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Posts posted by hairgainer

  1. @Hairgainer


    Hi. It looks like you may have a few pimples to relieve. Were you prescribed any antibiotics at your clinic for post-op care? Did you happen to notice hair fragments shedding over the last few weeks? Have you been scrubbing this area as you wash your scalp? Have you irritated this area in any way or attempted to apply pressure to these areas? How long has this redness been visible?


    Yes I got antibiotics post transplant. The most of my hair shed between week 3-5. Haven't seen any significant shedding since then. After the third week 3 I started washing my hair as usual, with some scrubbing with my hands but not hard though. The only pressure I can say have been that I use a cap sometimes since its very cold. Ive noticed this redness the last couple of weeks. Im also using minoxidil

  2. Hey guys!


    I'm about 2 months post op a FUE procedure and I have used minoxidil 5% for the last 5 weeks. However, I'm starting to notice some side effects, It's making my skin look bad in the face and It's giving me alot of bloat and a puffy look.

    I'm thinking about stopping the minoxidil, but my question is, for how long is it recommended to use minoxidil post a hair transplant?


    I have to say that I also had some shockloss in the recipient area, so I guess that Minox. is important to get those native hairs that fell in to shock back. So my question is, for how long do I have to use the minoxidil, to promote faster growth of the HT hairs and possibly get the shocklossed hairs back.


    Thank you for your answers!

  3. That is true Minoxidil has been found to inhibit gene expression of the enzyme lysyl hydroxylase which is involved in the production of collagen, so it can increase wrinkles and skin aging. However I'm not sure to what extent, all of the studies I have seen are cell based and molecular in nature, I have not seen any studies focused on the formation of wrinkles.


    I have heard people claim maintenance with minox alone, I just don't see how it's possible without an androgen blocker. I guess it's better than nothing though.


    That's tricky man. Theoretically it's supposed to increase wrinkles since it inhibits collagen production, which fights wrinkles. But practically we don't know if it will increase wrinkles.


    I understand what you mean, but I think minoxidil battles against dht to keep the follicles alive. A battle which minoxidil will lose in time.

  4. What side effects are you worried about? Also minoxidil works as a growth stimulator, it isn't going to do much for maintaining your existing hair. Finasteride is really the only medication that can help maintain your hair.


    Since its a growth stimulator I guess it helps my hair from getting thinner and falling out? :P. I read in many posts that it can cause wrinkles around the eyes and the forehead.

  5. Hey everyone! I just had a 3500 graft fue HT 3 weeks ago and Im going to start using rogaine foam once a day to maintain my existing hair. The reason why I want to use it once a day is because of the side effects and I think that Its enough to maintain my existing hair and accelerate the regrowth of the transplanted hair.


    So, my question is: How is the best way to apply it? In the morning or in the evening? I take a shower in the evening everyday after my workout.


    I've heard people saying that It's not that good applying it before bed because you can get the substance in the face while rubbing the head against the pillow.


    Thank you for your answers!:)

  6. Glad your feeling better from reading your replies mate, the first 3 months post op are really hard.

    Take care and happy growing.


    Hey man! Hope you had good growth! So, how did it go? Im about 12 days post op and I feel a little bit paranoid myself questioning some things. Expected more densety when the crusts fell out bit maybe I has some shedding or maybe its because the transplanted hair does not grow in the beginning before it falls out.

  7. spanker ,i dont have a camera right now.i will post a final result pic, however i still have hair growing at 12 months..i dont mean hair getting thicker i am talking about new hair.. i cant believe it myself.i know this cause about 3 or 4 very very fine singles hair have showed up this week right in the front of the hairline ..my result is not yet final..i will post a final picture or a updated picture soon as possible .. i am very thankful to dr dorin..


    Hey MIKIEB! Glad to hear that you recovered from the shockloss! How long after the surgery did you start to experience shockloss?

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