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Posts posted by matt74

  1. Yes I have been foolish and have fell foul to Advance Hair Studios 'Strand by Strand' treatment scam


    After paying my money and expecting my hair to by restored I ended up having my head shaved off and a crappy wig glued to my head. Simply disgraceful and utterly disgusting.


    Can any one help with my claiming my money back? Has anyone had success or advice in this area. I am willing to take it all the way to court and beyond if needed.


    I would really appreciate any form of advice what so ever.


    I am currently thinking of creating a press pack with shots of the 'wig' and how it looked to send off to the media to expose this shan company and also creating a youtube viral video of the wig so people know exactly what to expect.




    Seriously? All it takes is a little bit of time and an internet connection to research the subject before you go in and lay down your money without even the slightest idea of what you're actually getting into.


    Having said that Advanced Hair's advertising is misleading and that's one of the main reasons I'd never go near them. I use hair systems but went into it knowing what I was purchasing beforehand. I don't understand how you can make such a major investment without any research pior to booking a consultation but there seem to be alot of guys in your position.

  2. Hey Craig,


    Thanks man, my family think it looks great and I've had nothing but positive feedback from people. I've always worn a cap at work so no one there even knew I had a hair loss problem but over the last week I've started to take the cap off and will eventually stop wearing it all together just to gradually get people used to seeing me without it...no one there has noticed it.


    Only problem I have is that if I do any excersise or take a shower the glue on the hairline comes loose and I have to reglue it which is a pain in the arse but I'm going in for a check up and maintenance tomorrow afternoon so hopefully they can do something for me.

  3. This is what a lace base looks like:



    This is what a skin base looks like:



    A good quality version of either type will allow you to see the scalp without looking suspicious.


    Can you tell which of these yours is?




    Also, did they use adhesive all over your scalp? or just the edges? or did they use tape around the edges instead?



    I just ask these things because your good experience with World HS is making me very tempted to switch to them :P

    Just a bit further to drive is the only downside.


    Okay, it's a lace system. They used adhesive all over the scalp with no tape.


    I haven't had any dealings with other companies so can't compare but I can tell you that I'm very happy with the product and I'd recommend them to you if you're thinking of a change.


    I know what you mean about the distance, I'm making the trip out to Parramatta from Hurstville...a good 40 minute drive each way.

  4. Hey Matt. Congratulations, looks great!


    I thought the same thing about the front feeling too thick at first. Got used to it pretty quickly though. Yours doesn't appear unnaturally thick at all.


    May I ask what the base is like? Is it a lace? or a transparent plastic sheath?




    Also, here's some good tips for making them last longer without fading, getting dry or thinning (ignoring the fact that it's aimed at DIY wearers):

    How to care for your CoolPiece


    Thanks for the feedback, I'm really happy with the result and wish I'd done it earleir to be honest.


    I'm not sure what a lace system is but with this one you can see the scalp.

  5. Hey Matt,

    I'm sure that it will be fine - I don't want to stress you out. You’ve made a big decision and you are relying on their expertise to get the whole thing right.


    I have previously had a mould of my head taken to match the contour of my head so the piece can be made to match your head shape. Also it will ensure that you get good strong bond. However they might have a base that is flexible enough to allow it to fit the shape to your head without doing any mould. The colour thing is a pretty standard thing though.


    Did you decide to get it there and then because you've made up your mind?


    When I was at AHS, they had a similar product called NSG and I got 6 units a year and after they got the adhesive right, I didn't have to do any maintenance myself. However I was there every second Friday for a refusion, so it would be secure before my footy game on Saturday.


    Cheers mate - I'm sure it will be all good.


    Here's some pics of the hair system, overall I'm very happy with it and feel comfortable walking around with it in public...just feels like my own hair to be honest. The pics don't really do it justice in my opinion, looks more natural in person. Maybe a little thick around the front but some people have thick hairlines. Let me know what you think.


    I went for short around the back and sides and left some length on top so I can have options for styles. I have to go back in a week and the hair tech will do some adjusting and check everything is good then I go back every few weeks for clean ups etc...


    Couldn't be more happy with the service, all up front without hiding the price, friendly hair technician who gave me a good cut in. This will make a huge difference in my life, I'm feeling really good now.



  6. Last year I joined a hair club and am unhappy with the service. I received the two systems six weeks later than promised but I had them cut in at a salon which they employ. That was fine even though I was promised 'in house, styling. Unfortunately the free monthly attachments haven't materialised. I still go to the same salon to have it done but the hair club won't answer any calls from them and so I have to pay myself on top of my monthly fee. I think this is a breach of contract and just wondered if any of you have cancelled a contract and where You think I would stand if it went to court. Thanks in advance.



