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Posts posted by hairlossk

  1. Hey Guys,


    I have consulted with a few docs regarding my hair loss and believe the only realistic solution to provide full coverage is to go the HT way.


    The estimates from docs are in the 3.5 to 4k graft range to achieve a decent amount of coverage.


    I am currently on finasteride and iGrow laser since a month and going to see the results of that for a few months before actually going for an HT.


    Docs recommended that the HT be done for the frontal part of hair with the crown later at future stages. The crown is definitely a concern and I would like to see it covered. The rationale was since the crown still experiences hairloss throughout, anyone done a crown transplant at a young age? I would be interested in seeing the results.


    Also, since number of grafts are limited, another option suggested was body hair transplant (BHT) to add to HT. Is BHT not as effective as a normal HT? Has anyone done a combination of HT and BHT who is/was a NW 5 to 6 and had decent results? Please let me know.


    Any help would be appreciated.



  2. Hey guys,


    I am considering a hair transplant since I believe it is crucial for my future and self-confidence. On a daily basis, I apply dermmatch + nanogen and apply the locking mist spray so the fibers stay on nicely. This does seem like the hair is stuck but it stays put and shows density. Anyhow, people dont know I have huge bald spots at all since I always have these on and they only come off when I am washing my hair.


    I do want a permanent solution for lost hair and hair restoration seems to be an obvious choice. I have been recommended 3000 to 3500 grafts and am considering FUE only. I would like to get a fair idea about the timelines of a hair transplant. Specifically:


    1. I would take about a week off from work. First day off would be surgery day and 6 days to heal (or a max of 8 with weekend probably..). I can disappear from the grid without much issues. Is this enough?


    2. Since the transplanted hair would take quite a bit of time to grow, I want to continue using nanogen fibers and dermmatch after the surgery. How soon can I safely use these? I read something where they say dermmatch is bad after HT but dont know how accurate this might be. I cant wear a hat or cap to work and would go back to the routing of applying concealers till transplanted hair grows completely...


    3. What can I expect to see for the 4 5 days after a transplant? Would there be a lot of redness, itchiness?


    4. Also, a couple of docs said I should focus on adding more density to the front and then do a second procedure for the crown. Any particular reason for this? I am actually more concerned of the crown though and need fullness there although front is also crucial..


    5. What kind of drugs, etc. would be recommended? Although I dont like the idea of taking these, are there natural remedies that would provide the equivalent of a minoxidil or propecia ?


    6. I am pretty active and play sports. I ready 2 3 weeks break is necessary after an HT but would like to resume after that. I do have the fibers, dermmatch on while playing like in normal life. Would sweating it out with those alongwith the new follicles be bad in any way? Or maybe just paranoia on my part :P


    I ve been going through this forum for a month now and just want to say its been a great one...really appreciate the time everyone has taken to provide honest opinions and experiences...



  3. Hi,


    I consulted a hair loss clinic for an HT and they said that alongwith HT they would recommend meds (finasteride, etc.) and also laser treatment to enhance weak current follicles. The thing they recommended was an iGrow laser helmet which looks like a cap with lasers inside. They mentioned that I have some follicles in the crown area which I should definitely preserve but are not growing much since they are weak and need enhancement.


    I ve been trying to find realistic reviews on iGrow and laser treatments in general butunable to find anything concrete or objective....could someone tell me if laser treatments are just myths or do they really work at all? Has anyone tried this iGrow laser helmet and achieved any good results? Sorry if these are repeat posts, if someone can point me to similar ones, that would also work.



  4. Hi I am new to this forum and have been considering hair restoration for a while now. Sadly the money aspect of it always blew me off until now when I can (sort of) afford one. I am 26, experiencing hair loss for last 6 to 7 years...I get by with cover ups like Nanogen and Dermmatch so as to look as if having proper hair. However I am sick of them and want to have a permanent solution.


    I consulted with Dr.Niedbalski in Tacoma and Advanced Hair Restoration in Bellevue. I do not want to have the FUT procedure at all (linear scar scares me...) and am considering the FUE. Recommendation is around 3000 to 3500 grafts by both clinics. The costs are enormous but I am willing to take a one-time hit if it means achieving the right kind of result for the future which is critical for my personal life and self confidence.


    Has anyone done HT from these clinics? Any other recommendations in the Seattle area? I am looking only for FUE only. I would love to hear experiences from other members who have tried these and also recommendations/suggestions as to how to approach in making a decision.


    Thanks for your help!

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