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Posts posted by NeedSomeHelpBro

  1. An edged-up hairline is appropriate on men of color, those of Latino decent, middle-eastern and some Asian. Most of the time, that is in their genetic makeup and that is what their Mom gave them. What I am saying is that the tech ventured out of the natural hairline and created a hairline that is unnatural looking to this Caucasian man. Very few Caucasian men are born with this type of hairline. While this may be attractive as a young man, just think when you are middle-aged and looking ridiculous. Since my system is permanent, I make sure my clients are well-versed before they insist on such a hairline. In most cases, I deny them as a client as I know they will not be happy years down the road.


    The first picture is a young Asian man I did with an edged-up hairline. This photo was taken immediately after my one-session completion. The redness disappears in about 24 hours and the color will mellow to match his remaining hair and the hairline will soften in about two weeks. This man originally also had a natural widow's peak which I reproduced. The second photo (also immediately after) is of an older Hispanic man. While his natural hairline from his youth had the "harder" pronounced temples, both the client and I agreed that would not have been attractive on a man his age. Again, the color will mellow to match his remaining hair.



    Do you think my color is going to 'mellow' to match my remaining hair? If the dots fade slightly into the color of the rest of my head over time I wouldn't mind.. but right now it doesn't look right.




    Hi NSH,

    Unfortunately I'd have to agree there are problems with your result. It appears the tech went too deep with the needle and possibly injected too much pigment. While the hairline appears to be the most egregious part, I do see large deposits throughout. As Mark recommended, I would not continue adding pigment to this. Rather, I would try and lighten it with a laser. The laser targets the pigment and breaks it down into smaller particles so your system can absorb them. The upside is it will work; the downside, as you already noted, is that it can be rather painful. I have seen laser removal techs use ice or a blower-type device to help ease the pain a bit.


    I do not agree necessarily with Mark about your hairline design, though. Attached is someone I worked on with the same design. He is actually Dominican but his skin appears very light. The edge up design worked well for him.





    This is actually stressing me out to a high degree, I have payed this man $4800 dollars that I barely could afford now.. and now im stuck with this.. what can I do? Do you think the pigment will 'blend' in with the rest of my hair over time? It has only been a few weeks.. im hoping it will lighten up.. because I don't think it looks bad with the rest of my head if the colors matched. that's my concern. what can I do? :( I got this to wear less hats now it seems like I am wearing them now more than ever.

  2. Yo Bro!

    There is nothing wrong with having high standards. I would go back and let them know you have some concerns. Any legitimate business wants happy customers. They should at the very least, make an attempt to bring the work already done- come up to your standards.




    I would hope so.. but there's not much im sure he can do besides lazer some more off my head. which again.. hurts very badly. Idk what else he can personally provide for me. What's your personal opinion? Does it look good to you? Am I overthinking it?


    If you want work that is similar to the best treatments you've seen online then you need to actually go to them. A good treatment is 99% about who the technician is.


    I understand that, but living in Boston & not having the means to travel across the country or to NYC.. (I can't afford it) those "professional clinics" are only located out of Boston.. it's a sad reality I had to face being 23 years old and running out of options.. I don't know what else to do. What's your personal opinion? Does it look good to you? Am I overthinking it?

  3. Hey guys, I live in Boston MA.. and had a scalp micropigmentation procedure done by one of if not the only clinics in Boston called microscalpclinic..


    I had the sessions payed the $... I wanted a straight but natural hairline look.. I feel like for the most part I achieved that.. problem is, I feel like in some areas my SMP looks "dotty" and I mean some of the black dots placed on my frontal hairline and temples of my head are very black compared to the rest of my SMP.. that was done.. he also did a little on my actual front of my head.. placed a few dots here and there.. but definitely didnt go crazy. I went from hours of sessions to less than a hour after and.. I just felt rushed out if that makes sense.. I have had zero people say it looks fake or that somethings wrong with my head.. but I have high standards.. and I want it to look right. pics are attached


    I guess my question is.. will these dots "blend" in over time? I know obviously as time goes on they will not be as dark.. it's been a few weeks since he "finished up" my hairline and lazered off some dots off the front he said were "to dark" and it hurt alot.. I feel like a professional shouldnt have to go to those lengths.. I just feel like because he had gotten payed I lost the effort on his part. I'm not saying it looks FAKE at alll.. but I am saying that in certain areas it doesn't look like it should.. what can I personally do? The key areas are the right temple a little above.. and a few dots in the very middle front.. and on the left side temple area its still there.. just not as dark and as noticeable as the right.