    That's not good, mind me asking which company you're using?

  7. Hey Matt,

    I'm sure that it will be fine - I don't want to stress you out. You’ve made a big decision and you are relying on their expertise to get the whole thing right.


    I have previously had a mould of my head taken to match the contour of my head so the piece can be made to match your head shape. Also it will ensure that you get good strong bond. However they might have a base that is flexible enough to allow it to fit the shape to your head without doing any mould. The colour thing is a pretty standard thing though.


    Did you decide to get it there and then because you've made up your mind?


    When I was at AHS, they had a similar product called NSG and I got 6 units a year and after they got the adhesive right, I didn't have to do any maintenance myself. However I was there every second Friday for a refusion, so it would be secure before my footy game on Saturday.


    Cheers mate - I'm sure it will be all good.


    I just decided that I didn't really want to mess around and I wanted to get something ontop of my head ASAP...lol.


    I figured that most of the larger companies that offer hair systems are offering pretty much the same service and a similar price with a similar product. That was my thoughts at the time.


    If it looks good it'll be the best thing I could possibly do for myself. My hair loss has really affected my life, I don't go out without a cap on, haven't had the confidence to meet girls or have a girlfriend since it started. I think this will change things if it looks good and I'm feeling good about the future.

  8. The fact that they didn't do a mould probably isn't anything to be too concerned about, but I don't know I've never ordered one myself.

    For me they did a very quick one just for a rough idea. Then once it came in and I was shaved they got the exact mould. The first one they got me was much larger than I needed so had plenty of cutting room.


    Do you happen to know what their opening hours are?


    They're open from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am to 12.30pm Saturdays.

  9. Hey Matt,


    Thanks for the feedback.


    I think the forms thing is pretty standard for the hair replacement clinics. I remember having to do the same thing when I first started at AHS. I think they also use the forms for general marketing stuff too, so they know how to target prospective clients.

    Did you get to look at any of their clients. If so, what was your impression. I guess the way Ashley and martin work is to get the young dudes on a regrowth plan and lock them in. Then they are too afraid to stop in case the they end up going bald. It’s like $4000 a year for propecia and other stuff to keep the hair they have.


    I’m not sure how old you are, but I would have been hooked by the sales pitch to keep my own hair. It sounds like you know your stuff and what will work for you. What made you decide a hairpiece was the right solution for your particular case?

    One to two weeks is a short time for the delivery of hairpiece. Are they custom making one specifically for you. Did they do a head mould and take hair samples?


    Mate, I’m super critical about my own hair, and I reckon I’ve developed a keen eye for other wearers, so I’m more than happy to provide candid feedback on the system when you get it.


    Good luck Matt.




    I couldn't see any of their clients as there were only two other guys in the studio at the time and they were both there for medical replacement therapy of some sort.


    They didn't do a head mold just a hair colour matching with hair swatches and that's all. Didn't think to ask about it at the time, now I'm a bit worried that they didn't do it as I may not be getting the best quality...too late now as I'm locked into a 12 month contract...I just hope it looks good.


    What do you think?



  10. Not at all surprised that they tried so hard to sell you the meds. They did that to me too and were extremely persistent.

    Funny thing is they charge like $4000 dollars per year for them too when you can get em for around $50 a year at a pharmacy.



    Some other things in this story do surprise me though. Mainly that you jumped in so quickly.


    May I ask which of their packages did you get?

    I hope you know which base they are making it in. That could depend on whether you can get the style you wanted.

    Also, did they order you the full cap? or just for ontop?


    Looking at their website, I think their prices are actually really good given that it includes unlimited servicing with no extra charge. I'll be keeping them in mind if I don't want to bother DIY'ing.


    Also surprised that they said a week or two. I thought it generally took more like two months.

    I hope you've grown your hair out long to make the switch more seemless. Using concealers like Caboki in the mean time makes the switch easier too. The unit will probably feel overly thick to you at the front at first.


    Hey there,


    The DIY method did occur to me but seemed too effort intensive so I decided to go for a place that could take care of everything for me and take the hassle out of it, I don't mind paying extra if it means I don't have to do the work myself.


    I went with the ultra thin base, looks pretty realistic and is supposedly the best type on the market, you can see the scalp through it. I took their 6 star package for 12 months.


    As for my current hair it's pretty long at the moment so should make cutting in fairly easy for them.

  11. Hi Matt - Good luck with your transition.


    I'd be interested to know how you get on with World Hair Systems.







