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Posts posted by Recluse

  1. Matt - Those are the number of grafts I was thinking of too and your choice of docs(with two extra on your list) is identical to mine. Thanks.


    Jotronic - I see what you mean and judging by your experience on this site I'll take that advice into serious consideration. The reason I have my triangular temple points forward is because I grow my hair quite long and this will make it appear as if there's little to mild balding. But if any doc echoes your words then it shall be as you advise.


    Spanker -You're another poster whose words I value very much. I've been a silent reader on this forum and you're one of the many that can see past the bull and ask the right questions. I think the flash pictures make the hair look better and I'll try to upload pics with natural light but you're right about the light work, I just want a hairline that I can work with in the future.


    Thanks to all for their words.

    All the best


  2. I've been losing hair for over 12-14 years since I was about 16. I am now 29. I got on Fin and later Minox, both at a very early age. I have had trouble growing my hairline and I think it's only going to be recovered with surgery.


    My hair has been like this for nearly two years now, so I've stabilised it somewhat. Two relatively poor pictures are attached, they make my situation look better than it is. In any case, how many grafts will I need and who do you recommend for the surgeon?



  3. If I passed you by in the street I wouldn't think you're losing hair, unless I sat by you closely and I'd still think it's only a high forehead. Your crown is still in very healthy state.


    If I were you I'd buy hair vits and stick to a hair diet to keep your existing hair in the best possible condition, that is if you're not doing it already. Buy a decent shampoo like Revita or Niz and try anything under the sun that is natural for hair regrowth before you take the plunge. If you have tiny hairs where your old hairline was, maybe a concealer can help. A HT should be last resort even with the best doctors.


    Good luck.

  4. Johhnydrama:


    Thanks for the reply Johnny. I hope I know what I'm doing because you only get one chance.


    Oh, and I've seen your updates. Your hairlne and density is already enviable and to think you have many months of growth left...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous! Dr Bisanga is one doctor I'm yet to post an online consultation to and your result only helps my case.


    I have only had the online consultation with Dr Feriduni and Dr Doganay thus far. The former doctor I contacted quite some time ago and Dr Dognay a month ago. I'm not pursuing surgery anytime soon as I need to stabilise my hair loss a bit(suffered a shedding recently). So these consultations are serving as a preliminary assessment of my needs and to choose what I deem to be the best and moderate approach for surgery.


    Just one question, did you travel to Belgium from the UK or are you a local?


    Thanks for the advice and best of luck with your growth.



    splitting hairs:

    Thank for your input.


    I agree it's a personal choice, but I also think it should be an informed choice so that no one is left unhappy. Ultimately we are paying not only with money but risking our health and quality of life with these decisions, so I hope people can chime in to not only help me but those who would visit this site to carefuly consider who they choose. I believe the doctors mentioned are all competent and considerate enough to make the right choices for us.


    As for Dr Erdogan, would you yourself recommend him for a HT?




  5. I've made my mind up that I am to stay in Europe if ever I need a FUE transplant. I'm a NW 2.7/3 with what seems to be a good donor site. I need my temples and hairline to be precise. It's caused me the most anxiety.


    I was considering Dr Rahal before, but after seeing Sean's result - not that it was bad but neither was it successful - and a few others who failed to update their status as well as some patients' complaints, I can safely say he is out of the question. His results have deteriorated in quality, IMO as a silent reader.


    So, as for the European Docs, who would you choose and why?


    Dr Hakan: He's had amazing yields with his manual punch and decent to very good hairlines. I've contacted his clinic and they sound nothing short of brillant professionals. I would most likely choose him foremost as 'filler' for density in the mid-scalp if ever I needed that. As of now I'd not hesitate to use him for my hairline either.


    Dr Bisanga: From what I've read a truly sincere doctor who offers the soundest advice for a suitable(or unsuitable) candidate for HT. He has some of the most amazingly natural looking results; undetectable.


    Dr Feriduni: I'd consider Dr Feriduni for my hairline and then some. I've seen some artisitc work and he seems to have dealt with some difficult cases and come out strong. He's the Rahal of old, but because he's bettered some of that Doc's results I think he has set his own trademark.


    Dr Erdogan: Last but certainly not the least, Dr Erdogan has pulled of miraculous results. I only know him through his HD pics on this forum and not read much else. Those results, some of whose head shapes and hair loss patterns are similar to my own make me want to book a ticket ASAP. I have an honest doubt that he may be too aggressive wih his hairlines, but if I can only be gestured at to say he's contemplated long term hair loss, I'll be heading to Turkey.


    I didn't mean for the long winded post, but if some can either correct or encourage these views, I'd be very grateful. These are the best in Europe for FUE after Lorenzo(who is outrageously expensive).





  6. I've made my mind up that I am to stay in Europe if ever I need a FUE transplant. I'm a NW 2.7/3 with what seems to be a good donor site. I need my temples and hairline to be precise. It's caused me the most anxiety.


    I was considering Dr Rahal before, but after seeing Sean's result - not that it was bad but not truly successful - and a few others who failed to update their status as well as some patients' complaints, I can safely say he is out of the question. His results have deteriorated in quality, IMO as a silent reader.


    So, as for the European Docs, who would you choose and why?


    Dr Hakan: He's had amazing yields with his manual punch and decent to very good hairlines. I've contacted his clinic and they sound nothing short of brillant professionals. I would most likely choose him foremost as 'filler' for density in the mid-scalp if ever I needed that. As of now I'd not hesitate to use him for my hairline either.


    Dr Bisanga: From what I've read a truly sincere doctor who offers the soundest advice for a suitable(or unsuitable) candidate for HT. He has some of the most amazingly natural looking results; undetectable.


    Dr Feriduni: I'd consider Dr Feriduni for my hairline and then some. I've seen some artisitc work and he seems to have dealt with some difficult cases and come out strong. He's the Rahal of old, but because he's bettered some of that Doc's results I think he has set his own trademark.


    Dr Erdogan: Last but certainly not the least, Dr Erdogan has pulled of miraculous results. I only know him through his HD pics on this forum and not read much else. Those results, some of whose head shapes and hair loss patterns are similar to my own make me want to book a ticket ASAP. I have an honest doubt that he may be too aggressive wih his hairlines, but if I can only be gestured at to say he's contemplated long term hair loss, I'll be heading to Turkey.


    I didn't mean for the long winded post, but if some can either correct or encourage these views, I'd be very grateful. These are the best in Europe for FUE after Lorenzo(who is outrageously expensive).





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