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Posts posted by HairyPotter

  1. Hi all, thanks for the replies.


    When I was 18 and receding I was serverly depressed and almost sucidal but it's funny how you get better at dealing with balding as you age. As such I will hang on and delay another hair transplant for as long as possible.


    Having said that, I've been out of the hair transplant loop for so long. Who are the best hair transplant surgeons around now? Can you give me some names to start my research? I've heard and seen good things about Dr Rahal. Is he legit?




    What would cause hair transplants to fail? As mention in my first post, I am bitterly saddened by the failure of my first hair transplant. In hindsight, I think wearing a beanie for long periods in the hot sun might have caused it. I was really paranoid and self conscious in the first week after my hair transplant and wore a beanie when I left the house. Could that be the cause?


    Also will washing your scabs with salt water cause my hair transplant to fail?

  2. Hi all, my name is David and I just wanna share my hair journey with you and seek whatever advise you might have on my situation.


    I am 30 this year and I had a hair transplant about 5 years ago from a doctor in India. I had 1200 FUE grafts put into my receding temple area but I considered that a failure as most (I would say about 70% - 80%) of the grafts did not grow and did not archive the results I had initially wished for.



    Along the line, I discovered Toppik which really helped my situation. When I put it on it's like magic. No one knows that I suffer from hair loss at all! That helped me through daily life but over the past years or so my hair has gradually started to thin out some more. I'm finding myself having to use more and more of that Toppik stuff which I really don't like. The results it gives might be good but I am concerned about it's long term health effects. Breathing in those fine powers surely cannot be good for you. I am also concerned that Toppik might actually worsen hair loss as it might stop your hair from breathing. I might be wrong of course...



    Currently I would say I am a Norwood 3 approaching Norwood 4. The front third of my hair is dying pretty quick and at this rate I'm not sure how long Toppik will be able to cover my baldness.



    Hence, I am considering another hair transplant in the near future to replace the front third of my hairline. But considering my failed first hair transplant makes me a little nervous and unsure. Included in this post are some picture of my hair. The first few are my hair at it's natural worst. The last couple are what it looks like everyday with Toppik.





    Thanks for reading. Any advise is greatly appreciated. Should I go for another hair transplant? Any good doctor to recommend? How many grafts will I need? Am I being unrealistic? Or should I let my hair die out and then live with a system?






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