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Posts posted by Liverpoolgirl

  1. Probably banned from this site due to a lawsuit or something.


    Liverpoolgirl, if Mickey recommends Mwamba then you can trust that Mwamba would be a great choice!


    I remember someone saying that all doctors can go down the "no shave" route, but that it is a risk to the end result. Therefore those who do it know the risks but use it as a selling point. Not sure how true that is, but shaving down is only temporary - the long term result is all you need to worry about.


    I think Dr. Feller only does small FUE sessions.


    Hi Tommy


    What would make it a risk? Is it because the graft is out for longer? It's just as a woman shaving the head is really hard

  2. Oh for crying' out loud, you've been told the score with these surgeons - no amount of repeating the same points is gonna change the options available to you so maybe you should just choose one.


    Lol calm down buddy. I know all the options I was just asking which one of those options is best and which surgeon is. You're an idiot.

  3. I should have clarified that even though making new recipient incisions into a "bare" surface area does not present issues of potential transection, the FUE surgeon must still follow acute angulation of the newly created recipient sites otherwise the new grafts may grow out at an inappropriate angle and the new growth could stick out like a sore thumb...:eek:


    It really depends how close the new incisions are to the established native hairline. There can even be some minor shock loss to the existing hairline post-op but as long as no transection occurs, everything should grow back very nicely.


    How likely do you think shock loss is?

  4. In all honesty I would say either:


    • Get a Miley Cyrus type cut and shave the donor; and/or

    • Invest in a few wigs



    • Take the FUT option. It will give you the best chance of a top result.

    The doc will be 'driving in fog' with the no-shave option. Don't make it any more difficult for him!


    I 100 percent don't want FUT it seems too invasive...and I hate Miley Cyrus :P

  5. Have you considered hairline lowering surgically with Dr Sheldon Kabaker? He has an excellent track record with this procedure for females and you would avoid any shaving. Also the result would be pretty much immediate.


    I thought about it but it's a much more invasive procedure and I tend not to scar well so a forehead scar wouldn't be a good idea... Thanks for the suggestion though!

  6. I would go for a shaven donor myself in order for the surgeon to better analyze the direction of the hair under the skin. I'm sure Mwamba could shave 2 or 3 'strips' in your donor area and extract from them. As seen here:


    FUE part shaves strip shaves


    With your hair combed down, the shaved sites would not be visible :)


    I cringe at the thought of shaving my hair..the hairdresser would be able to see it when I get a hair cut also..would you say Dr Mwamba is as good as Dr Feller and Dr Epstein? I was looking into them also,,,any advice would be appreciated

  7. Mwamba is an excellent FUE physician. His hairlines are excellent and he constantly achieves great yield and from various accounts I have been told he is VERY thorough and friendly in his consultations.


    Hi Mickey thanks for the reply! Would you say he is as good as feriduni and mwamba?

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