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Posts posted by alpha8990

  1. No, but I tried generic 5% minoxidil, 8% trichogen and another 5% minoxidil mixed with nutrients and blockers and I can honestly say that it worked 100%. I'd even say it worked perfect but I'll save perfect in case a cure comes out that does require daily applications haha!


    I only tried finasteride as the pill and had too many negatives for far too few results. Topical finasteride hey? Let us know how it works! Also, be careful with 10% minoxidil, I have read several studies that suggest more than 5% can have many negative side effects.

  2. I only use topicals (with the exception of Saw Palmetto as a part of my regular supplements). I used propecia and generic finsateride for years and had no regrowth, though I believe it held my hair at bay. I quit finasteride because of side effects and cost and now, with only topicals, I have a full head of hair again (aside from occasional shedding).

    Topicals, if applied properly and consistently, worked amazing for me. My only advice is to be consistent and persistent. I wasted so much money, I only wish I had been doing this 15 years ago!

  3. TommyLucchese, thanks for the input and for looking at it from an unbiased perspective. I agree, and skeptics are necessary for applying pressure to provide concrete evidence and helps to regulate the facts of the world!


    You say you're not inclined to try trichogen, and that reminds me that somehow this post has turned into a trichogen post haha. I initially stated that combining trichogen with minoxidil and supplements worked very well for me, and I really want to stress here that I do not feel that trichogen alone could have ever provided this hair growth I have had. But ... I also do not feel that minoxidil alone would have either, especially since I tried minoxidil alone before.


    I believe that it would be fair to compare it to a diet. Most diets work, but only if they are followed strictly and the person on the diet keeps it up. What I have been doing here, applying these things to my hair three times a day, taking supplements twice a day - every day after day - I honestly do not believe many people would have the patience to maintain. I was that determined to grow my hair back, I was sick of expensive propecia which provided no regrowth, and I found a way, using extra small bottles to keep up the applications even when on vacation or away for work.


    Skeptics will always challenge the accuracy of anything that is not commonly revealed around them, but I honestly feel for anyone dishing out thousands of dollars to combat hair loss when I have gotten these results for so cheap. If a person were completely bald I can understand the skepticism even more and I think it may still be possible but would take way longer than it took me.

  4. Have you ever considered trying trichogen? Whether or not you continue to use finasteride is of course your own opinion, but I completely replaced it after using it for years. Frontal hair loss was the hardest to combat, but is now my least troubled area of all. Trichogen is actually one of the few thing I have been able to find through my research that is effective in the frontal area. Alone it isn't enough but with generic minoxidil and Lipogaine (for the added nutrients and DHT blockers), the treatment is still as cheap or cheaper than propecia and very effect. If you view my photos, you'll actually see that the best of my regrowth was in the front! I have no idea if this will work for you but you seem pretty bothered by what you're getting from finasteride so it might be worth the shot to give it a try!

  5. I used both Propecia and generic finasteride for many years and found very little to no difference. I no longer use either due to being tried of minor side effects, particularly the lowered sex drive and a little belly fat, and due to the fact that I now use minox and trichogen with supplements for far better results.

    I agree that it does make a difference where you get it. Before I quit finasteride I was getting it from Indian online sellers and eventually, after one going out of business and the other never being able to get my order past customs due to their giving away free Viagra samples with purchases that people kept stealing their shipments to obtain, I got fed up. I was told by a Canadian company that American sellers no longer support in anyway the finasteride obtained out of India because it is no longer regulated in any way.

  6. Ok, so I texted my hair dresser to ask for these photos she took a few hours before my last post and she sent me the photos through email. I am sure she thinks I am totally strange now, but she'd been cutting my hair for years so I didn't mind asking ha ha. She took these when she noticed my hair was actually getting thicker and my thinning spots getting smaller.


    For those interested the first photo was taken a few months after using 8% trochogen and minox, second photo was next hair cut about a month and a half later and third photo before another hair cut about a month after that.