    I don't feel like that is acceptable.. but theres nothing I can actually do on my part. It haunts me.. am I overthinking? I know clearly cause I had this done I am going to be my own worst critic and over analyze it.. but ive seen alot of procedures done by very famous clinics sadly I can't go to.. and I want my stuff to look the best it can.. and also not fade away in a short amount of time. I would feel very played.


    What do you guys think? I feel like im going crazy..




  4. Hey man a few of us mentioned possibly considering lower doses spaced out further apart on page one.

    Have you given it a thought? good luck


    I have heavily considered doing this but.. I just feel like when I did try it I was just making my ED worse.. would Monday Wednesday Friday be best? I just honestly don't feel like doing this will fix my ED that have suffered from this pill.. and that scares me the most.. I don't want to start again and make myself worse. I don't want to get post finasteride syndrome.. but I don't want to lose my hair :( I've never been so conflicted.. I don't know if it's worth the risk.. I don't know what to do..

  5. Hey dude I talked to you on BTT, you are not thinking clearly as someone who's been through bad side effects with finasteride and gone bald young, let me tell you that finding a woman who accepts you being bald is WAY easier than finding a woman who will accept your sexual dysfunction. There are way more solutions for hair then there are for ED that's a fact, let's say worse case scenario you go completely bald by 30 like I did, you could depending on your donor hair get a hair transplant and restore a lot of your hair, you could use concealers and look like you have a full head of hair, last option getting a hair system that blends seamlessly in to your native hair.


    Now the options for ED taking viagra or cialis, this pretty much eliminates spontaneous sex, which is what most guys in their 20's are having, trust me if you do things right no one will notice you're losing hair, it's also way more embarrassing to have ED in your 20's than it is being bald, trust me my experience with finasteride was pretty much the same as you, I had no problems getting dates after quitting finasteride, I've even talked about this with my current gf, I told her about my experience with finasteride, she knows all about my transplants and went with me to all of my procedures. Her reply to me was "why would you take something that gives you ED, being bald is not that bad but ED..." so that pretty much summed it up for me.



    If you look at my last message you can see where my hair is at in pictures.. it just seems to be miniaturizing at the temples.. I can't just let it go.. 5 years I've been on this pill man.. since I was 17 years old.. am I really just gonna keep sitting back and allowing my hair to thin out? It breaks my heart to see my hair thinning but the ED I started to suffer which was really just out of nowhere.. during sex twice with my ex GF.. losing my erection.. that crushed her and me.. and trying to get hard and not being able to.. that terrified me.. I feel like my hair is what keeps me normal.. I want to get girls and be attractive.. not a bald loser. I'm gonna have to wear hats 24/7.. is there really no alternative for me? Why the fuck did these side effects have to come now.. I don't understand.. I had 5 years of just clear semen and no morning elections.. and as bad as that I was I dealt with it.. now I'm losing it all. :( being 22 and dealing with this since I was 17 has crushed my confidence.. I'm heavily debating starting up propecia again and making this deal with the devil.. I feel so lost and I don't know how I can get out of this better. I'm so crushed man.. what can I do. What do u think? I'm depressed man..

