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Posts posted by Paradude54

  1. This is an old thread, but I found this forum searching for a place in or near Nashville to arrest and replace what hair lose I currently have before it gets worse.


    One of the last posts about PAI was SERIOUSLY scary, and that's the place that up until yesterday I had an appointment with for a consultation. I cancelled when I found out that, "Dr. Botta is gone for the week, but you can come in for a consultation and we'll take care of you." No way in hell am I going to go in for anything like this and not see the doctor, but instead some technician that I know nothing about.


    The last post with a link and pictures of a treatment at a PAI center, but in a different city, put the nail in that coffin, so now I'm looking, researching and thinking, and discovering that when it comes to hair transplants, that the information on the internet is as one of my political science professors put it years ago, "the misinformation highway." Lots of information and each source conflicts with another, but I am leaning toward what's called FU or FUE (I think that that I have those names right) and found a doctor named Dr. Fisher in Nashville that seems to do just what I'm looking for.


    Any first hand experience on here with him???


    My avatar is my actual hairline, though it's about 2 years old, it hasn't changed much since then, and I've been on Finesteride for the last 6 months or thereabouts, for the purpose of stopping, not growing more hair. Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated. Hopefully this thread isn't so old that no one responds to it.




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