    If you'll notice, I had some shedding from the minoxidil around the top back area, which has since grown in well! I also had some minox shedding in the left side which grew in too. I am expecting shedding once in a while and now understand that it is part of the minoxidil process.


    Hope this helps show the success I've been having since I tried mixing together a few cheap products. This stuff can be bought anywhere, just google 8% trichogen and minoxidil (both generic and Lipogaine, which is a nice solution of minox and other helpful ingredients). I also take Saw Palmetto as a very mild DHT blocker but not sure if that is making any difference.


    Good Luck if you try it!




  7. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I am just passing on information I thought might help. The stuff I use is cheap and I am not even mentioning a brand name here.


    I will quote myself:

    "I for one can confirm that trichogen is very effective. Not only because of a small amount of DHT blocking in the applied area, but because it provides many nutrients to the follicle - nutrient which are more effectively delivered when the delivery system is improved by the minoxidil as minoxidil is a vasodilator and widens blood vessels and opens potassium channels, allowing more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the follicle."


    I was not completely bald, I had very thin hair and my scalp was showing a lot. My hair follicles were not completely dormant, and be advised that minoxidil rapidly speeds up hair growth.


    I don't know what else to say here! Why would you or anyone else trying what I tried benefit me? I have a family and work and many other things to spend my time with, I posted here to help. I am well aware of wasted money on hair treatments because I wasted far too much on finasteride for years. Please stop making false assumptions.


    Also, in case it may help anyone compare their hair loss with mine, I may be able to get a hold of a few photos taken by my hair dresser with her smart phone when she first began to notice the regrowth but this was a few months after I started using trichogen and minoxidil together this way. They should still show the results pretty well!


    Isn't there anyone else out there that has used both minoxidil and trichogen together to combat their hair loss? Please comment on your experience if so!

  8. I just wanted to share that something worked well for me in case anyone else wants to try it.


    Finasteride comes with a lot of nasty side effects, so I wanted to offer info for others about an alternative that worked for me. Why are you being condescending? Nobody has to try it, I just felt why not share that I had results with something in case others may have same kind of hair loss and wanna try it. Why this bothers you, I have no idea.

  9. You seem to have some personal stance against the use of trichogen. As I said I do not want to turn this into a debate, only share my personal experience in the possibility that it may benefit others just as well.

    Trichogen has worked very well for me but only when I combined it with minoxidil. I noticed you also posted way back in this thread and said if there are no photos then it didn't happen. If you feel nothing outside the already proven and tested treatments will work then fine stick with that and I wish you all the luck! As for the question "How long you believe it would take to awake dormant hair follicles?" - the answer depends on many variables. If you tried trichogen and it didn't work for you then that's really too bad. I would definitely give it 6 months though and use it with minoxidil.

    Please don't take such things personally, life is far too short. I doubt my hair loss was much different from most other guys so personally, I honestly don't see why it wouldn't work with others. If you try it and it doesn't work I believe it's a great idea to go ahead and let others know of your personal experience. Outside of that I am not sure why you would put such effort into all your input. My reason is clear - I can't express how much happier I am now that I am no longer so self-conscious about my thinning and I truly would love to see others get the same results with such little cost.

    Regarding that site, you do realize that those referral links pay peanuts right? You'd have refer thousands to high-priced software and what not to make an actual profit. Links like those to a handful of hair products do not make enough money to pay for the hosting and domain name, let alone for the time taken to create a resource that may help others. Not to mention people can buy anything they want anywhere once they are given the knowledge to help them understand a potential new treatment for hair loss.

    Lastly, I NEVER said this is a cure. I can however remove many of the negative effects that happen with MBP. When an actual "cure" comes along, there will be more hair to work with!!

    I mean common, don't be negative - it really worked for me 100% honest here. Of course I can't know it would or wouldn't work for others! I just see no reason why I would be any different!

  10. The last poster is clearly posting out of ignorance. To say:


    "It's comical because Trichogen claims to work via a similar action as finasteride, by blocking 5 alpha reductase which reduces DHT, you know hormones."