  6. Honestly, better to have a work d...k than hair. Seriously, if you get bad sides ,come off it.


    I did get bad sides and I did come off.. but now my worst fears are coming through.. I don't want to lose my hair. My confidence starts and ends with my hair.. I don't want to be a bald loser with a working penis.. what's the difference :( if you look at the pics I just posted you can see where my hairs been at.. I can see them slowly miniturizing.. I just don't want to let go.. is there really no alternative to this issue? How is it 2017 and yet there are zero changes in how we deal with something so stupid like hair loss.. I don't want to let this go. What do I do? I'm so depressed :(

  7. Ive been on Fin for 10+ years without side effects but this quote pretty much answers the question for you.


    It's funny because since I took it since I was 17 I had none.. like, watery semen and lack of morning erections was the only two things I had.. how can someone honestly take it for over 10 years and have nothing? I find it hard to believe.. like you had ZERO effects? The effects I had started happening to me in the last couple of months.. erections hard to maintain and get.. losing erection during sex twice.. like.. it's been so stressful for me.. I want to live a normal life and have no effects.. but my confidence will literally be shattered if I lose my hair.. is there really anything else I can do? :( I attached picture of my hair where it's at.. I don't want to be a bald loser.. what should I do? Why can't I just have no effects.. :( I'm 22 now.. it can't be this bad at my age




  8. Okay y'all here's my situation.. I took this propecia pill for 5 years.. since I was 17 with little to no side effects, obviously as I got older that changed and now I clearly can't use it anymore.. literally after the first time I stopped being hard during sex it happened again after when I was doing it.. in the back of my mind I was thinking about the time it happened before and I think it made it happen the second time.. it's like the fear of knowing it could happen terrifies you.. that I didn't want it to want it do and it did.. and there was a few times I literally couldn't get hard at all with my gf even with stimulation and that's when I knew I can't take this pill anymore.. it crushed me.. I was convinced it wasn't mental but obviously that plays into it to.. it's been so hard.. then I contributed it more to propecia and obviously after that I just had to quit.. I'm just terrified that will happen with somebody else and that's scary.. how can I just not think about it? it's been so hard to not take it cause it feels like 5 years of effort and my life down the drain.. just to lose it all? I don't seem to have many more options tho :( I haven't taken propecia since January 9th so.. I see it getting real bad for me soon in the hair department.. if you look at my relies you can see where my hair is currently at.. I see the end coming but yeah.. what do u think? Obviously I'd rather have hair then a broken wang and obviously this pill is not ok for young men.. being off it for this long has shown me how different I was in all aspects vs when I was off it.. a grown man needs DHT for more then hair. That pill turns u into something broken.. it's sad really. I want to live a normal life.. I'm so torn on what to do.. I just wanna be a regular guy.. the anxiety has been bad.. I've been trying to eat rignt and sleep right.. imma keep doing that.. but yeah.. what do y'all think I should do? Or can do.. about all this.. I wanna be normal sexually and I hope time can help me.. I don't want it to just randomly get soft ever again.. I'm 22 and that's just not ok.

  9. Thanks for making this post and for the contributions made. It's really important to balance things and sexual health is at the centre of being a guy.

    I've been back on fin for 7 months now, my hair is looking much better with improved thickness and regrowth. But lately I've noticed my libido is all over the place with similar symptoms described in here. Porn can get my horny, can't maintain an erection and dick feeling limp most of the time.


    I'm gonna cut back my dosage and hopefully things will improve.


    It's absolutely gutting to see results on your head but on the flip side, things down below just get totally messed up. These side effects are horrendous!! :(:mad:


    I feel you brotha, I've been on this pill for 5 years with just watery semen and no morning erections but the past couple of months it's almost like I woke up one day and realized like I really am causing myself damage to my lower half.. none of this makes sense to me and it kills me. All I want is a libido and hair but it seems like with this pill you don't get to have both.. ironic how you take it to basically get laid and then you can't.. but hey at least you have hair rignt? It's crushing me but I can't willingly take this pill anymore and allow myself to be this way.. a happy life is more important than hair when it gets to this point.. I want a fix just as bad as you idk why I can't just be lucky for once instead of unlucky. This has ruined me

  10. What country are you in? If you're in Canada or Europe you can obtain it here: https://hassonandwong.com/topical-finasteride-solution-prescription/


    How To Get A Prescription


    If you’re located in Canada, please complete the following steps in order to obtain a prescription:

    1-Print out the prescription form

    2-Take the form to your doctor

    3-Have your doctor complete the form

    4-Have your doctor fax the form to the fax number on the form


    It should give less sides than oral fin, ideally no sides at all.


