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Posts posted by aashnakhatri

  1. Hello all, this thread is a little old I know, but I need a little more info about transplants before I take that leap of faith.


    Can anyone shed some light on what is the usual maintenance or after care that is required after a transplant session, in terms of lotions, medicines or any other stuff that is needed.. and how long do I need to do that cuz I hate taking medicines for long courses...


    Thank you in advance... :)

  2. First of all thank you

    Nick153452 and KO for replying... I am from India indeed.


    I want to avoid daily drugs and applying solutions, it is one of the main reasons for me to go for transplant, do I have to take pills after transplant or is that kind of optional to keep my remaining hair intact?


    Nick your point about finding a good doctor and not one which is cost effective or closer to home is a very good one. I ll base me search of a good doctor on that.


    One more thing I d like to add is that I just want hair for the next 5 or so years (sounds silly i know).. After that I wont really have any problem keeping myself bald or with really short hair... For that reason I do not want to sacrifice my beard hair. I picture myself keeping a kick ass bald biker look :P


    Could you also tell me something about hair pieces, I really want to consider that option too...

  3. Hello, I am a 27 year old male, going bald for over 7 years now. Its genetic my father and elder brother are bald. I want my hair back, for that I have two options


    - Hair Transplant


    - Hair replacement OR what you call a hair piece


    I need sound advice in this regard, my goal is to achieve a good look, I dont mind letting ppl notice that I have had a transplant, while with the hair piece I may have a problem if people regularly ask me about it.


    Also if possible I am getting body hair transplanted to my scalp so that I can preserve hair at the back of my head for a later surgery or just for the thick haired look at back.


    Also point me to the possible pros and cons of both methods so I can take a well informed decision.


    Thanking you in advance, forever grateful for your advice(s)












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