    Good lord, I have been researching this for years and I assure you trichogen does not mess with hormones. DHT is regular testosterone converted, and finasteride actually reduces the amount converted initially. This then reduces the benefit of DHT to so many many many other needs of the body. At first it was thought that DHT was only needed early in life but this has since been proven wrong. Trichogen just helps to block it at the area applied, it doesn't mess with the hormones or the conversion of testosterone. Please don't comment without knowing the medical facts to date. Also, to claim it's a snake oil, may snuff out real hope in others, yet there is certainly far more evidence of it's effectiveness than there is of it being a snake oil. I have left trichogen out of my routine for 3 weeks to experiment and trust me it made a difference. Have you tried it combined with minox? This forum to my understanding is to share personal experiences not to trash others. I strongly believe after using finasteride for years and experiencing just some of the many documented side effects that finasteride is a huge mistake, but you won't see me criticizing anyone else for using it.

    Anyway I don't want to turn this into a debate, I am simply passing on information of something that made me very pleased in terms of results and thought it might help others. Please don't call me a salesman, I mean trichogen comes in many products. I only recommend that people use a product that has 8% trichogen because from my research and personal use, it is a minimum of 8% trichogen that is effective. I use this with both a generic minoxidil and a minoxidil that is in a solution of other beneficial ingredients. I certainly won't mention any product names and thus avoid being accused of sounding like a salesman. :)

    Last of all, please don't call that study a joke. That's how all studies are done! I for one can confirm that trichogen is very effective. Not only because of a small amount of DHT blocking in the applied area, but because it provides many nutrients to the follicle - nutrient which are more effectively delivered when the delivery system is improved by the minoxidil as minoxidil is a vasodilator and widens blood vessels and opens potassium channels, allowing more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the follicle.. Again, I stress the routine of application is critical to it's effectiveness. Minoxidil is best absorbed with an alcohol base while trichogen is absorbed best with a water/oil base. Don't take them at the same time! This would be counter-productive.

  11. Yes I can confirm Trichogen works, but not on it's own! I have experimented with combinations and it takes patience and consistent treatment but it's easy, just a few minutes a day really. What baffles me the most is that so many people try one product or the other and just assume if it doesn't work then that's all they can do. The hair loss treatment products available today all work in different ways and target hair loss from different approaches.

    The lady who has been cutting my hair and the other hair dressers in the same salon all are astounded by the hair growth I have had. I was practically bald on the top of my head with only side hair left in full. I have been contacted by several of their other clients and I tell them the same thing .. it's NOT propecia or messing with your hormones that will work, it's so much more simple than that. Also, if I am having a busy work week, or traveling, I simply use a few small empty bottles from product I have used and take them with me so I don't miss an application. It dries fast, takes only a few minutes and I will never let my hair go back to balding like it was again. NEVER. After ten years of a huge bald spot and messing with Toppik and messy cover ups I am not taking this for granted!!

  12. There is definitely an alternative! I quit propecia and have hair than ever. I started experimenting with minoxidil and trichogen and had such great results, I have never looked back to finasteride since. No more messing with my hormones and more hair then I had 15 years ago. It's a matter of being constant and patient and being able to take a few minutes three times a day to apply the stuff.

  13. I bought from online Indian sellers for several years and always had to wait too long. One of the online stores went out of business, and another lost my order twice in a row. I went 3 months without it and decided to quit since I felt so much better. I then started experimenting with minoxidil and trichogen and had such great results, I have never looked back to finasteride since. No more messing with my hormones and more hair then I had 15 years ago ... the Indian online mess was the best thing to ever happen to me.

  14. Anyone that claims trichogen is a snake oil most likely has not tired it consistently or in an effective rotation with minoxidil. They are absorbed differently. I've experimented and I can assure you that trichogen works well and it works fast. Also, studies suggest that the effects of trichogen will remain positive over continued use and not diminish as minoxidil has shown to do (after 5 or more years and not in all cases). Hair loss is caused by both a cut off to the supply of nutrients and a build up of DHT which, once formed, attaches itself to the androgen receptors on the hair follicles in your scalp and makes it hard for them to produce new growth - thus the slow demise of the follicle. These treatments are not a cure, they simply decrease the amount of DHT and stimulate the follicle largely through prolonging the Anagen phase of hair cells, which promotes their growth. Trichogen and minoxidil work together very well to accomplish this reviving of the follicles. It needs to be done with the proper daily applications and with the available time and patience. Not everyone can accommodate such a commitment, but it literally only takes a few minutes each application.