    Yeah see I'm in the USA, that's the problem.. and ideally? Will it make my previous sides go away? Or make them potentially worse? And what do I just not take propecia anymore.. idk how to help myself at his point

  11. https://hassonandwong.com/topical-finasteride-solution-prescription/ Link to study..link to form to get script.


    I personally know a guy who has every imaginable side effect on oral fin, at any dosage... but switched to 0.5% per 1ml of this liposomal topical fin and he has ZERO sides now, zero point zero.


    A little math..


    1ml at 2.5% of h&w = 1/18 of 1mg oral = 0.056mg fin serum levels (just to keep this in perspective, 2.5% means 25mg of finasteride per 1ml dosage!)


    1ml at 0.5% = 0.011mg fin serum levels


    1ml at 0.3% (which I've ordered) = 0.007mg fin serum levels




    Why don't know more about it? beats me... it's not available in the USA currently though. Some men, still DO get sides but its def less than oral..


    Studies also show, applying fin topically inhibits more scalp DHT than oral dosage at the same dosage.


    So... will this solve my issue and save my hair? Also.. how can a fella like me get my hands on this? I'm only 22 and very unfamiliar with studies and how to obtain things like this.. I just don't want to put my wang at risk anymore.. it's bad enough. I need to be sure this will work.. help?

  12. Why not try Liposomal Topical Finasteride from H&W??


    According to Milan study, VERY little of it goes systemic.


    How accurate is this study? And why have people not heard of this? Lol because if this is the simple solution why are millions of men suffering from finasteride.. and Milan study? Aren't there studys of propecia hat are also bs? And how little is systematic? Will I not have side effects? Will my dick go back to normal?

  13. I got the same side effects after 5 years of usage. Had to stop using Propecia entirely, and even now I think I'm still facing some long term side effects. I've since switched to another hair care regime, based on herbal extracts (http://www.cosmetology.com.my). Seems to be working well so far.


    Will this actually help me out? I've yet to receive any good input on what I should do and that

    Terrifies me.. my whole future is at stake

  14. You've received a lot of valuable input here and I agree with much of what's been said. There's no exact formula that works for everyone, so unfortunately, a little trial and error is going to be your best bet. You could try taking the 1 mg MWF or cut them in half and take a half a tablet daily. Either of those would be a good starting point.


    And one thing that I think is important to keep in mind concerning potential side effects is to try and mindlessly take the pill as if it were a vitamin and don't give it a second thought. I found that for me personally, the more vigilant and "on guard" I was for any possible side effects, the more I found myself experiencing what I thought were sides. But in truth, I truly believe I was simply giving more attention and credence to otherwise normal occurrences and painting them out to be something that they weren't....


    It's human to fall into this trap... And then we get stressed out, and when we're stressed out our "equipment" doesn't work like it should, and then instead of attributing the malfunction to the stress, we attribute it to the drug and stop taking it altogether. I'm not saying that side effects aren't real - because they certainly, certainly are - but I know from personal experience (and from what I know of the scientific world) that the placebo effect and power of suggestion are both very real as well. Just something to think about and consider, and I really hope you have success with it with no more hiccups. :)


    I know the side effects were definitely real, thinking about it or not had nothing to do with it. Yes it can play a part but I'm positive it wasn't my thinking. My thinking happened after I experienced these things, and even before the erection problems the watery semen was always there forever. Surprised nobody's bringing that up and how bad that looks.. interesting, anyway.. you said 1 mg m w f or half would be a good starting point. But which one should I have as a start? I can't try both at once.. what do you recommend? I'd appreciate the help

  15. The thing with Fin is that everyone responds differently


    Just going to quote the same thing said already.

    For example no one ever said to me to try .625mg 2x week for the best results in my case.

