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Posts posted by B-KW

  1. This might sound a strange thing to say, but in hindsight i wish id asked for more documented results from this clinic.


    When i was in the consultation they only seemed to have 9 or 10 results to show me. And most of those were ones i had already seen online..

    So to get there and only be shown ones id already seen was a bit concerning. He should have hundreds of results surely?!!


    I dont regret anything, as all seems to be healing well, however i just wanted to let people know this.



    I've been on the German forums, there still aren't many full grown results.


    True, Demirsoy just doesn't "market" himself as much as most HT doctors do. I actually asked him why he had such a small amount of results and through the translator he mentioned something along the lines of "most patients never come back" lol lets just hope they were all happy enough with their results not to come back! :D


    In all honesty though, the work speaks for itself and I for one would definitely go back if i had more donor hair to spare :)

  2. Hey guys, so busy with work sorry! snapped a few quick pics on my phone just now (hair slightly wet) and edited 2nd picture with a description. notice the hair right behind transplanted temple points is slowly beginning to recede, there was no hair transplanted in that new'ish bald spot and demirsoy warned me that it would eventually happen. I'm still very pleased with demirsoy's results so far! Not so pleased with avodart as it has done little to none in the crown area. Will stay on the meds though just to preserve what i have. I will most likely need a second pass for density and to address the issue with temple points. I also need to fill in that damn empty crown with some bht. If not this summer then maybe next.




  3. Thank you Clemens and Cloudy. Trust me though, my hair is nowhere near as thin as it looks like in those pictures from uptop, i think the angle of the hairs standing straight + length + flash makes most of the hair almost invisible :o


    Clemens, do you know if Dr. Demirsoy would consider doing body hair transplant in the future? I would be your first customer and test guinea pig if you like :D


    More updates in the future, bye for now..

  4. Biotin for the first 2 months. Stopped after i found out that i wasn't deficient. The pills are a waste of money unless you are deficient IMO. I get plenty of this stuff from all the dairy products in my diet.



    Avodart 0.5mg daily for the past 6 months. Haven't seen much growth in the crown yet but will continue taking it either way just to limit further hairloss.



    Minoxidil 5% on and off for the past 6 months. Only recently have i been applying it consistently twice daily. I wash it off before bed because it gives me eczema flare ups if it transfers from the pillow to my face.



    Vit D 50k IU once every 1-2 weeks because i hate the sun :P

  5. JimmyJohn i'm a little confused that you mentioned H & W, my procedure was done by Dr. Demirsoy but thank you for the kind words.


    Panelist thank you for the compliment. I am quite happy with my hair for the time being. It looks much fuller under a natural setting, nothing like these pictures where lighting is very harsh. And like you said i still have a few more months for potential growth. Also, i am considering having a second procedure 2-3 years down the line. I might be able to squeeze out another 1-1.5k scalp donor grafts and combine that with some body hair to fill in the crown (which was left empty) and add more density to other areas.

  6. Sounds about right to me, for my precedure with Demirsoy i stayed 3 nights (4 days total). day 1 was just airport to hotel, 2nd was consult + surgery 1500 grafts, 3rd day was another 1500 grafts, 4th day was followup wash then straight to the airport. If you're only staying 2 nights (3 days total) then u might be missing out on the followup wash day or u might have ur procedure started on the same day you arrive. Best of luck.

  7. Hey all, as promised here are my 6 month post op photos. I actually had these taken a few hours ago at a nearby studio just to give you guys a more honest result. Also please note that my hair is cut very short (3 guard) compared to my pre-op pictures. Since the hair is so short and spiked upwards naturally, it looks kinda thin from uptop but from normal frontal view i think it looks great and im really happy with the hairline. Oh and the donor does look alot thinner but if i were to grow hair out similar to pre-op i think it wouldnt look too bad. All in all i am happy with my result so far. Let me know what you guys think :)




  8. I am very happy about your improvement and i hope i will be more happy for you in the coming days, i know how hard stiuations you have been through especially with your donor area, my situation is very similar as yours, so im looking forward to seeing your 6 months pictures. So can we say HT has compensated your expectations a little bit until now?