  15. I took Propecia and generic finasteride for years. I definitely had side effects, and after quitting it last December for a more effective and cheaper routine of Minoxidil, Trichogen and simple supplements, I became immediately aware of the side effects I had!! I lost belly fat, gained sex drive, morning erections, energy, and the list goes on. I have spent years and years reading researching and learning and the bottom line is that finasteride messes with your natural hormone balance of T and DHT. Scalp application of DHT blockers is the best way to go in my experience. I have more hair .... FAR more hair than I ever had with finasteride. Hope my 2 cents worth helps!!

  16. I took Propecia for years and then generic finasteride for another 4 years. I found little results and quit it last December once I found a more effective and cheaper routine using minoxidil and trichogen with simple supplements.

    Let me say, I DID HAVE SIDE EFFECTS - But I didn't know till I stopped!! Once I stopped the finasteride I lost belly fat, gained sex drive, morning wood, energy and more. I also have far more hair lol! I have to say in my case the side effects crept up on me and I had no idea whatsoever I had them until I stopped. I will NEVER mess with my natural hormone balance again. I researched a massive amount of information on this over the past 15 years and basically DHT is still needed for very important bodily functions. Blocking DHT on the scalp only is totally the way to go in my opinion and experience. This way the natural balance of DHT to T is not disturbed.

  17. I did the whole propecia and generic finasteride thing for years. Once I quit it last December, I found out I had side effects for ages that slowly came upon me. I gave up because I found a far better and cheaper solution using minoxidil and trichogen, but it was when I gave up that I realized I DID have side effects from the finasteride. They creep up on ya, because when I gave up, I lost belly fat, gain sex drive, morning wood, energy and just overall felt better! PLUS I now have more hair than ever so it was a win win situation for me.

  18. Propecia will not work at all for frontal loss in my experience. I quit taking finasteride completely. Frontal hair loss can be treated with trichogen when used with minoxidil in a consistent routine. I have had amazing results and after 6 months of combining products I have more hair than I did 5 years ago.

  19. I took generic finasteride for about 7 years. It did keep my hair loss curbed a little but I stopped taking it for a much cheaper and more effective solution of products with a routine I stick to. Honestly, finasteride was slowly sucking the life out of me. I had less energy, a little belly fat, less sex drive. I had no idead until I stopped taking it and these symptoms were reversed completely. Now I feel better and have a full head if hair so stopping it was the best move I made by far when it comes to my hair. I won't post the link to the site that details my current routine because I respect the rules of this forum, and it's far too much to type here ha. Basically though I use minoxidil, trichogen, and a few cheap supplements through a routine I follow daily.

  20. Hi guys,


    I re-joined this forum, as my previous username (Alpha79) was removed. I apologize for adding my link there, I just thought it was easier than explaining all that info when it was already there. Plus it had links to searches for the products and no, not affiliated with those products - just amazon links which as many of you know pays peanuts for low cost products like hair treatments. I do respect the terms of use here and will not re-post links.

    As for having pics I am sorry you assume it never happened without photos, but I assure you I was doing everything possible to hide my hair loss not photograph it lol. However, the lady that cuts my hair and has been for about 5 years now, did take a couple of photos on her cell phone once she noticed that I was regrowing my hair. She wanted to show other clients she has and direct them to the info online. She was floored by the growth and frankly I am still floored. The information I was referring to on that site makes perfect sense and I simply stuck to it. I am going to get her to email me those pics and I will post them on here for you guys. It's not a cure, it simply undoes what hair loss does .. and as soon as you stop the hair will be lost again. I am fine with that. If a cure does come one day I will have my hair!!

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