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Posts posted by ChiaPetHead

  1. A little bit delayed in posting....But finally getting around to writing this.

    Had a procedure with Dr. Umar mid-March. I was scheduled for two days and 2000 graphs. 400 head, 300 chest, 1300 beard. Very low donor area dictated this selection. (A few transplants were done in the 90s and early 2000’s )

    The goal:

    1) Scar repair in the back of my head.

    2) fill-in area that has become bald from the receding hair on the sides of my head that have happened in the last 15 years. This has caused the transplanted hair from previous years in the middle of my head, to be more obvious.

    The plan was to use 800 beard hairs to repair/camouflage scars in the back of my head. The other 1200 were to fill in the area on both sides of my head, from hairline and extending toward the back. Basically, a 1“ x 2 1/2“ area on the left, and the same on the right.


    The actual procedure turned out to be one day only. This was due to the doctor having a very bad flu. He was a trooper and performed the day one procedure while sick. Day 2, wisely he stayed home. Because their schedule was already full for the week I was not able to finish my procedure at that time.


    The day 1 procedure: 400 graphs from my head, and 300 from chest.

    Transplanted to the sides of my head.

    700, instead of the 1200 total that would’ve been accomplished with the day 2 procedure.

    Scar revision/camouflage was not done. That was also going to be day 2

    It was disappointing everything was not completed because of the recuperating downtime I scheduled and planned for. Time off work and such. But.... no complaints. That’s the way it goes. I did have another procedure rescheduled for May (just to take care of the scar)… because I was so anxious to get that part finished, But just canceled that when reality set in. Can’t take time off work. Can’t prolong the ugly duckling period all the way through the summer. My hair is very thin back there and would not cover up the work on my scar areas. Client meetings, weddings, just general life would be extremely uncomfortable.

    My thoughts on the procedure that did take place: Of course it will take some time to see the growth until I know how it looks. I’m assuming it will be a bit thin because of the small amount of grafts that were placed.

    The procedure was less painful than I remember in the 90s. Also, I was surprised my head was not all bandaged up… Again, like they did in the 90s. Another difference, previous transplant had me hooked up to an IV the entire procedure. This time I was not. That’s a plus for me. The office staff was all very nice and seem to be knowledgeable and caring about every aspect. The chair was comfortable and they had a TV going where I was able to watch the NCAA basketball tournament games. My overall impression was the procedure was much more comfortable than what I remember from my previous procedures. And after we were done, 2 assistants walked me out and waited with me until my ride came. This was a car service they arranged for me. Nice touch.

    Dr Umar was quiet and serious during the procedure, but during consultations, and postop check ups, he is engaging, knowledgeable and is there to answer any and all of my questions. Very professional and a likable guy.

    It’s been just over six weeks, and as of now, there is the usual shock loss and shedding so I have less hair than I started with… But that’s to be expected. Recipient area is still red but looking better. The donor area of my chest has healed nicely. Just little red dots that are fading every day, and would probably not be too noticeable to anyone else.

    When the time is right for me, I will go back to Doctor Umar and have the scar taken care of and perhaps add some density to the sides if needed. For now, I anxiously await the new grafts to grow.

    I will try to add photos here of the before, during, and when I have growth, the after

  2. Just wanted to share this info that arose not from a HT, but from a cut I suffered when I slipped in the shower. I hit my my forehead, on the the shower handle with resulted in a two inch gash that was pretty deep and bleed profusely. I went to the emergency and received 6 staples to seal the gash. When i inquired about the possiblity of scarring, the doctor suggested I use an over the counter formula available at the local homeopathic store. During my 5 transplant procedures, I don't recall anyone suggesting a scar formula. These were done in the 90's and 2002 and 2003. Well....regarding my shower incident forehead gash, which went from my hair line to about 1 1/2 or 2 inched back ... It healed perfectly. No sign of any cut what so ever. This happened about 4 weeks ago so to me, the healing is astonishing...or maybe I got lucky with a skilled ER room dr. ( who was a beautiful woman who was maybe 30.... She looked like a actress who played a dr. On TV....but thats besides the point) This cut, although pretty deep, was clean and straight. Nothing was removed ( unlike an FUT) so no stretching or pulling was involved in the stitching , so maybe that is the big difference. But....it got me thinking.....maybe these little pills would help in the healing and prevention of scarring for those having a HT. They are simple, somewhat sweet tasting tiny pills that I put under my tounge every few hours for about a week, maybe week and 1/2. If I give the brand name, it'll sound like I'm selling these...which I most certainly am not. I just thought this info may be of value to someone who will be having a procedure and just maybe it'll help the overall results and appearance ...and the healing process, which for me wasn't easy.