    Growth wise yes, Demirsoy delivered and i am very thankful for his help. By the looks of it i'd say 85% or more of the grafts transplanted have grown. But saying that Demirsoy pulled a miracle off and gave me full coverage with 3000 grafts would be a lie. My hair remains somewhat thin, not only due to lack of donor supply for the HT but also the hair follicles themselves being very weak and thin, most likely a result of low blood supply to the scalp from 10+ years of heavy smoking. Anyway, it feels great to have some hair now and everyone i know has given me nice compliments about my improvement. Will upload new pictures in about 2 weeks.

  9. Hey there B-KW, your transplant looks great. I was wondering, do you have any idea if Dr Demirsoy performs unshaven FUE operations as well?


    Hey EvenSteven, i don't think Demirsoy performs unshaved FUE. You might want to ask his agent or call the clinic to make sure as there is a small chance that i might be wrong. Demirsoy does not use an implanter pen so my guess is that it would be hard to perform unshaved FUE without one. Closest thing i've seen to unshaven from Demirsoy was another forum member who opted to keep the hair long in non recepient/donor areas. Link to his thread below.



  10. Excellent results but a others have stated that is not a nw6. I would also like to know if medication was prescribed after the surgery.


    Demirsoy advised me to take bition 1000mg daily and apply minoxidil twice a day starting from 2-3 weeks post op for a duration of 6 months.This is the same thing he tells all of his patients as far as im aware.


    I highly doubt the biotin will do much unless the patient is deficient and in my case i wasn't so i decided to stop about a month later. Minoxidil though could help speed up results and make the recepient area look better in 6 months especially if the patient ends up regrowing some original hair. However, from what i've read it seems that faho is now only applying minox to his crown area instead of the whole recepient. If that is the case then i would be interested in seeing an update with the effects of minox wearing off the hairline etc. I'd say if faho stopped minox at 6 months as per doc's instructions then at 12 month mark hair would be stable if any shed occured after discontinuation of minox.

  11. Asiandude yes, on day 1 approximately 1500 grafts were taken from the left side of donor. Day 2 was similar but done on the right side. The majority of grafts came from safe zone but some were removed from the sides above ears which are not guaranteed to live long-term as i had some diffuse loss in that area. The doctor only did this as to not overharvest/damage my back donor. Check the pictures below.



    Stinger, yes i am aware that 3000 grafts cannot cover an area so large but it should hopefully help shape my face better and like you said will look good with a short hair cut. Also hoping that dutasteride works for me but from what i've read it usually kicks in around 7-9 months so a long way to go.





  12. Day 1 Post Surgery 2547 grafts implanted, nightmares all night of the nurse saying “Anaesthesia” then stabbing me with a needle.


    Loool exactly ....that was the worst part


    Ahahahaha "Pain?" "F!@# YES PAIN STAAAAHP IT!" :D


    Congrats to both of you on the procedure. Happy growing ;)

  13. Not too bad i guess. Today is approximately 3 months 1 week post op. Keeping my hair short. Left picture pre-op (just to refresh your memory) and right picture taken today. Noticable change as the transplanted area is much darker now. I'd say i'm around half the density that i would like. Results could have been faster had i remained on rogain as suggested by Dr. Demirsoy but i chose to stop 4 weeks into treatment due to frequent eczema/dry skin on face. Sticking to 1 dutasteride pill a day only. Let me know what you guys think but keep in mind still early days :o



  14. Dry skin/flaking/dandruff is normal after having all those incisions made on your scalp. It will continue for a few days/weeks before and even after your scabs have fallen but will gradually decrease as time goes by.


    When you mention "hair shafts coming off" im guessing you're referring to hairs falling off with the scabs? If so then you have nothing to worry about as this often happens. As long as you are not seeing the full graft or fresh blood then you should be fine.


    Happy growing.

  15. Your results look similar to mines, fairly decent growth for 3 months in my opinion. Mind if i ask, did you have your operation done in June? I might have barely missed you as i was having mines done on 24/25th June but had a chance to meet 2 other patients (one had his procedure the day before me and the other during my followup). Goodluck with your future growth!

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