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Posts posted by Irina1989

  1. Yes, early shedding, sounds more like it rather than loosing grafts.

    They said I had to wash my hair everyday, with diluted shampoo into a glass of water. Ive been trying to follow all the instructions, but its confusing sometimes.


    I hope everything is ok, since yesterday I did go to see my doctor and she didnt see any sign of trauma, but told me only time will tell now.


    Thank you very much, you really helped me. I kinda feel safer now and surely wont disobey the instructions again.

  2. Hi, Im very concerned about something.


    I had a hair transplant 8 days ago, and on day 6, I washed my hair with warm water. I tried to cover my recipient area with my hands and gave a very gentle circular massage with my fingers, just to help the crusts soften and more prone to fall off.


    I didnt pick, scratch, no nails, nothing hard.


    So I dont think I was agressive, in fact, I felt a couple of small crusts in my hands and looked at it and didnt see any hair.


    But I feel like I have less hair in the front line, and it looks like nothing happened there, empty. No hair, no scabs.


    At day six, with about 10 minutes under the shower with warm water and some gentle massaging with fingers, may some grafts be lost and/or damaged?


    The first picture is on day 1, the second picture on day 7. On the second picture, doesnt it looks like I lost some?



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