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Posts posted by Ranonym

  1. Hi MadMod!


    It all went great. Take a look at my album in here :-) How many grafts did you get and do you have any pictures? I got around 2075 grafts, everything is going better than expected and some of the grafts haven't shed after 10 weeks, so I think they won't.


    Right now I'm just waiting for the result and saving up for the next HT. We spoke and calculated that 2 x (est) 2000 grafts more is enough for my desired density and hairline :-)

  2. Well. I don't want to comment on your "white lies", but instead tell you what my thoughts was about the money aspect of my hair transplant. I've had 3 nose surgeries for my past as a boxer (FESS + 2 times septum deviation), and I've never been told that a septum deviation was life threatening ;-)


    I started losing hair when I was around my 20's, and by then, I actually started my saving. I knew that one day or another, I was going to get a hair transplant, so 1 month ago, I paid in cash I've been putting to side for around 4 years.


    We're talking about 3000 pounds, so it wasn't cheap. But as anything else in life, its a priority!

  3. Hi guys


    I'm now 1 month and 3 days post op and everything has went really well. I had a FUT surgery with 2075 grafts yield, appr. only lost 3 as I'm concerned. My whole recipient area was, as far as my poor knowledge can proclaim, healed after 6-7 days and every crust and scab was shed.


    Now my donor area is just slightly bumpy, although still red but just a little soar.


    Im taking Finasteride 1.25 mg, biotin 10.000 mcg and Omnimin multivitamins. I've shed some hair throughout the past month, especially in my right temple region, don't ask me why its not equal but yeah.


    Yesterday I had a cut and did find it kinda strange that some tiny baby hairs have grown out and all shedding has stopped. Could this really be early growth? The appr. 2000 grafts was in a very dens area in my hairline, please se the attached photos.


    Thanks, guys!




  4. Hi everyone


    11 days ago I went to Wroclaw to get my hair transplant at Dr Marwan Saifi's clinic and it all went so smooth. I got grafted around 2000 with strip and i haven't experienced anything i didn't expect. I got my stitches out yesterday, and its pretty red and so, but kinda expected.


    The first 7 days I did a lot with the saline solution and was REALLY careful with the washing, actually pouring you know, and it healed quite fast. Today, 11 days post op, the recipient area is just slight red, a bit numb and its shedding like hell, you have to look really close to see that I've had a transplant. Is that usual and could it just occur that I'm a very quick healer? I don't smoke, drink or anything and I'm just 24, so I'm telling myself that's the reason of the quick healing time.


    Im not really worried, because of the instruction I was given, but I would really like you hear your opinion.


    Best regards

  5. Hi Guys


    First of all, let me tell you my story. Im 28 and have lost hair the last 10-11 years and the past 2-3 years I've been saving up for a hairtransplant. Ive been using you so much and thanks for the that! You're so good, mostly all of you.


    In October im going to Wroclaw in Poland to get my hair transplant, which I'm looking so much forward to. Ive been talking with Dr. Marwan Saifi a couple of times and had a long email correspondence. My concerns about choosing the surgeron for my transplant was price, location and reviews. Some of you from in here have had a surgery with him with great results, it only takes around 2 hours with plane and kinda affordable. Im going to get 2000-2200 grafts FUT surgery.


    Here's my questions :) :


    When can I expect to see growth in the transplanted area?


    Im studying, so when I'll get back from surgery and have to get the stitches out, is it possible to do it by myself? Im kinda living at the university so all of my friends are like 2-300 km from me.


    Is it possible to get another transplant in earlier years?


    Best Regards

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