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Posts posted by Hairvana

  1. How did I miss this? Looks good. Do you have any more preop and final photos? You have good hair characteristics. Coarse and dense. OTOH, it's hard to believe you accomplished this with just 2.7k grafts....did you see a great response from meds?


    Hi, It's been on my mind to submit some more photos recently, might get around to it soon. Thank you for the comment and I take it as a compliment that you find it hard to believe the results are based off 2700 grafts. :)


    Regarding the meds, I really couldn't give you a great insight if they made a difference or not, I just followed Dr Pongs directions and took the medication regime he prescribed. My crown area hasn't improved for what it is worth.

  2. I have similar hair loss to you. Thinning on the top of the head,etc.

    I'm in CM now, but I was leaning more towards Dr Path in Bkk.

    Your results look really good; one thing that struck me as strange about Dr Pong, is that all his patients hair looks the same. theres a certain style to the hair that I didn't quite like, but I wasn't able to tell if that was just how the nurse combed their hair before the photos or not; whereas with Dr Path, it just looked great in general; but the photos on his website aren't anywhere near as plentiful as Pongs website.


    How is your density in the crown?



    Hi, I'm planning on going back this year to fill in my crown. As you can see in my pre-op photo with the out line on my scalp the crown didn't receive any grafts. The density of my natural hair in my crown area is poor I would say.

  3. Hi, I had my second HT with Dr. Pong and I couldn't recommend him enough. I really wished that I went to him for my first HT rather then getting ripped off here in Australia.


    My honest word of advice is research FUE vs FUT, I'm not sure if Dr. Pong does FUE. If FUE was an option 10 years ago I would have done it to avoid having a scar at the back of my head. Never choose your HT Surgeon solely based on price.


    Hope this helps.

  4. I am seriously considering Dr. Pong from Thailand mostly due to his impressive before and after pictures on his website. The hairlines look really good. There are also several posts of positive experiences with him.


    However, his media presence seems to be lacking. There is not a lot of talk about Dr. Pong despite his many successful ht surgeries. It worries me.


    Could he be too good to be true? I would think that the prices he offers combined with the results of his patients, that his name would be mentioned more often. Also the fact that he isn't one of the recommended doctors on here worries me.


    Have any of you had positive experiences with Dr. Pong? I need to make a decision soon about which doctor I choose, any info would help, thanks.


    I choose to go with Dr Pong for my second surgery and my experience with him and his staff was excellent. My results are still pending as I’m only 4 months post-op.


    I stayed in Chiang Mai 7 days after my operations and went into his clinic every morning (free of charge) to have my hair washed and to have my donor area checked up on. During these visits post operation I had the opportunity to ask Dr Pong more questions about him like his history, why he got into the field, his staff, his own hair transplants experience and amongst other things his online presences. He said something to the effect that his website is his online presences and advertising. He also mentioned that all of those patient on the website are photos of returning patients who have had one surgery with him and have returned for a second surgery. I found that fact to be a very profound statement about the quality of his work.


    I’d suggest that Dr Pong not being a recommended doctor on this site could perhaps have something to do with possible fees. Just my take on that. From my personal experience of using this site I feel there could be a bias against Dr Pong because he is in Thailand or because he performs FUT and people are not interested.


    If I was to have my first surgery again, I’d for a FUE rather than a FUT so I didn't have to have a scar.


    Have you been in contact with any of the doctors you are considering?

  5. It's coming up to 4 month post operation and everything is going very well.


    I'm past the shock loss stage because I'm starting to notice my hair is looking thicker every time I look it the mirror. Two weeks ago when my girlfriend's Mother commented on how different my hair looked and wanted to know what I was doing, I knew then the growth was happening.


    The scar is still red but there is no pain or tightness now. My girlfriend said the scar is barely visible.


    I'm extremely happy with the progress so far, but there is still a while to go.


    Photos on 20/05/2014








  6. Hello Everyone,


    This my hair transplant experience with Dr Suradej Pong in Chiang Mai. I'm a 30 year old male from Melbourne, Australia.


    I could write a bit more about why I choose Dr Pong but I've narrowed it down to four main reasons.



    I was speaking to my general Doctor about going for a hair transplant and potentially getting one done overseas. At this stage I was considering Dr Path in Bangkok. My Doctor told me that an important factor with any surgeon is their qualifications and experience. This valuable information set me off in the right direction in considering a HT Surgeon.


    While comparing Dr Path’s qualifications I found that Dr Pong’s were almost the same. The main difference is that Dr Path has many more years in the field. Dr Path comes highly recommended so when I learnt that Dr Pong was Dr Path’s student / apprentice in Bangkok I was reassured that he was a capable surgeon.



    Dr Pong has been doing hair transplants for over 10 years. I read ever forum post I could find on the online about his patients experiences and results and everything I read and saw was very positive. Also, the patient gallery on his website display good results. I believed all posts and photos to be genuine which made me feel comfortable to approach him for a consultation.



    I had my first surgery in Melbourne, Australia about 6 years ago. I won't be mentioning the surgeons. That surgery ended up costing me AUD$7.70 per graft, so I ended up paying for 1000 grafts and received approximately 1,100 grafts.


    A couple of years after my first surgery I discovered the world of online hair loss forums. In my years of lurking I saw what other surgeons where charging and felt a little bit ripped off. So, this time getting value for moneys was a factor.


    Patient Results:

    Viewing Dr Pong’s patient gallery results was the deciding factor for me. His results appeared the best out of all the surgeons I was considering.


    Consultation, 23rd of January 2014


    I arrived in Chiang Mai on a Thursday morning, my consultation was later that day. My fiance pre-arranged a private tour to drive us to the Doi Suthep Temple and to a local market before arriving at the clinic at 2pm. As we were driving around Chiang Mai some paranoia popped into my had about the clinic being and scam run by criminals or it being extremely dirty but once I walked into the clinic all those paranoid thoughts disappeared.


    During the consultation I asked Dr Pong a lot of questions and he was very detailed in his answering of them. Dr Pong asked me a lot about which medication I was on and was really confused about some of the things my previous surgeon did.


    My fiance always said that the scar from the donor area from my first surgery was pretty noticeable and I never really believed her because I thought she didn’t have a good idea about what one should look like. Dr Pong shared her opinion.




    Surgery, 24th of January 2014


    The surgery pretty much was like the one I had in Melbourne besides lunch.


    I arrived at the clinic a 8.30am, read and signed some paper work, had my hair washed, had the photos taken then we proceeded upstairs for surgery. The tissue from the donor area and the stitches were all done by lunch, so, I was given lunch before the grafts into the recipient area.


    I was given 2 Valium in the morning to help me sleep but they didn’t really help and I didn't sleep much at all. I back at my hotel around 5pm that afternoon.


    All up I had 2783 grafts.


    h5_zps9469a146.jpg h8_zpsc91d6176.jpgh6_zpsf508f20d.jpg


    If anyone has any comments or questions please feel free to ask.

  7. To be honest, I found the surgery was long and a little boring towards the end. I really wanted to get up and move in the last hour … I wish the valiums had of actually put me to sleep. But that's how long it needed to be. The worst part of the surgery was differently the anesthetic injections at the start. Dr Pong’s staffs were professional before, during and after the operation. The clinic was modern and clean.


    I’m glad to hear that you’re happy with your results so far. I can’t wait until I get some growth and actually be able to style my hair without being conscious about having a comb-over! :P

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