    Anyways...here is what it is: bought at a homeopathic pharmacy, over the counter. ( can't remember the price but guessing maybe around $15 or so) Scar formula / active ingredients: calcares fluorica,Lachesis mutus,silicea,thiosinaminum / inactive ingredients: magnesium stearate,lactoseUSP. I'm sure if you go to a pharmacy like this, or do an Internet search, im sure you'll find some of these available. Maybe the HT clinics are already providing these. Are they ? If not...I wondering why not.

  3. Hi Blake, thx for the reply. My goals are to improve my overall look, and to appear as if I haven't had a transplant. I would like to be able to cut my hair shorter too. The big grafts that were put in during the 90's are bumpy and if I wanted to, I couldn't shave my head. I would love to smooth out my scalp, hid my scares in the back, and add to my sides, and if donor is available, add some density to the front. I know there isn't enough donor to cover the top as well. My other procedures have left me with precious few donor hairs. FUE is probably my only choice, which is fine. Sooooo....after reading various post, there seems to be some options that are available to improve my look. I never thought that beard or body hair was an option but apparently it is. I would consider that for my scars in the back. I have 2. The 90's plugs have been disgused by Dr Rassman in LA. He was the only dr that did satisfactory work for me. He rebuilt my hair line in front of the previous bigger grafts. Im very happy with his work. I'm considering having some of those bigger grafts split up if that will help my cause. Also, what's important to me, is to be able to do this work without looking horrible for 6 months. I would hope my front hair line can remain without shock loss to conceal the other work. I know I would have to get a shave down in order to do the FUE procedure, but I am able to disappear for 3 or 4 weeks to let it regrow. Maybe I'll go to the dr. in

    Bangkok. I can get lost in Thiland without worrying too much about my weird looking head. Next step is have a consultation with the Redondo dr who does repairs, dr. Rassman, and maybe 1 or 2 others. I hope someone can help without too much visual downtime. The money, and the 4 week disappearing act I can deal with....as long as there is a payoff at the end. This forum has been a great source of information and makes me more confident in this endeavor. I wish I had this available 25 years ago ! But...grateful now. Thanks everyone !

  4. I have cobble stoning from grafts that were put in during the 90's. Can this be reversed, fixed, deminished, removed ...anything ? Can the 'plugs' be taken out and split up and be replanted ? Has anyone had this done ? I would like the option to shave or wear my hair short at some point. With the bumps i have now, I dont think it'll work. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Hello all, I'm 50 and I've had 2 scalp reductions and 2 transplants in the early 1990's (Bosley LA,Ca) and 1 more transplant in the mid 90's. (Peter Straub Torrance,Ca) Not great results, so I went to NHI in Los Angeles in 2003. I lowered my hairline about and inch and filled in around the inferior work done 10 years prior. Much better results this time. Since then, the sides of my hair have come done a bit so I'm considering another procedure. Damn...I can't believe I'm doing this again. My donor area is depleted and I have the linear scars from the strips, so shaving and going super short doesn't seem to be an option. Or is it ? Also, I have 'cobble stoning' (bumps) from my 90's grafts. I will post photos soon, but at this point, I'm looking for suggestion on which doctor to visit for a consultation. Also...FUE or FUT...and beard hair and body hair...really? I live in LA, so Southern Calif is best, but I will go anywhere for best price and more importanly, quality. Suggestions ? ( yes, I have looked on the forum and see the recommended doctors and have looked at photos, but still...I want to make sure I get up to date referrals, thoughts and suggestions. Thanks !

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