that more and get a recommendation once I submit pictures.


    While it's not as appealing at least it's €4,000 less expensive and will possibly give me better coverage.


    To be continued...

  3. As a rough guideline on FUE prices:


    Dr Feriduni - €5 per graph


    Dr Bisanga - €5 per graph for first 1,000 graphs, €3 per additional graph.


    Dr Bisanga has a much shorter waiting list so the scales are starting to tip his way especially as I will require a large number of graphs.

  4. Norwood 6:


    I am having difficulty choosing between Feriduni and Bisanga.


    Both have excellent reputations and there is many fine examples of work by both on this forum.


    Pricewise them seem to be quite similar.


    I can't find a way to split them and would really appreciate any advice on how to make a call.


    I will try to arrange a consultation with both and waiting periods will factor into my decision but any other factors from personal experience would be great, especially if you have experience of both surgeons.



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  5. I have been reading a lot of articles on the internet that Finasteride can cause erectile dysfunction (one study put it at 15%) and can potentially cause it long term even after the patient stops taking the medication.


    I have also seen it mentioned that male brest cancer is 200 times more likely to occur by taking this medication but from the little bit I read it was not an extensive study and was a small group so this might be easily disregarded.


    The UK, Italian and Swedish governments have insisted that Merck (pharmaceutical manufacturer) put this warning on their packaging. At least two class-action lawsuits—one in the United States and one in Canada—have been filed on behalf of PFS patients seeking damages for the harm they say Propecia has caused them.


    Quote from MensHealth.com - "But then, on April 19, 2011—in the wake of the new research, publicity about class-action lawsuits in the United States and Canada, and this magazine's continued requests for additional information—Merck suddenly reversed course, officially updating the label to include "reports of erectile dysfunction that continued after discontinuation of Propecia.""







    I am considering a transplant in a few months and assume I will be recommended to take Finasteride post op so this is a big issue that is concerning me.


    What is the general experience of this community on the side effects of Finasteride?


    The article on MensHealth.com that inspired this thread: Baldness Remedy Side Effects | Men's Health

  6. Hello folks and thanks for making this community a great resource of information.


    I have decided I will definitely get a transplant in about 6-9 months. I am currently a Norwood 6 (29 male, balding since 21) and as I am in Ireland I would prefer a European based surgeon.


    From reading a lot of forum posts and articles the names that pop up repeatedly are Feriduni and Bisanga.


    I have tried to research surgeons however aside from pictures which I will never put much faith in, considering what can be done with Photoshop, and not having enough medical knowledge to evaluate other factors the best I can do is go with the general consensus of who the best surgeons are.


    There is a lot of information out there of peoples personal experience with surgeons which is a good way to judge each surgeon and procedure but there seems to be a lack of information on post op medication.


    First and foremost, will I have to take medication every day for as long as I want to maintain my new hair and stop further hair loss?


    I was reading on another large hair loss forum that a 58 year old man stopped taking Finasteride 13 years post op as he thought it was causing erectile dysfunction and within 4 weeks he experienced massive hair loss.


    I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction to get more information on pre and post op medication even if it is not a one size fits all situation.

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