    I found it by trial and error. But I did read that lower doses could help with sides (incidentally in my case insomnia is another I suffer, and it also got better with lower and less frequent dosage)


    1mg or lower M-W-F could be something to try but no guarantees as individual physiology plays a big part.


    good luck and let us know how it goes



    So should I start today? The only side effects I ever had since ever starting finasteride besides the recent erection ones is the extremely watery semen.. And I only have 1 mg tablets... should I cut that in half? Or should I just do M W F 1 mg? I know everyone reacts differently but what do you recommend I do? I feel like I need guidance I'm very lost on what I should try and not try.

  16. When I first started finasteride years ago, I was quartering a 5mg tablet and taking it daily. At the time I suffered some side effects and experimented with a MWF schedule rather than stopping entirely. It seemed to work well for me.


    I eventually quit entirely and restarted a few years later. I'm back to taking 1/4 tablet daily with no sides today.


    I think it's a good idea to reduce your dosage before stopping completely. The results should be almost as good.



    I didn't start and get sides I been taking it for years and got sides, does that matter? Do you think I should do MWF? Or should I take 1/4 tablet daily? Is 1/4 tablet just a regular one cut down the middle? I'd appreciate the feedback thanks

  17. hsrp10 said:
    The thing with Fin is that everyone responds differently, also unfortunately some also end up with permanent sides.


    All I can say is that lower dose for me continued to have a positive impact on my hair with reduced notice of sexual side effects. HLS2015 said the same about his sides.


    Did you get the same effects as me? Should I do Monday Wednesday Friday? Do you have perfect semen and erections now after making that change? So ur semen and erections after doing it this way have completely gone away? What are my chances of this getting worse vs better? I can't afford to have my sexual life taken away from me

  18. It should be, if using 2-3 times a week but talk to your doctor about switching to lower dosage, including the situation about your current sides.

    A person's overall and sexual health are more important than their hair ultimately.


    My doctor doesnt know about my finasteride use, so I have zero intention of bringing it up it's not even a concern for them. Should I do Monday Wednesday Friday? And has this helped you? Have you been in the same spot? How do I know this commitment will be worth it again? The only major sides I had taking it once a day was watery semen and harder to get erections as far as the last couple months.. not constantly but half the time. As far as the end of this year is where it's been it's worst which is why I quit. For years it wasn't as big of a issue for me or maybe I didn't notice it slowly getting worse


    hsrp10 said:
    Agreed, lower the dosage and frequency.

    Most recently I was using .625mg (5mg Proscar cut into fourths) 2x week and I was still getting morning wood, and sperm quality was much better than when taking higher dose daily or 3x week.


    You may have to stop a month or two and then restart later in order to get the current sides managed.

    If you get the same exact sides after restarting at lower dose then I would stop.


    Anyway be careful and good luck.

    Also consult your doctor too !



    But will it be as effective as if I was taking it once a day? And what if the sides really come back.. I've been doing one a day for years now. What if I'm recovering but then starting again will make me way worse than before? I don't wanna lose my hair but I don't wanna put my dick at risk anymore.. how often should I take it? I've been off it for a couple of weeks, morning wood is random and doesn't last long really at all.. I still feel like things just aren't right. Erections are better but not fully hard hard. Idk what to do but I don't wanna be bald :(

