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Posts posted by fukh

  1. It depends if the concealer is actually resting on your scalp, as opposed to within your hair. I believe when it comes into contact with the scalp and gets 'caked' onto it, this certainly can impede growth as the scalp can't breath as well. I know as I had the caking effect when I first started using concealer in Jan/Feb of this year. My own clinic recommended I try to avoid concealer for 3 months post ht and I intend to do so, if not even longer.


    hello johnny,


    How can you say it certainly effects growth? You have scientific data or personal experience? I think you are being overcautious. Also to me, it is impossible to use concealer without getting it into contact with scalp. By the way, i m currently in 3 months and have been using nanogen since 2 month mark. I am washing my scalp every night and things look very promising in terms of growth. by the way, sorry for the English, it is not my native language.

  2. First of all, sorry for my english, it is not my native language, so if i make a mistake

    feel free to correct it.

    Secondly, i want to thank you all of you, i have read this forum for 3 months and your

    comments are invaluable.

    I had a hair transplant 2.5 months ago and for 2 months i have been using finasteride.

    I slowly introduced into my body by using spex theory.

    first 2 weeks --> 2 x a week 0.5 mg

    3 weeks --> 3 a week 0.5 mg

    3 weeks --> 4 a week 0.5 mg


    Right now i have issues with increasing the frequency. Actually my hair feels stronger and

    healthier, but i am not sure 4 x a week 0.5 mg (every other day) is sufficient. The thing is,

    Right now i dont have serious side effects, just slightly reduced libido, ( very little,

    nothing to worry about and i am very positive about this will going back to normal if i will continue

    to use it) but i am thinking if i increase the frequency and if sides will kick in, maybe i'll

    be afraid ant stop taking it.I know finasteride isnt a one size fits all medication,

    but im wondering your expreiences and comments. And one last question, if i will take

    5 times a week, should i will take it M T W R F and skip the weekend or something different?


    Thank you again, and sorry for my english

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