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Posts posted by Nilsson

  1. Thank you all for the input.


    I would like to try finasteride but I have read some horror stories about the drug. Permanent libido damage or impotence? Sounds counterproductive! :P


    Can anyone explain the potential side effects? Is Procepia better than Pros car or generic?


    Also - what about natural options like saw palmetto, pygeum, nettle or pumpkin seed oil?


    Thanks guys! I appreciate your opinions.

  2. For the past year or so, I have watched my hair for signs of male pattern baldness. My mother's father was bald, so it was always a possibility. I am 25 years old.


    A few months ago, I joined the military and shaved my head bare for basic training. Now I am letting it grow in again, but I am worried about the density of hair I'm seeing! I have considered Rogaine, Finasteride and Nizoral ("the big 3"), but I am weary of the shedding and potential side effects. So far, I have only been taking Saw Palmetto for the past year as a preventative and currently take 585mg twice daily. I have also thought about a hair transplant, but I don't really know much about the procedure.


    My question is this:


    Are the pains of hair regrowth trial and error, potential shedding, and physical side effects worth the struggle - or should I simply accept my situation and bald gracefully like a Bruce Willis, Jude Law, Jason Statham badass? I have to keep my hair short for the military anyway. Check the pictures attached and give me your thoughts!


    TLDR: Give me advice on whether to start treatment or figure out how to look good balding.




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