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Posts posted by hairweare

  1. Sure it is more profitable if someone is foolish enough to pay $10/graft for an outdated unrefined technique. The HT business remains for the most part shady. Always ask questions and demand answers and follow your instincts. Why trust the opinion of a poster (poseur?) such as KO who has been lurking here for years yet still can't decide whether to have a procedure let alone what methodology. And for nth time CAVEAT EMPTOR, it is your hard earned money and precious follicles that are at risk.

  2. Sorry Blake but a non sequitur. Was it not fair to ask you how many 1500-2000 graft FUE cases that have performed because you repeatedly claim that it is much less taxing than a shift in the ED? Still waiting but hearing nothing but crickets. How about providing us with the p value of the Wesley study that you keep referring to. Was bias and confounding variables also addressed in the conclusions?


    A physician's educational and training credentials should be a legitimate question for any patient subjecting himself to a procedure. If there is nothing to hide why not include it on ones Bio? Does a patient not have the right to ask or to get an honest answer?

  3. Dr. Feller,

    I never claimed to speak for Dr. Lorenzo or any other physician other than myself. Lets's make it clear that my opinions are strictly my own. I am merely one of his many satisfied FUE patients and just happen to have a medical background as well as being a veteran of 3 earlier strip procedures. Again, you are the one who claims to speak for others and then resorted to the hyperbole of a conference call to prove that absurdity.


    For the record Dr. Feller I understand that you graduated from Osteopathic school in 1993 but I don't recall you mentioning where you received your post graduate training or what AOA or ABIM board certification you have. Do you care to share this information as it is missing from your website where you do provide so much other self promotional information? I would be more than happy to provide my medical, research and University faculty information with anyone who wishes to inquire.

  4. Mickey, we have said essentially the same thing so nothing bears repeating at this point. I do want to publicly thank you for if not for your contemporaneous and cogent posts on the merits of FUE and particularly Dr. Lorenzo's mastery of it, I might have chosen a different path and would not have had the fortunate success that I have subsequently achieved as a hopeless NW7. I have stayed on to essentially pay it forward and privately helped and guided several members here in their own decision processes. Before I find it time to move on I did want to extend my gratitude to you as one of the most valuable posters on this site. The information that you have provided I am sure has also helped many others. Best of luck with your own quest and warmest regards from the great NW.

  5. I should add that after 2900 recent scalp FUEs I do not feel or look like someone took a shotgun to the back of my head but on the other hand following my third strip I did feel like I was hacked in the back of my head with a machete and had to wear my hair longer to hide the unsightly linear scar until 301 beard grafts were successfully implanted into it.

  6. If you are not just speaking for yourself Dr. Feller I suggest you try to do so since you are indirectly accusing any FUE specialist of malpractice if they do not fully disclose that their method is inferior to yours.


    I don't speak for Dr Lorenzo or anyone else but myself, I am not promoting anything or a specific agenda. Nor I am affiliated with any particular doctor. Can you honestly say the same? My first FUSS was with Bill Rassman in 1993 and we later discussed FUE as he and Robert Bernstein were arguably the early FUE pioneers in the US and certainly on the West Coast. I thought it was a novel idea but not ready for prime time and passed on the opportunity to be one of their early cases.


    You have every right to self promote yourself on this site since after all you are paying for it. I think though that just as when you attacked Dr. Umar a few years back you do yourself no favors by directly maligning a technique which has developed to the point of clinical non-inferiority among the leading practitioners and gaining universal acceptance by the ROW patients. Perhaps you should hone your old methods and reconsider adding it back to your armamentarium like your fellow strip docs such as Rahal and H&W. Are they seeing something perhaps that you are missing?

  7. Lorenzo works with his team and assigns extractions based on what he feels to be appropriate. The day begins at around 9AM and he works constantly with minimal breaks throughout the day and early evening generally finishing up around 10-11PM. Regardless of the case load he does all of the implantations.


    Dr. Feller only speaks for himself and none of us should speculate as to how another physician might respond if given the opportunity. I have had this discussion with him myself but I will defer to him if he chooses to debate these points directly. I think it is common knowledge that Dr. Lorenzo chose to under go 5000 FUE grafts which by itself say something about his faith in the procedure does it not?


    Blake you know better than to cite a single operator study with only a handful size cohort and call that settled science. I am sure Dr. Wesley would be embarrassed by your argument. Why not repeat the study yourself and use an implanter pen to see if that is an important variable left out of the study design?


    Pt. postings on the internet is not a fair representation of the degree of success or failure of either technique. Let's be honest, most people after undergoing elective cosmetic surgery do not spend hours and days of their lives posting anonymously about their experiences. Admittedly, we are all members of a select subgroup who for whatever reason including obsession or addiction log in here well after it is time to be moving on with life. Heck there are even people who have been here for years with thousands of posts who have not even undergone a single procedure. Again, not the typical patient who undergoes elective cosmetic surgery.

  8. I have experienced neuralgia from my first strip surgery performed 20 yrs ago. The sensation of tightness and pulling is still present but ironically has greatly diminished since 301 beard grafts were placed into the widened scar via FUE. I mentioned this to Dr. Lorenzo but he had no comment. I wonder if other patients who have had FUE into their scars have experienced similar relief from what could be best described as a constant band like tightness from their old linear incisions.

  9. When considering advice on a forum such as this one always consider the source, look for the poster's biases and conflict of interests, their experience and background. Who is paying them or how do they get paid? Do they have any hidden agenda? While there is good info to be gleaned here, a lot is also prejudiced and slanted, not to mention the posters who have no clue as to what they are talking about. Remember as is has always been in the HT arena, caveat emptor!!!

  10. Given the choice between 5000 total FUE grafts over 3 days by a FUE specialist on the West Coast or staged 8 month apart 1500 graft FUE procedures in Europe, my medical intuition led me to choose the latter. I have subsequently advised others who ask to go "low and slow" and to disregard the misleading fear tactic that the first session will have negative impact on the subsequent session. This is both safer and likely to result in a better aesthetic result than a single megasession.

  11. Post op wound dehiscence can occur with strip surgery as was documented by a recent patient here. While infection and or necrosis is fortunately very rare after HT surgery regardless of method it can be a serious medical condition that requires immediate and expert medical attention. Not to scare anyone from undergoing elective surgery or panic should they experience unexpected pain and redness following a wound either by intent or accident, look up necrotizing fasciitis and MRSA infections.


    Always follow your doctor's post op instructions to the letter and contact him should anything occur in the post op period that is unexpected.

  12. OK, Joe perhaps a good thing that "most" are not capable as dense is often the enemy of natural or artistic. I stand by my comment that particularly among young patients whose later progression of hair loss remains to be seen, just opting for a dense hairline can turn out to be a mistake and not all doctors have the integrity to dissuade them from such a poor plan.

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