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Posts posted by drumchunky

  1. That's me. I have no issue with Dr. Lindsey posting the scar revision photos from 4 years ago. It is what it is, and gives a holistic view of the procedure.


    I am VERY happy with my result. My goal was scar reduction, not elimination and that was achieved as you can see in the follow up photos from Dr. Lindsey. I had very realistic expectations as the scar was difficult to work with. I am now able to cut my hair much shorter around the back and sides. It is actually a little longer than what I normally wear in the follow-up photos as I was a few weeks out from my regular hair-cut. I have a great hair stylist who I have been with for almost 10 years - so she has been dealing with my scar for awhile. After Dr. Lindsey performed the scar reduction, she is now able to use about a #4 guard in the back, and tapers down to a #3 and 2 along the bottom, and just leaves my hair just a tad longer over the scar. Even when wet after swimming, it is very hard to see.


    On Friday (yesterday), Dr. Lindsey removed a few dozen mini-plugs via FUE from the 1990's that were sitting in the middle of my crown. They were performed by another physician, looked clumpy and always bothered me. The removal procedure was very easy, and yielded about 80 hairs that Dr. Lindsey and staff were able to dissect and slide into the front rim edge of crown hair line. I was perfectly fine to pitch those hairs if they were not usable, but they apparently came out really clean and could be salvaged. They will probably make an incremental cosmetic difference at best - but still glad they did not go to waste.


    I just took my first gentle shower late Saturday evening. There are small red spots where the old hair implants were removed which I gently cleaned, gently padded dry with some sterile gauze and have been covering with a thin layer of Vaseline. After my shower they look like they should heal very nicely and should not be noticeable in a few days. There was also very little oozing the previous evening. I gently poured a Dixie cup of tepid water over through my fingers on the close packed recipient sites at the front edge of my crown and they look great as well - nearly undetectable with my existing hair.


    I am really excited to watch the results progress over the next few months - year.


    Dr. Lindsey and his staff are really terrific, friendly and accommodating. It was a great experience and basically painless - even the numbing medication with the needle was very gentle (and I hate needles). He has a great touch. I found Dr. Lindsey through this forum. If you are in the DC area (or even if you are not) I would recommend this physician wholeheartedly.

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