  20. Hey y'all, I've been at a crossroads with my hair loss for a while now since a teenager. I'd love your guys opinion.


    I'm 22 years old

    Dealt with hair loss since I was about 17

    Been on Finasteride and Rogaine since 17


    For the most part finasteride and rogaine have been very good to me, I've never had super thick hair and it's never been super thin either. Since I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness it's been in the middle with the help of these products. I would say it's been great for my confidence to have hair, than be bald so it helped me alot. I turned 22 oct 2nd of this year and with my girlfriend I noticed my dick wasn't getting as hard as it usually did. Then as the days went on, I noticed I couldn't get it up to p*rn or even masterbating, and when I did it was always like barely hard but could bring me to orgasm. There were even days I tried to get it up and it wasn't going at all, which scared me very much. I've never had side effects other then zero morning wood and watery semen, but I always looked past that for hair. My question is clearly I'm guessing the lack of DHT is lowering my testosterone so much that I'm now dealing with side effects, sexually.. which scares me to death. I've been off Propecia since then for a couple of weeks and it's thankfully so much easier to get harder, no days where it hasn't work since I stopped. My semen is still watery but has more white in it then ever which I enjoy. My energy has gone up, I just feel overall better. I feel like finasteride has also made my dick smaller. If just doesn't look as big as it used to, maybe lack of blood flow.. not sure. It's not even close to 100% pre finasteride state but it's definitely the best it's been in a long time. But with improved penis function I've also noticed hairs in the front of my hairline shrinking.. and it's clearly from my male pattern baldness.. the hairs seem to be retuning to a receding state.. so now I'm stuck with.. do I keep using this drug and try to save the hair I still have with the risk of permanent sexual problems? Or quit and just live with what rogaine and regenpure shampoo can keep me? I worry these won't be enough to stop my male pattern baldness.. but I also can't live my life with sexual side effects. Id rather be healthy sexually then anything else.. what should I do? I wish this wasn't happening to me.. I just want to live a normal young mans life.. it's been very depressing watching my hair shrink but also I don't want to risk my sexual life.. help

  21. So I recently got back on Rogaine for a couple of months now.

    In this process I also got back into getting myself in shape as I was no doubt out of it.

    I always thought "wow I'm really getting into shape now" as my body was losing fat all over.

    But I thought my face was always the part of me that needed more work. I thought the more I get in shape the easier this will be to see my cheekbones really pop like they used to. I feel like I'm very close to my goals but yet my jaw isn't as sharp and defined. Then, like any other thing I come to find out a side effect of Rogaine can cause puffy face / face swelling.


    This is where I thought the apocalypse was coming because then I started to get paranoid as hell thinking is Rogaine making my face swell? As if my hair problem isn't enough I have been on Rogaine for years I can't stop now, I'll lose my hair I've gained. I heard stopping Rogaine fixes it so I have been off it for about 3 days. I'm scared my hairs gonna start to go. So I don't know how much of this could be Rogaine and how much of this could be my weight / paranoia. I'm gonna keep losing weight but I also don't know if that's worth helping my hair fall out faster?



    What do I do?! is it Rogaine or all in my head? If NEEDED, I can post pictures but I posted this to see your guys experiences and if anyone has dealt with this like I have, would really appreciate it.

  22. Hi guys. Ive been on Propecia for about a year and 2 months now. A year ago I was sat down by a HAIR LOSS dr, his name was Dr. Leonard who lives where I do in Boston, MA.


    Anyway, would I say it has helped my HAIR LOSS? I would like to think so. I've been using rogaine with this pill for a while now. I would like to think it was helping, but ive gone through good patches where my hair looked great and bad patches where it just didn't look so good. Now a days it's leaning on not looking so good as it has.


    Anyway, I am only 20 as of october 2nd and I am concerned because I read and saw videos of all these guys talking about how propecia causes sexual problems and it's irreversible and don't use the drug and never risk taking it and ive lost my ability to get erections for life and all that stuff. Now being that it has been a year now, I would say that ive had no issues getting hard or any of that. But I started to notice now in October around this month that its been getting alot harder for me to get erections, and my morning erections are pretty much gone.


    Now I don't know if part of it is mental as in it's just me being paranoid and believing what im thinking. But there has been a few times now where me getting hard has been a task, and I could still ejaculate but it felt to me like it was very soft, not as hard as I used to be. Now knowing this and me being 20 I freaked out. And it has been about 4 days of me not taking this pill. I would say my erections have gotten better, but I still don't have morning erections anymore. I am very concerned that I am going to have permanent sexual problems. Am I over reacting? What if I am experiencing un fixable side effects? From the moment I started taking this pill until now a year later in october I say the problems have started just this month.


    I'm very scared about this, and it's hard to just talk to my parents about this because they are unaware and it's a hard topic.


    What do I do? If I stop will my HAIRLOSS get really bad? I'm scared.

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