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Posts posted by SimonBlackJack

  1. Hey Michael...have you seen anyone for your thinning hair? I used a place called National Hair Centers here in Phoenix and I know they have affiliates around the US.


    You may not need the more drastic treatments, but man it felt good just to talk to professionals who deal with this every day. There are so many options for men who are losing their hair...


    check out their locations...maybe there's one close to you.

  2. I honestly can't believe you feel like working out this early!!! I'm in the gym five days a week and it took me some time to get back in the swing of things!! You must be younger than me!! LOL


    My HT team at National Hair Centers (promotional link removed - read our terms of service) actually said downtime was good - its the adrenaline from working out that could slow down the healing process even though there was no tug and pull to my donor area.


    But if you feel good and are recovering, go for it!!!

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