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Posts posted by Terry12

  1. Hi,


    I hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year.


    Thanks for the recommendations. I looked at all the doctors and locations suggested.


    I liked what I read about some of the doctors mentioned in the UK and Belgium and was tempted to go with a few of the choices. However, after some further reflection, I'm leaning towards Dr. Wesley. My visit with him was top rated, he's very present and he seems to deliver one of the most natural hairlines I've seen. I also like that he's in the States and easy to reach.


    Also, let me add I was heavy in the Konior camp and if I was going to do FUT I would head that way but I want to do FUE so I feel I should go with someone whose primary focus is that.


    I'm open to any final suggestions. This is a very difficult decision but I'm almost feeling at this level, there is to some degree (some degree, I repeat) a six of one, half a dozen scenario going on and maybe much of this boils down to comfort level as all of these surgeons are of such a caliber.


    I understand the considerations which need to be made regarding device, whether they use motorized ones, and I'm all ears for any further development, but I feel that I have seen some great results from Wesley (again I repeat on the hairline front especially).



  2. * Hi Everyone,


    I know this is a very common topic. Would appreciate any insight.



    I have had a receding hairline for some time. I'm in my mid thirties and would like to not only fill in but, lower my hairline.


    After some initial research (notably here) I compiled a list and interviewed a number of Doctors. I met with Wesley, Nussbaum, Epstein, Feller and Konior's (rep).


    I enjoyed meeting each and found them respectable in their own way with a couple truly appealing personally. There was some range as to how many grafts were needed but amongst the majority there seemed to be a consensus around the 2000 number.


    I have decided against both the strip method and any procedure using a machine.


    I would love anyone's opinion as to how they think I should proceed.


    RECAP: Fill in, around 2,000 grafts (with a likely second procedure needed), slight lowering of hairline and against strip and machine methods.


    Open to any and all insights and additional doctor recommendations. I’m travel friendly; just want the best solution.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

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