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Posts posted by Gage

  1. @OP: Hmmm, well honestly I don't know. Personally I don't think it looks that extensive and actually think mine looked a bit worse and I went ahead and had 900+ grafts to try and restore a hairline. Im at 4 1/2 months and my opinion of whether its making a difference literally changes from day to day. Some days I really think I see a difference but other days I get scared that not enough was done.


    One thing that still kinda irks me is that the Dr. just didn't really spend any real time telling me what and what I can't achieve realistically with 8-900 grafts. Although I can clearly see some growth as a thin perimeter, the area behind it looks like it's still thinning though time will tell if the hair put up front will thicken and feather in with the middle region a bit more.


    Ill start posting pictures at 5-6 months to give a better feel of what was done. Also my hair is more of a wavy/bushy type so the Dr said it will appear to be even more hair. Last irksome complaint I have is that my clinic never took Post-ops......makes it hard to see what exact coverage was done..


    Do you have any before op pics? How many consultation meetings did you have before you decided? Did you go to a dermatologist or a clinic?

  2. Wow thanks for all the answers and suggestions, didn't expect this many responses, really appreciated.


    I am wondering about medication now. My problem isn't losing my current hair as I believe my hair has stopped falling out about 6 months ago since I am now less stressed and I eat very healthy now. I also think Biotin and my DHT blocker shampoo is helping along with going to the gym and cardio. Will propecia regrow hair in the front? I thought this was only for the crown?


    I believe my hair is regrowing, I took some photos of 6 months ago and I now see growth where I didn't have any 6 months ago. My goal if I don't get a HT is to try to get as much of my hair back as possible. What about laser for this section??

  3. You know what! I think that should do your research before taking the plunge.


    I think that 1000 will not make a big difference given your loss. I think that you should consider being on medication and re-assess your situation in a year or so. I know quite a few who were about to get a HT but due to their outstanding response to the drugs, they did not get a HT.


    The point that I'm trying to make is that you should read into hair restoration before doing any thing as when you get a HT, there is no way back. Also, you should keep in mind that a HT is not exact science and that there are a lot of factors that affect the results. So take it easy and take your time.:)


    I'm just looking for a full set of hair why wouldn't 1000 make a big difference? I don't like the look of a receding hairline at all and would like as much coverage as I can get.. Yes I know your hairline naturally recedes with age, but the friends I go out with have full sets of hair and I am looking for the same, they are my age.


    I was told my hair that has already been lost cannot grow back through laser therapy or medication, is this not true? The clinic I went to told me this.


    If HT isn't the right answer then what is?

  4. I'm new to this but have been reading over this place for a few weeks now and finally decided to take some photos to get some opinions.


    I went to a hair clinic last week to see what my options are. They recommended HT since my mothers father is bald. However my hairloss is tricky, I'm not 100% sure what it's from. When I was younger I always dyed and bleached my hair and I know i left it on longer than I was suppose to sometimes. I also know I put a lot of it on where my hair loss currently is (the front).


    With that being said I have noticed a little hair regrowth since I started eating a lot healthier and going to the gym 4 times a week. I also use this shampoo Vichy Dercos Energising Shampoo with Aminexil so I'm not sure if that's helping it or not. I also take Biotin when I can remember. The regrowth isn't much but I think there is some.


    The hair clinic said I would need 1000 hair grafts and that would cost me $4500, is this an ok price? I know mine isn't that bad and I'm not sure if it's from me screwing up my hair when I was younger or if it's hereditary since it is growing back somewhat. I asked about laser and they instantly ruled that out when I mentioned my grandfather is bald.


    I attached some photos so you can see. My donor section is fine, it's just my front. My hair is very thick and grows faster than most. I know it's not as bad as some people but I am young (28) and really want a full head of hair so I have no exscuse not to approach women :D:)


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