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Posts posted by loyalspirit

  1. Hello, my hair transplant surgeon put me on 2 week trial. I finished using Propecia but I have had some mild side effects like discomfort in the groin and slight reduced Libido. The ejaculation looked pretty watery too. I went to my family doctor because I wanted to do blood test to see if everything is OK and he said there was nothing he can do because he never prescribed the meds to me.


    Here's the thing, I want to keep my existing hair and not have to do another hair transplant

    but I don't want to keep taking Propecia and make matters worst with the side effects. I read on some websites that it could cause birth defect if your trying to have a child (this is what I read, please don't quote/flame me on this) What I wanted to do is talk to a doctor and every once in awhile take a blood test to make sure that I'm OK, cause if I am then I will take Propecia for life and if not then I'll stop for good! Are there anyone here that do take blood test every once in awhile to make sure there's nothing wrong?

    Sorry if I sound a little paranoid cause I would like to continue using Propecia to fight further hair loss but I don't want to experience bad sexual side effects to the point it's permanent.


    If I could get some feedback on this, it would be great!



  2. Hello my name is Rob


    I had a hair transplant (FUT) done, around 1500 grafts on my front hairline and

    800 on my mid scalp on September 3rd. I went on vacation on day 3 (September 6th) and I got drunk. I bought a pack of cigarettes(Maverick menthol cigarettes) which last me till day 5 (September 8th). I feel VERY guilty about it and I'm very worried that I could of done some damage to my grafts.I haven't smoked since then and I don't plan too either. When I got my stitches removed the lady looked at my grafts and she said that it looks fine.


    Sorry if this may sound like a dumb question, even though I smoked the pack of cigarettes which lasted me 3 days, do you think I will be ok? (has long as I avoid smoking from now on) Im a little worried and I know it's my fault.

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