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Posts posted by tumbleweed

  1. the B spot


    "Looks real good tumbleweed!!!!!


    MUCH better!!!!!


    Glad to see your doing well"


    *** thanks for kind words!***






    "Funny...I'm just seeing this thread for the first time. Results look great."


    *** it's funny I've been watching your progress very carefully, I think I'm just as excited for your results as you are! I'm hoping to get another 2000 or so grafts which will put me in the same league as yourself. Good luck in your growth and from what I see so far your results will be awsome. Thanks for your great thread it's fun to see your month to month progress. As for my third procedure that's still up in the air but I will definetly keep you fellas posted.***






    "You definitely look 10 times better with the HT and especially with this new style. I hope you don't take offense to my critiquing Seagers hairline work."


    ***thanks for critique and no offense taken, that's what makes this forum such a valuable tool for researching clinics, talking to actual patients and getting critical realistic information. thanks!***






    "If a person has lighter hair there is lest contrast with the scalp and it blends better. If I didn't work in such a conservative atmosphere (bank) I'd try the highlights or blonde hair..........somethin' different. I like the slightly "freshed surf" hair rather than the earlier style you wore."


    ***you're absolutely right, adding highlights and a color that doesn't contrast with your scalp makes a huge difference in my opinion. As for the surfer look I was very surprised at how 'blonde' I was when I walked out of the barber shop because I've never had anything like this done before...but it was pure fun and my wife loves it!!! Thanks for the comments!***






    "This is a nice result. Dr. Seager was one of a handful of physicians that really took follicular unit graphing via single blade strip harvest to the next level in the 90's."


    ***Dr. Seager was a truly amazing person who watched this industry grow to what it is now. Everytime I look in the mirror I thank the good Doc. Thanks for the compliment.***

  2. Hey guys, ya I know the hair does look suspicious but I do have a long face so some sort of bangs makes me look better...according to my wife! I attached a pic with my hair pulled back.

    Like I said thought my hairline does need some refinement as you can see with my hair pulled back. I will try to take more photos in the next couple of days with different hairstyles to give you gents a better idea of my situation. You fellas are correct though I definetly don't have teenage density and having longer hair sure makes a difference with regards to giving the "illusion" of density. I'm do for a haircut in the next couple of weeks(first time in at least 10 years)...it'll be interesting to see what kind of hairstyle the stylist is going to give me. I'm thinking of adding some colour also...maybe lighten things up, not sure though!


    In the end I'm hoping for at least another 2000 grafts to finish things off...time will tell! Thanks for the honest input, it's nice to have people in my situation to communicate and this forum is just that great tool for that purpose!

  3. God bless Dr. Seager and all of the dedication, hard work and passions that he committed to the hair restoration industry.

    I had two sessions done by his clinic with results that I'm very happy with. The only weak spots are my crown were there's about a 2" diameter spot that has never been touched and is pretty bare and also a little refinement in the hairline area would make things that much better in my opinion.

    My goal is to have one more session in the next year or so with the likes of Armani, H&W or Rahal...not sure yet.

    My journey started in 2004 with my first sesssion to the front 1/3 and then last July/06 I had the back done all back to almost the crown area.

    I would like to just again say thanks to Dr. Seager and his clinic for all of their hard work and the good Doc will remain a part of my life forever! Thanks Dr. Seager!


    May 01/07...I've added a few pics with my new "style". I had this done about 3 weeks ago before we went away to the Dominican for our holiday...kinda surfer dude like don't you think!

    It's a little over the top for me so I've since taken the clippers and shaved it down to a number 6 on top...but hey I can do that and the stuff keeps on growing back, I love it! I was looking for a more subtle contrast, in a couple of months I'll definetly try it again.


    9841026603_DA11AB5EE0E71233A1D7EF0BF7EF5446.jpg.thumb 8841026603_5D71677070679705107349365CA75D67.jpg.thumb 8421039513_805CB9912E8487C8726C20C79CAAD526.jpg.thumb 7321039513_D6262CC3BAAE34DE16E8A0DDC53526DB.jpg.thumb 6521039513_FEFCEBC85CDCB035CC627CB2252B021C.jpg.thumb 5321039513_0172697A82768BB72671B46BE67EF0D9.jpg.thumb 2941026603_5E67030DBA9081EAE476303EC1C4FBAC.jpg.thumb 2191058603_9172258A6FA3C2591D482857FAB95D68.jpg.thumb 1941026603_1A34E19686E3B8077C05CECD25E72A1C.jpg.thumb



  4. Wow your hair looks great!

    I noticed you dye your hair, do you think it makes a big difference to reduce the contrast between you hair and scalp? Also your praise your stylist does it really make that big of a difference? The reason I'm asking is because I'm 7 months post-op and my wife has been bugging me to go and see a good stylist and to perhaps have my hair lightened up.

    I have pasty white skin and very dark brown hair so lightening things up a little would in my mind only enhance the illusion of density. Thanks.

  5. Hey MikieB I had the same sort of thing happen to me at about the 7/8 week mark. I had acne with some serious redness, I got in touch with my doc and he gave me some meds to clear it up. I really think the root cause was some sort of allergic reaction to the minox, I also stopped using that and everything cleared up in a couple of weeks. I also took Spex advice and tried some witch hazel...not really sure what exactly cleared things up for me but I'm in the clear now!

  6. Give it time Midiman, I've been through this once before and believe me it's a loooong 6 months. Depending on what your original expectations were, but I think if they were realistic you'll be happy with your results.


    As for the redness and just overall shitty looking mug that you and I presently have it's just a matter of time before this clears up. If you're experiencing lots of acne talk to your Doc about some meds to clear that stuff up.


    Keep your stick on the ice!

  7. Thanks, that's what I've been reading also but it doesn't seem to matter how much reassurance that you get this in between time (1 month to 5 months)always keep you thinking, did I do the right thing, is this time different,etc...


    Anyways thanks, and that's why this site is so important not only does is provide valuable information it also doubles as a support group!

  8. Hello all, I'm almost 10 weeks out from my surgery and I've had pimples and itching on my head for a while now...is this common, could it be the minox? I'm hoping this is ok and if it is what can I do to aleviate the problem. This is my second surgery and I really don't remember having this problem during the first surgery.


    Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  9. Hello TooThin, I had a surgery with Dr. Seager two years ago with great results. Although he's not promoted as much as H&W on this site he does excellent work and I would recommend him to anyone. Good luck with your decision.

  10. Excellent topic, I couldn't have done it without my wife. Let's face it having a hair transplant is a substantial amount of dough to spend on yourself. My wife understands 100% and couldn't have been more supportive and now I'm going for number two and once again she's stepping up to the plate and being the most wonderful, supportive person in the world.

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