    Went into World Hair Systems in Parramatta yesterday for my consultation, It's actually an Ashley & Martins but they don't tell you that on the web page for some reason. The place is on the 2nd floor of an office building with no advertising billboards so it's quite private which is good.They had me fill out a form with everything from medicare numbers to past health history etc...


    I had my consultation with a rep named Mat who tried to convince me to try talking pills and other stuff with his sales routine which I had no interest in. when I told him I was really only interested in a hair system his reply was that if I was content with wearing a 'wig' for the rest of my life and ending up bald that's okay ( A last passive aggressive attempt to make me cave in and buy his chemicals I guess)...he was polite about it though though. I did find it annoying they'd attempt to pitch their medical solutions at me for 20 minutes when I clearly stated I was only interested in a hair system.


    Once he realised I wasn't going to budge from my position he rang the Hair Systems department and took me to meet Tanya who does the cut ins and refusions, I decided to take the plunge and took out a 12 month contract that includes a new system every month with cut-ins and unlimited check-ins for maintenance, cleaning, so I could go in every week to have the system taken off and have the scalp cleaned or whatever which is good.


    I'm told that it could take a week or two for my system to arrive, I'll let you know how the cut-in goes...hopefully it'll look good I may post a pic or two for your opinion on the job if you don't mind being a critic. I doubt people close to me would be as truthful about it as someone like yourself who's been through the same thing.


    Cheers Craig,



  12. Nother young Aussie here who just joined the board.

    Just got into systems quite recently but have never talked to any fellow wearers before.

    AussieCraig, you at 22 reminds me a little of myself at 24. Did the whole concealers tricks and made a smooth transition to systems which no one noticed. Only did it under strange circumstances that I wouldn't have done otherwise too (although I wasn't tricked like that!).


    It encourages me alot to see that 7 years later you are still happy with them.

    I'm very happy so far as I've had a boost in self esteem and all round quality of life but I've had this lurking fear that I won't be able to afford them one day or I'll regret it eventually for some reason.


    Currently I pay too much. I go to one of the most expensive clinics (Not available in VIC) and get the top of the line skin base. Their service is amazing and they hold your hand through every step of the way and have found solutions to every issue I've had so far.


    Unfortunately I may have to start looking for cheaper options soon so I'll be keeping an eye out on these boards for advice on finding a good balance between quality and finances in this country.




    Is it an option to buy them in bulk from overseas and then pay a clinic to get them cut in? Or will the clinics tell you to F off since you didn't buy from them?




    I'm noticing alot the guys on this site that went the hair transplant route instead of hair systems seem like they are in hell with problem after problem. Making me more confident about my choice.


    Hi, are you in Sydney? would you mind telling me which clinic you go to?





  13. Did some guy who decided to stop wearing a piece tell people you wear one? what a prick.


    I've pretty much decided I'm getting one, I just have to make an appointment for a consultation. I workout and jog 4 or 5 times a week so I was wondering how it'll hold up with my lifestyle but if you can play footy with one I guess it should be okay.


    I'll probably go with World Hair Systems for convenience sake but I'm looking forward to having a full head of hair again, my hair loss has been causing me alot of pain over the last few years and it's time to do something about it....I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.

  14. I've never worn one before but my hairline is getting bad and it's time to do something about it. It makes me self conscious and I never leave the house without a cap on these days which is depressing.


    I've heard the latest hair systems they use these days are virtually undetectable so have decided to try it as I don't really suit the shaved head look...Do you think hair systems are the way to go?

  15. Yeah they're a part of Ashley & Martins who deal with hair systems and not replacement surgery or laser therapy. I like the fact that they offer yearly package deals which are all inclusive with bi monthly cut ins, maintenance and 6 systems a year...takes the hassle out of doing it yourself although I'll be paying more than if I were to do it myself.


    I was put off Advanced Hair by the bad feed back I've seen everywhere so wont be going to them although alot of the negativity seems to be from guys who didn't understand that "Strand by strand" is actually a hair system and not hair replacement. AH should be more straight forward about what strand by strand is in their marketing.

  16. Hey Craig, thanks for the reply. I'm actually in Sydney and they don't seem to have a location here unfortunately. I'd be glad to hear about your experiences with other companies.


    I was thinking about trying World Hair Systems because they're close by and offer yearly packages , have you been to them?

  17. I was wondering if there are any Australians here who could tell me what my best choices for a quality hair piece thats affordable and looks good?


    I'm having trouble finding any independent verification of quality, service and prices beyond the usual sales pitch you see on websites that are short on actual information and I want to be well informed before I lay down any money and risk being ripped off or unhappy with the result.


    Can anyone here share their experiences and quick reviews of international or Australian based companies?



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